The Pollard "release" by Obama is very sneaky

I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
Yeah and after that maybe they can put California in the sea. Which after this deal, Iran will soon have the ability to do that.

So, under the terms of the deal...Iran, having barely enough centrifuges to manufacture electricity for their country will have the ability to put California in the sea?


Oy Vey! These stupid goyim believe ANYTHING from our media.
Okay when they do will you accept responsibility?

I can see you have absolutely no understanding of the terms of the Iran deal, the implications of it, or the long term consequences.

You only know the BS the jewish propaganda machine has fed you.

I won't ask you why you are dumb enough or neurotic enough to believe the daily propaganda.
So you trust Iran?
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
Yeah and after that maybe they can put California in the sea. Which after this deal, Iran will soon have the ability to do that.

So, under the terms of the deal...Iran, having barely enough centrifuges to manufacture electricity for their country will have the ability to put California in the sea?


Oy Vey! These stupid goyim believe ANYTHING from our media.
Okay when they do will you accept responsibility?

I can see you have absolutely no understanding of the terms of the Iran deal, the implications of it, or the long term consequences.

You only know the BS the jewish propaganda machine has fed you.

I won't ask you why you are dumb enough or neurotic enough to believe the daily propaganda.
So you trust Iran?

For your answer.....Look at my new thread entitled...
Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal
There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.
The exodus? That is your proof? Lol it did not happen. Just a story. There is more proof that the Iliad happened then exodus. Joshua conquering the cainites did not happen either. No walls came down with a horn. In fact the people who settled the area were cainites. Yes there may have been a small group of exiles that came from Egypt hence the name Yahweh actually from Egypt. but they were not the Israelites. lol the bible is not a history. Read the Iliad if you want to read history told in a fantasy story way.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.
The exodus? That is your proof? Lol it did not happen. Just a story. There is more proof that the Iliad happened then exodus. Joshua conquering the cainites did not happen either. No walls came down with a horn. In fact the people who settled the area were cainites. Yes there may have been a small group of exiles that came from Egypt hence the name Yahweh actually from Egypt. but they were not the Israelites. lol the bible is not a history. Read the Iliad if you want to read history told in a fantasy story way.

Amazing how their proof is a book of fairy tales, isn't it?
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.
The exodus? That is your proof? Lol it did not happen. Just a story. There is more proof that the Iliad happened then exodus. Joshua conquering the cainites did not happen either. No walls came down with a horn. In fact the people who settled the area were cainites. Yes there may have been a small group of exiles that came from Egypt hence the name Yahweh actually from Egypt. but they were not the Israelites. lol the bible is not a history. Read the Iliad if you want to read history told in a fantasy story way.
wrong satan worshiper.
Who's pollard, and why should I give a shit?

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954) was a United States government employee who pleaded guilty in 1987 to selling classified NUCLEAR information to Israel while ...

Fixed it for you.

Mod Edit: You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box.

Somehow I'm not surprised you'd get spanked for a TOS violation. I'm guessing you've been banned at any number of other forums - perhaps even this one - for all manner of stupidity.

I did notice you forgot to post a link to your claim that Pollard pled guilty to "selling classified NUCLEAR information to Israel" and we both know why.

I also find interesting that 2 former Sec of States - based on the findings of others on the inside - have recommended Pollard's release:

"Former Secretary of State George Shultz also wrote a letter to President Obama on January 11, 2011, urging that Jonathan Pollard sentence to be commuted. He stated, "I am impressed that the people who are best informed about the classified material he passed to Israel, former CIA Director James Woolsey and former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Dennis DeConcini, favor his release."

In 2011, Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State declared that the time had come to commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard. On March 3, 2011, Kissinger wrote a letter to President Obama stating, "having talked with George Shultz and read the statements of former CIA Director Woolsey, former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman DeConcini, former Defense Secretary Weinberger, former Attorney General Mukasey and others whose judgement and first-hand knowledge of the case I respect, I find their unanimous support for clemency compelling. I believe justice would be served by commuting the remainder of Jonathan Pollard's sentence of life imprisonment."

Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.

He spied for a country that is purported to be our ally; by a media that consists of the SAME ethnic group whom our alleged ally is comprised of.

They aren't our ally. They never have been and they never will be.

With an "ally" like Israel, we do not need any deadly enemies.

Our media consists of many honorable, hard-working people from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, none of whom report facts that support your Nazi-ish conclusions.
What a shock!
BTW, about 20% of Israel's CITIZENS are not of the ethnicity you so thoroughly despise. See how that works?
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.

He spied for a country that is purported to be our ally; by a media that consists of the SAME ethnic group whom our alleged ally is comprised of.

They aren't our ally. They never have been and they never will be.

With an "ally" like Israel, we do not need any deadly enemies.

Yeah, you know what, I'm not surprised that our Hollywood driven news media mistakenly believes no harm was done, so why is pollard sitting in prison

"Hollywood driven news media?" I take it you are trolling the Nazi troll. Nice work.
In fact 2 former US Secs of State and a small army of insiders believe Pollard has long overstayed his time in our prison system.
Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.

when you are the kind of asshole who steals someone else's land because a magic fairy in the sky said to, you kind of bring it on yourself.

That's a interesting rationalization for a loony leftist who promotes another genocide of Joooz.
Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.

when you are the kind of asshole who steals someone else's land because a magic fairy in the sky said to, you kind of bring it on yourself.

You mean like the "Palestinians" did to those before them? And the Ottomans before them? If you go back far enough it is obvious who was there first. Unless your point is he who gets the land is he can hold it, in which case it's the Israeli's land because not only are they holding it they're making it better than when they arrived.

Your argument fails on multiple points.

On virtually every point and in every thread. I've rarely encountered a more strange mix of hate, ignorance and stiffed-necked arrogance in a poster.
Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.
The exodus? That is your proof? Lol it did not happen. Just a story. There is more proof that the Iliad happened then exodus. Joshua conquering the cainites did not happen either. No walls came down with a horn. In fact the people who settled the area were cainites. Yes there may have been a small group of exiles that came from Egypt hence the name Yahweh actually from Egypt. but they were not the Israelites. lol the bible is not a history. Read the Iliad if you want to read history told in a fantasy story way.
wrong satan worshiper.
"The consensus is that there was never any exodus of the proportions described in the Bible.[15] According to Exodus 12:37–38, the Israelites numbered "about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children," plus many non-Israelites and livestock.[16] Numbers 1:46 gives a more precise total of 603,550 men aged 20 and up.[17] The 600,000, plus wives, children, the elderly, and the "mixed multitude" of non-Israelites would have numbered some 2 million people,[18] compared with an entire Egyptian population in 1250 BCE of around 3 to 3.5 million.[19] Marching ten abreast, and without accounting for livestock, they would have formed a line 150 miles long.[20] No evidence has been found that indicates Egypt ever suffered such a demographic and economic catastrophe or that the Sinai desert ever hosted (or could have hosted) these millions of people and their herds.[21] It is also difficult to reconcile the idea of 600,000 Israelite fighting men with the information that the Israelites were afraid of the Philistines and Egyptians.[22]

Some scholars have rationalised these numbers into smaller figures, for example reading the Hebrew as "600 families" rather than 600,000 men, but all such solutions have their own set of problems.[23] The view of mainstream modern biblical scholarship is that the improbability of the Exodus story originates because it was written not as history, but to demonstrate God's purpose and deeds with his Chosen People, Israel.[5] The most probable explanation of the 603,550 delivered from Egypt (according to Numbers 1:46) is that this number is a gematria (a code in which numbers represent letters or words) for bnei yisra'el kol rosh, "the children of Israel, every individual;"[24] while the number 600,000 symbolises the total destruction of the generation of Israel which left Egypt, none of whom lived to see the Promised Land.[25]

Attempts to date the Exodus to a specific century have been inconclusive.[37]1 Kings 6:1 says that the Exodus occurred 480 years before the construction of Solomon's Temple; this would imply an Exodus c.1446 BCE, during Egypt's Eighteenth Dynasty.[38] However, it is widely recognised that the number in 1 Kings is symbolic,[39] representing twelve generations of forty years each.[40] (The number 480 is not only symbolic – the twelve generations – but schematic: Solomon's temple (the First Temple) is founded 480 years after the Exodus and 480 years before the foundation of the Second Temple).[41] There are also major archeological obstacles in dating the Exodus to the Eighteenth Dynasty: Canaan at the time was a part of the Egyptian empire, so that the Israelites would in effect be escaping from Egypt to Egypt, and its cities were unwalled and do not show destruction layers consistent with the Bible's account of the occupation of the land (e.g., Jericho was "small and poor, almost insignificant, and unfortified (and) [t]here was also no sign of a destruction". (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2002).[42]"

Ok this was taken from Wikipedia, it is actually a relatively favorable consensus about the exodus but as you can see that it really did not happen. but you can verify it. Your claim is that Israel received the land from texts in the bible. But as you can see the bible is all over the place and none of it makes sense, when you look at all the factors. Even biblical scholars agree that the exodus is just an exemplified story to give validity to gaining land. But hey as an American we did the same to the native Americans. So I really cannot bitch about it too much. It's the way of life.

Sigh and calling me satan worshiper.....hmm you know that's not even from the bible right? You get all the satan stuff from the likes of Dante, and all the inspired ,albeit good, art work of the medival period. But ,hey, of course you know that as a Christian.
Not hardly.

"The sinicization of Tibet is a term used by some critics of Chinese rule in Tibet to refer to the cultural assimilation that have occurred in Tibetan areas of China (including Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding Tibetan-designated autonomous areas) which have made these areas more closely resemble mainstream Chinese society. They say that these changes have been most evident since the incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China in 1950/51 and have been facilitated by a broad range of active economic, social, cultural and political reforms introduced to Tibetan areas by the Chinese Government over the last six decades. Critics also point to the government-sponsored migration of large numbers of Han Chinese into the Tibet Autonomous Region as a major component of sinicization."

Guy. funny you should mention that. My own heritage is German, Cherokee, Irish, Dutch and English.

Guess what. My grandfather changed the pronunciation of his last name to make it sound more American, and went by "Louis' instead of "Ludwig", which is what his parents named him. But that's what he volunteered for, unlike my Cherokee great-grandmother, who kind of got a shitty deal.

In fact, China has a policy where until recently, Han Chinese were limited to one child per couple, but ethnic minorities like the Tibetans are allowed two per couple. The fact is, there are a billion plus han Chinese and only 12 million Tibetans... yeah. they are going to be on the losing end of that proposition, just like the Cherokee.
Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.

when you are the kind of asshole who steals someone else's land because a magic fairy in the sky said to, you kind of bring it on yourself.

That's a interesting rationalization for a loony leftist who promotes another genocide of Joooz.

You know what, when you pick a fight that you lose, it isn't 'genocide', it's "suicide".

The Palestinians are doing EXACTLY what Americans or anyone else would do under the same circumstances.
Israel wants U.S. to release its spy but not as compensation for Iran deal

Israel reacted with cautious optimism Sunday to the news that the spy Jonathan Pollard might be released on parole from a U.S. prison in November after serving 30 years of a life sentence. But Israeli leaders stressed that Pollard’s freedom would not derail their plans to vigorously oppose the Iran nuclear deal.

Israel wants U.S. to release its spy but not as compensation for Iran deal - The Washington Post

Or ask for huge amounts of more money!
Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.

when you are the kind of asshole who steals someone else's land because a magic fairy in the sky said to, you kind of bring it on yourself.

That's a interesting rationalization for a loony leftist who promotes another genocide of Joooz.

You know what, when you pick a fight that you lose, it isn't 'genocide', it's "suicide".

The Palestinians are doing EXACTLY what Americans or anyone else would do under the same circumstances.
Not exactly as under the same circumstances presented by the 1947 UN Partition Plan any other group of stateless outcasts, as the Palestinians were among their own Arab peoples,
would have jumped at the chance to live in peace and autonomy in their own
gifted nation.

Instead, the Palestinians took the UN resolution 181 as a green light to attack and murder their neighbors as they vowed to drive them into the sea.
There is only one group absolutely responsible for whatever misery and deprivations the Palestinians live under and that is the Palestinians themselves
who have declared a state of war against Israel from day one and carried it out
to the best of their abilities.

Israel is the only nation on earth expected to live alongside people dedicated to
murdering them all and not do a damned thing about it.

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