The Poor.. I mean Proud Boys kicks their Cuban token to the curb and become proud white supremacists

What I've been saying about this racist, violent, far rightwing radical group has been 110% correct all along...

Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

Such nice people.
Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

not white supremacists---but DEFENDERS

Is that a "re-branding"? Like "counter-semitism"?
Marc is fascinated by his Proud Boys boogeymen. He spends all day digging up this crap. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa are destroying cities and undermining police and endangering the lives of poor Black people who Marc doesn't give a shit about.

Rightwing Boogeymen vs. Leftwing Boogeymen.
You're innocent of that I think.. Not so innocent about diving the bottom of the pickle barrel to find crap that does not matter...
77 million + American voters believes that racism matters flacaltenn.

That you don't care about it says more about you than anyone else.
It is not just racism, it is the threat of racism. It keeps a lot of people in money.
Marc is fascinated by his Proud Boys boogeymen. He spends all day digging up this crap. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa are destroying cities and undermining police and endangering the lives of poor Black people who Marc doesn't give a shit about.
Ay yo. BLM just be keepin it real, nah mean?

I think the correct vernacular in the parlance of our times is "Nosane?"

"Ay yo. BLM just be keepin it real, Nosane?"


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You're innocent of that I think.. Not so innocent about diving the bottom of the pickle barrel to find crap that does not matter...
77 million + American voters believes that racism matters flacaltenn.

That you don't care about it says more about you than anyone else.

Whatcha gonna do about haters? Think my politics depends on who is more against JEw hating neo-nazis or anti-semites.. LARGELY -- these groups are harmless. The law and progress in Civil rights and Liberties has castrated them..

And you're way too quick to judge MY or anybody else"s motives or priorities.. It's that bossy, nanny state attitude that your politics requires to survive...

I will protect EVERY right you have by the law.. But you'll never bully me into voting your way.. Dig it?
What I've been saying about this racist, violent, far rightwing radical group has been 110% correct all along...

Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

Something wrong with minorities defending their existence?
What I've been saying about this racist, violent, far rightwing radical group has been 110% correct all along...

Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

Something wrong with minorities defending their existence?

Marc seeks a final solution to the new Juden, the whites.

Most democrats do.
Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

not white supremacists---but DEFENDERS

Defenders of exactly what? What "American values" are you talking about?

Freedom of thought and of expression.

Leftists hate that.

You get to think and express, don't you? Are you upset that other people have the same rights? You attack other people, but we all have the same rights. MarcATL has the same rights to think and to speak. So do I. You have the right to criticize the content of another's speech. So do we all.

I agree completely, and you'll never find me saying anyone should be silenced.

Unlike, say, MarcATL who wants people silenced by government violence.

I'm sure you were just about to castigate him for that. Almost. Getting ready.

On what do you base your assertion that MarcATL wants people "silenced by government violence"? Be specific. I don't recall him saying anything like "I'm locked and loaded" or making any other reference to violence or guns. If he had, I would not support him.

BTW: I do not know MarcATL. I don't know his name, or where he lives, or anything else about him except that he is African-American and male. Somehow I don't see him standing on an American street corner dressed in cammies with an AR-15. I just perceive him to be an intelligent, thoughtful man on the internet.
Infighting has broken out between two leading members of the Proud Boys group, with one announcing he will be taking control of the far-right organisation to address "White Genocide" and the "failures of multiculturalism."

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

Read more... Proud boys infighting sees leading member form breakaway group to fight "white genocide"

Here's the token, afro-Cuban, Enrique Tarrio.

Reaping what he sows?

not white supremacists---but DEFENDERS

Defenders of exactly what? What "American values" are you talking about?

Freedom of thought and of expression.

Leftists hate that.

You get to think and express, don't you? Are you upset that other people have the same rights? You attack other people, but we all have the same rights. MarcATL has the same rights to think and to speak. So do I. You have the right to criticize the content of another's speech. So do we all.

I agree completely, and you'll never find me saying anyone should be silenced.

Unlike, say, MarcATL who wants people silenced by government violence.

I'm sure you were just about to castigate him for that. Almost. Getting ready.

On what do you base your assertion that MarcATL wants people "silenced by government violence"? Be specific. I don't recall him saying anything like "I'm locked and loaded" or making any other reference to violence or guns. If he had, I would not support him.

BTW: I do not know MarcATL. I don't know his name, or where he lives, or anything else about him except that he is African-American and male. Somehow I don't see him standing on an American street corner dressed in cammies with an AR-15. I just perceive him to be an intelligent, thoughtful man on the internet.

i linked to what he said, Post #8 in this thread.

"The Biden/Harris Administration will PUMMEL them out of existence."

You have to make a deliberate effort to misunderstand that.
Marc is fascinated by his Proud Boys boogeymen. He spends all day digging up this crap. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa are destroying cities and undermining police and endangering the lives of poor Black people who Marc doesn't give a shit about.

Rightwing Boogeymen vs. Leftwing Boogeymen.
Eh... Rightwing Boogeymen haven't burned or looted as far as I'm aware... And I'm REALLY sure the media would have covered that. Just saying.
Marc is fascinated by his Proud Boys boogeymen. He spends all day digging up this crap. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa are destroying cities and undermining police and endangering the lives of poor Black people who Marc doesn't give a shit about.

Rightwing Boogeymen vs. Leftwing Boogeymen.
Eh... Rightwing Boogeymen haven't burned or looted as far as I'm aware... And I'm REALLY sure the media would have covered that. Just saying.

Errr...well...yes. They have. They've been part of the violence and among the instigators.
Errr...well...yes. They have. They've been part of the violence and among the instigators.
Feel free to link me. All I'm aware of is clashes with people who are already violent. In which case fine... You have two violent groups. I won't bother to quibble over who started what, I'll happily just say yeah... Two violent groups clashed.

Of course... Then you would have to admit that BLM the organization is violent. I have zero care, nor do I believe they have the ability, to cause me to lose any friends or be cancelled by saying this.
i linked to what he said, Post #8 in this thread.

"The Biden/Harris Administration will PUMMEL them out of existence."

You have to make a deliberate effort to misunderstand that.
I'm just referring to the law and order that Republicans claim to want so much.

Law enforcement PUMMELS criminals, do they not?
I'm just referring to the law and order that Republicans claim to want so much.
Don't you want that? I mean... You don't actually want riots burning down and looting local businesses do you?
Whatcha gonna do about haters? Think my politics depends on who is more against JEw hating neo-nazis or anti-semites.. LARGELY -- these groups are harmless. The law and progress in Civil rights and Liberties has castrated them..

And you're way too quick to judge MY or anybody else"s motives or priorities.. It's that bossy, nanny state attitude that your politics requires to survive...

I will protect EVERY right you have by the law.. But you'll never bully me into voting your way.. Dig it?
You said a whole lot without actually saying anything.

What the heck did that have to do with my statement?

I don't care how you vote bub, I just care that more Americans think and vote as I do than you do.

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