The Pope Could Face Two Different Assassination Attempts This Week


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

One of two things will happen:

The Lord will watch over him and the attempt will be thwarted


He will be killed and Catholics around the world will rise up in arms to wipe out the source of the evil that caused it.

Read the article @ The Pope Could Face Two Different Assassination Attempts This Week
Well, smart people like you should point to a link at Mother Jones Pravda, the Advocate, or the Huffington Post. You sound like an Advocate guy.
Well, smart people like you should point to a link at Mother Jones Pravda, the Advocate, or the Huffington Post. You sound like an Advocate guy.

Actually nobody else at all came up with this crap. I checked. Just Duh Blaze. Shit-stirring services for the gullible, all day, every day.

Yes, when your devils are disheveled and you need some fire in your fearmongerin', let Duh Blaze be your lighter fluid.
You do realize the ethnic makeup of Albania right? You did catch this at another source, which I found a few, that Iraqi intelligence is reading the chatter? You're probably the same type of person that would have ignored the Israeli intelligence being given to the United States about 911 or maybe you just don't like Christians.

One of two things will happen:

The Lord will watch over him and the attempt will be thwarted


He will be killed and Catholics around the world will rise up in arms to wipe out the source of the evil that caused it.

Read the article @ The Pope Could Face Two Different Assassination Attempts This Week

I wonder which one you are hoping for?

That is truly an ignorant comment!

I think Francis is the most refreshing world leader ever. He lives what he preaches and sets an example for all the clergy - of all faiths - to follow. Losing him to a madman would be a true tragedy.

Maybe YOU would volunteer to be his bodyguard?

One of two things will happen:

The Lord will watch over him and the attempt will be thwarted


He will be killed and Catholics around the world will rise up in arms to wipe out the source of the evil that caused it.

Read the article @ The Pope Could Face Two Different Assassination Attempts This Week
Shouldn't the second part read:


The Lord will say fuck it, you're on you own Frank.

Has anyone ever told you that you are the opposite end of a donkey's head?

One of two things will happen:

The Lord will watch over him and the attempt will be thwarted


He will be killed and Catholics around the world will rise up in arms to wipe out the source of the evil that caused it.

Read the article @ The Pope Could Face Two Different Assassination Attempts This Week

I wonder which one you are hoping for?

That is truly an ignorant comment!

I think Francis is the most refreshing world leader ever. He lives what he preaches and sets an example for all the clergy - of all faiths - to follow. Losing him to a madman would be a true tragedy.

Maybe YOU would volunteer to be his bodyguard?

I think you would like to see a Holy War....and that you'd be OK with making the Pope your martyr.

Why else would you start a thread like this with that dopey "either/or" proposition? How about a third option. No attempt on the man's life is made and Muslims the world over greet him with open arms?
If (God forbid) such a thing happens, Smart Vegas Money is on a Muslim being the trigger-man.
Muslims throughout the world greeting him with open arms is an option with about as much chance as an icicle in the middle of the Sahara.

The either or was simply a supposition. I pray the original piece was totally wrong.
He has a security team. I doubt the Lord has to watch over him much.

While he has a security team, he seems to ignore them a great deal by putting himself out there in the midst of huge crowds and in public places.
Pope Francis rebukes religious militants during visit to Albania

By Alba Prifti and Steve Almasy, CNN
updated 8:50 AM EDT, Sun September 21, 2014


(CNN) -- During a trip to the mostly Muslim nation of Albania, Pope Francis rebuked militants who act in the name of religion, saying no one can act as the "armor of God."

The Pope lauded Albanians during a visit to the capital of Tirana, calling the Balkan nation one that proves "a peaceful and fruitful coexistence between persons and communities of believers of different religions is not only desirable, but possible and realistic."

The pontiff didn't refer to any militant group by name. He denounced those who have perverted religious spirit and who are engaged in violence that prevents harmony between people of different faiths.

Last month, he denounced ISIS, the Islamist militant group seeking to establish a caliphate in the Middle East. He called ISIS an "unjust aggressor"

On Sunday, he again spoke harshly against religious warriors.

"Let no one consider themselves to be the 'armor' of God while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression," Pope Francis told diplomats at the presidential palace. "May no one use religion as a pretext for actions against human dignity and against the fundamental rights of every man and woman, above all, the right to life and the right of everyone to religious freedom."


Pope Francis rebukes religious militants -


It's a sin to commit violence or to kill in the name of God?

Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence?

That's enough to get Francis in trouble with Radical Militant Muslim scum.
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