The pope is such a hypocrite!!!


Apr 22, 2007
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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He declared that anyone who owns a weapon is not a Christian. He said that while being guarded by the heavily armed members of his Swiss guard.
He declared that anyone who owns a weapon is not a Christian. He said that while being guarded by the heavily armed members of his Swiss guard.
Yep! You have no right to protect yourself. But no foreigner in my home country (Vatican city) and I have a right to protect myself with weapons!

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This is the most dangerous Pope the world has ever seen. He is trying to spur a violent communist takeover of the capitalist system. Communist regimes have always led to a elitist group at the top and the oppression and suffering of the masses!

This is what this clown is pushing for! He desires the Marxist revolutionaries that did so much damage to Latin America to return. But he doesn't just want to see them destroy Latin America, he wants them to destroy every country across the globe!

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He declared that anyone who owns a weapon is not a Christian. He said that while being guarded by the heavily armed members of his Swiss guard.
Yep! You have no right to protect yourself. But no foreigner in my home country (Vatican city) and I have a right to protect myself with weapons!

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The biggest threat on the US soil is right wing Christians who love to pack their arsenals of weapons to one day "overthrow the gov" which is taking away their freedom (?) and allowing immigrants in. Right wing crazies, aka Patriots and or as I call them radical Evangelical White Wing Nut Jobs .

Fortunately he has body guards as some right wing Evan would love to close his mouth, permanently.
I believe that the pope was talking to the world when he was talking including his country which they are starting to bring people in as I read this.
As far as being protected, he doesn't care to be protected and they have to fight him to be. He wants to run out into the public which other popes did not want the fear of getting hurt so they stayed in a protected see through car...
He's a Jesuit. Right wing or Left wing, it shouldn't matter. All you should need to know is that he is a Jesuit, and that should be enough. Any educated person should know their agenda. Even the Catholic Church had banned the Society of Jesus for a time fearing they were becoming too powerful. And now they have the ring of power. Fools, the whole lot of you.
This is the least hypocritical Pope in living memory, perhaps ever, it is no wonder our right wing christian Pharisees are in an uproar because finally there is a Christian leader who says we should follow the example of Christ. What a terrible heretic he is to those who nail Jesus to the cross again and again every Sunday to shut him up with his liberal ideals.
I'm very much on the right wing but I find it amusing how little both sides misunderstand this Pope.

This Pope is a moralist, not a liberal or a conservative. He lives his life according to the example Christ set. We as conservatives should reexamine our total commitment towards wealth accumulation. There's nothing wrong with pursuing wealth but it should never interfere in our moral responsibility to our fellow human beings. For the libs, you need to reexamine your total commitment to morally deficient position on abortion. Biology already states that life begins at conception therefore our responsibility to protect that life begins there as well. It's fine to keep in mind the needs of the mother but it's not okay to murder the unborn for convenience either.

This Pope is challenging us all from a moral standpoint. He's not a communist nor is he a complete conservative. He's a moralist...
I'm very much on the right wing but I find it amusing how little both sides misunderstand this Pope.

This Pope is a moralist, not a liberal or a conservative. He lives his life according to the example Christ set. We as conservatives should reexamine our total commitment towards wealth accumulation. There's nothing wrong with pursuing wealth but it should never interfere in our moral responsibility to our fellow human beings. For the libs, you need to reexamine your total commitment to morally deficient position on abortion. Biology already states that life begins at conception therefore our responsibility to protect that life begins there as well. It's fine to keep in mind the needs of the mother but it's not okay to murder the unborn for convenience either.

This Pope is challenging us all from a moral standpoint. He's not a communist nor is he a complete conservative. He's a moralist...
Totally agree. And even his comments about some people breeding like rabbits are in line with his stance on climate change and how overpopulation is accelerating it.

Noticed yesterday's address on the family the news announcers talked over the part with the film strip showing people advocating for traditional families. Even Fox did this, and refused to show the film, instead focusing on the face of the Pope in and out with the cameras. That cult is too powerful even for the Pope. They are burying his stance against gay marriage in the media...even Fox signed up with this. The Pope travelled to American to spread the word against gay marriage and the media shut him down. Disrespectful. Even the Pope's voice won't be heard by this cult....and they're going to make sure you don't hear it either.

Not tuning in to Fox until I see them airing that film strip on traditional marriage. I didn't tune in yesterday to be told what parts of that event I would be allowed to see and which ones I wouldn't be.
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.
Do you like his stance against homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, or his hostility to birth control the most?

Actually, yeah...I'm good with his more progressive stance on those issues...compared to previous popes. He's taking steps in the right direction. His stance on women in the priesthood is what concerns me the most. He's still in the popish dark ages on that.
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.
Do you like his stance against homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, or his hostility to birth control the most?

Actually, yeah...I'm good with his more progressive stance on those issues...compared to previous popes. He's taking steps in the right direction. His stance on women in the priesthood is what concerns me the most. He's still in the popish dark ages on that.
You understand he supports traditional Catholic teaching on all of them, right?
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
That is a strawnman fallacy.

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