The Pollard "release" by Obama is very sneaky

And then what? Into the ovens? I'll bet that'd be okay with you.
Not all Israelis are from Europe. I don't know if you are aware.

Yeah, actually, they are. It's just some of them got to the Middle east through Spain.
No. Israelis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They aren't.

Ziopedia? LOL

A History Department Bans Citing Wikipedia as a Research Source
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
You deal in crack pot paranoia and anti Semitic drivel. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Go away.
The issue isn't settled. Whatever Israel started out as, it's become an apartheid state that violates the notions of UN membership. The fact it tries to pull some of the same shit South Africa pulled with "Homelands" is the problem.
You would do well not to get your talking points from discredited leftist sources because Israeli law makes no distinctions between Jewish and non Jewish citizens (of which there are many including Arabs in the Israeli Knesset).
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Does this seem like "apartheid" to you? Not to me.
Do they tightly control who does and does not enter their borders? You bet!
Constantly having buses, buildings and people blown up will do that.

no, not really. The Zionist Entity is 68 years old. It's actually kind of doubtful something called "Israel" was a thing. The archeological evidence is a bit scant and doesn't really back up the book about the talking snakes.
The nation of Israel is known by scholars and archaeologists to go back to at least 2,000 BCE and it's dealings with other nations in antiquity is proof of that.
Only a holocaust denier would also deny the very historical record of the nation.
Too funny.

I want to see the Zionists driven into the sea, and maybe, just maybe they will finally get it through their thick skulls THAT THERE IS NO GOD.

Then they can get on with their lives.
Maybe the fact that they survive
against the fevered wishes of hateful anti Semitic scum is proof there is a God.
Who knows? They certainly aren't going anywhere. Deal with it.

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Weird religion you guys have. Smh.
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
You deal in crack pot paranoia and anti Semitic drivel. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Go away.

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Weird "religion" you guys have.
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
You deal in crack pot paranoia and anti Semitic drivel. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Go away.

Anti-Gentile, Anti-Christian hate, much?
You would do well not to get your talking points from discredited leftist sources because Israeli law makes no distinctions between Jewish and non Jewish citizens (of which there are many including Arabs in the Israeli Knesset).
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Does this seem like "apartheid" to you? Not to me.
Do they tightly control who does and does not enter their borders? You bet!
Constantly having buses, buildings and people blown up will do that.

Since the Arab members of the Knesset aren't allowed to join any ruling coalitions, and you have politicians running against the Arabs like Bibi did, yeah, that's still Apartheid.

If half your population is making war on the other half, and you try to control it through use of force, that's apartheid.

The nation of Israel is known by scholars and archaeologists to go back to at least 2,000 BCE and it's dealings with other nations in antiquity is proof of that.
Only a holocaust denier would also deny the very historical record of the nation.
Too funny.

I didn't deny the Holocaust. I denied the existence of Israel as described in a book that also includes Giants, Talking Snakes, Talking Donkeys, Satyrs, Sea Monsters and the ability of seas to part. You know, when a book contains all that sort of crazy shit, you have to take the rest of it's claims with a grain of salt. Or at least have some serious archeological evidence it existed.

There's really no evidence of a Judean State before the fifth Century BCE.

Maybe the fact that they survive
against the fevered wishes of hateful anti Semitic scum is proof there is a God.
Who knows? They certainly aren't going anywhere. Deal with it.

No, there never was a God. The sooner we outgrow the God Delusion, the better.

Also, since the Arab-Israeli conflict is Semites vs. Semites arguing over who a Magic Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to, you really can't play the "anti-Semite" card with any credibility.
You would do well not to get your talking points from discredited leftist sources because Israeli law makes no distinctions between Jewish and non Jewish citizens (of which there are many including Arabs in the Israeli Knesset).
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Does this seem like "apartheid" to you? Not to me.
Do they tightly control who does and does not enter their borders? You bet!
Constantly having buses, buildings and people blown up will do that.

Since the Arab members of the Knesset aren't allowed to join any ruling coalitions, and you have politicians running against the Arabs like Bibi did, yeah, that's still Apartheid.
Please provide proof of that claim
and members of the Knesset are politicians. Why shouldn't other politicians be able to run against them? Don't be absurd.

If half your population is making war on the other half, and you try to control it through use of force, that's apartheid.
First of all, Israel isn't at war with half it's population. It's trying to control acts of terrorism by Palestinian cut throats and suicide bombers. You really don't seem to know what apartheid is and only use the word because it's fashionably fascistic.

I didn't deny the Holocaust. I denied the existence of Israel as described in a book that also includes Giants, Talking Snakes, Talking Donkeys, Satyrs, Sea Monsters and the ability of seas to part. You know, when a book contains all that sort of crazy shit, you have to take the rest of it's claims with a grain of salt. Or at least have some serious archeological evidence it existed.

There's really no evidence of a Judean State before the fifth Century BCE.
Timeline of Jewish history - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How can people argue without any idea at all of what they are claiming?

No, there never was a God. The sooner we outgrow the God Delusion, the better.

Also, since the Arab-Israeli conflict is Semites vs. Semites arguing over who a Magic Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to, you really can't play the "anti-Semite" card with any credibility.
This is a vast over simplification and if anyone is using their God as a rationale to destroy the other it's the Muslims
who have continuously tried to kill the Jews.
You'll never see a Jew in any Arab parliament or governing body (speaking of apartheid) but as already documented there are plenty of Arabs in the Knesset.
Hate makes people idiotic. Try and conquer yours.
QUOTE from JoeB131,
Also, since the Arab-Israeli conflict is Semites vs. Semites arguing over who a Magic Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to, you really can't play the "anti-Semite" card with any credibility.

The really ironic part is the native language of the Juden is Yiddish...which isn't a semitic language.

Semite people

]This is a vast over simplification and if anyone is using their God as a rationale to destroy the other it's the Muslims
who have continuously tried to kill the Jews.
You'll never see a Jew in any Arab parliament or governing body (speaking of apartheid) but as already documented there are plenty of Arabs in the Knesset.
Hate makes people idiotic. Try and conquer yours.

Guy, just because you have a few tokens without power in the Knesset, doesn't take away from the fact the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state.

YOu can't call yourself a democracy and regulate half your population to second class status.
]This is a vast over simplification and if anyone is using their God as a rationale to destroy the other it's the Muslims
who have continuously tried to kill the Jews.
You'll never see a Jew in any Arab parliament or governing body (speaking of apartheid) but as already documented there are plenty of Arabs in the Knesset.
Hate makes people idiotic. Try and conquer yours.

Guy, just because you have a few tokens without power in the Knesset, doesn't take away from the fact the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state.

YOu can't call yourself a democracy and regulate half your population to second class status.[/QUOTE]
You keep repeating without proof that Arab members of the Knesset have no power. If you have to lie to make your point what sort of point is it?
And what sort of apartheid state puts power in the hands of it's minority citizens?
Please demonstrate how half the population is regulated to second class status.
Don't bother replying without some sort of hard facts to back your politicized
talking points.
You keep repeating without proof that Arab members of the Knesset have no power. If you have to lie to make your point what sort of point is it?
And what sort of apartheid state puts power in the hands of it's minority citizens?
Please demonstrate how half the population is regulated to second class status.
Don't bother replying without some sort of hard facts to back your politicized
talking points.

When neither coalition will ever invite you to join a government, you have no power. This really isn't difficult for you, is it?

APARTHEID- this is why the Zionist entity is hated all over the world.
You keep repeating without proof that Arab members of the Knesset have no power. If you have to lie to make your point what sort of point is it?
And what sort of apartheid state puts power in the hands of it's minority citizens?
Please demonstrate how half the population is regulated to second class status.
Don't bother replying without some sort of hard facts to back your politicized
talking points.

When neither coalition will ever invite you to join a government, you have no power. This really isn't difficult for you, is it?

APARTHEID- this is why the Zionist entity is hated all over the world.

I've never encountered an anti-Semitic twit who did not have a bazillion reasons for his hatred of "the Zionist entity." Your love and respect for Bobby1250 is a dead give-away but thanks for playing.
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
You deal in crack pot paranoia and anti Semitic drivel. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Go away.

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Weird "religion" you guys have.

You forgot to post a link there, NaziBoy.
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
You deal in crack pot paranoia and anti Semitic drivel. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Go away.

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Weird "religion" you guys have.

You forgot to post a link there, NaziBoy.

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. I'm not a Nazi, but you may be. As for what I quoted...Look it up in your Talmud.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.

Dude, you're nasty
I've never encountered an anti-Semitic twit who did not have a bazillion reasons for his hatred of "the Zionist entity." Your love and respect for Bobby1250 is a dead give-away but thanks for playing.

NOt at all. I'm taking real issue wiht Bobby on the abortion threads.

But there's a good reason to hate the Zionist Entity- it's callous disregard for common decency.

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