The pope is such a hypocrite!!!

First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
That is a strawnman fallacy.
The OP is both a false comparison and straw man fallacy – in addition to being comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
I'm very much on the right wing but I find it amusing how little both sides misunderstand this Pope.

This Pope is a moralist, not a liberal or a conservative. He lives his life according to the example Christ set. We as conservatives should reexamine our total commitment towards wealth accumulation. There's nothing wrong with pursuing wealth but it should never interfere in our moral responsibility to our fellow human beings. For the libs, you need to reexamine your total commitment to morally deficient position on abortion. Biology already states that life begins at conception therefore our responsibility to protect that life begins there as well. It's fine to keep in mind the needs of the mother but it's not okay to murder the unborn for convenience either.

This Pope is challenging us all from a moral standpoint. He's not a communist nor is he a complete conservative. He's a moralist...


You early comments are right, this Pope doesn't subscribe to right or left on issues...

But if you say life begins at conception then you are also saying IVF are murders... They discard fertilized eggs all the time... So 1.5% of babies a year are born using murder techniques, therefore these a murder babies...

I would also point out that the Catholic Church believed abortion was acceptable until the tenth week up until 150 years ago... There is a long story but St. Augustine and other saints have stated abortion to be acceptable until the 10th week.
The Catholics stance on Abortion has varied a lot till now, so the whole murder thing is not quite true.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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Vatican takes in first Syrian refugee family after Pope Francis' plea to Catholics
Vatican City (i/ˈvætɨkən ˈsɪti/; Italian: Città del Vaticano [tʃitˈta del vatiˈkaːno]; Latin: Civitas Vaticana),[d] officially the Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano;[e] Latin:Status Civitatis Vaticanae),[f] is a walled enclave within the city of Rome. With an area of approximately 44 hectares (110 acres), and a population of 842,[3] it is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world by both area and population.
Vatican City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Pope should not take positions on political issues because never in the 6000 year history of the Universe have holy men ever involved themselves in politics.

lolol. good one, Christian CONSERVATIVES.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
That is a strawnman fallacy.
The OP is both a false comparison and straw man fallacy – in addition to being comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.
Your post is an ad hominem fallacy combined with a syllogism.
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.
Do you like his stance against homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, or his hostility to birth control the most?

I didn't realize that I had to be in agreement with the Pope 100% to appreciate his message on poverty and climate change.
Yes it's the liberal rules. If someone is opposed to your position on anything important then you must demonize him and declare he's an idiot, fool, corporate tool, racist, sexist homophobe.
How did you miss the memo on this?
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.
Do you like his stance against homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, or his hostility to birth control the most?

I didn't realize that I had to be in agreement with the Pope 100% to appreciate his message on poverty and climate change.
Yes it's the liberal rules. If someone is opposed to your position on anything important then you must demonize him and declare he's an idiot, fool, corporate tool, racist, sexist homophobe.
How did you miss the memo on this?

I see...rules you just pulled out of your behind.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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he is a phony like the rest of the leftists

they can only get ahead by being untruthful

and misleading

it gets old and tired
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.
Do you like his stance against homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, or his hostility to birth control the most?

I didn't realize that I had to be in agreement with the Pope 100% to appreciate his message on poverty and climate change.
Yes it's the liberal rules. If someone is opposed to your position on anything important then you must demonize him and declare he's an idiot, fool, corporate tool, racist, sexist homophobe.
How did you miss the memo on this?

I see...rules you just pulled out of your behind.
Dont believe me. Look at what libs say about John McCain.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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No min-sized or even large American city can compare with what Catholic Charities do as far as $$$ and man power - so shut the fuck up - STFU you idiot.

#2 proof on the little girls being planned -- I know you don't, but I just thought I'd ask to further embarrass you.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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No min-sized or even large American city can compare with what Catholic Charities do as far as $$$ and man power - so shut the fuck up - STFU you idiot.

#2 proof on the little girls being planned -- I know you don't, but I just thought I'd ask to further embarrass you.
My cousin runs a Catholic charity expedition in Haiti, so yea I get it. But it has nothing to do with the Vatican! They don't provide help in any way shape or form!

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First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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The Vatican itself has neither significant liquid assets, nor the physical space to accept many refugees. Vatican City is 108 acres.
First that illegal alien girl was staged and planned for over a year. Second, how many refugees did Vatican City taking in? The answer is zero! The arrogant pope is not taking in one! He especially is going to take in any Muslims. Third, he lectures us on greed and the evils of capitalism. Yet the Vatican sits on $100s of millions of dollars of both liquid and not liquid assets. When is the hypocrite going to have a fire sale to get rid of the vatican's vanity and greed. The answer is never. This is a case of do as I say not do as I do. Private citizens in just one mid sized US city do more charity work and give back more to the poor in a month than Vatican City has done since it existence.

This asswipe never spoke about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He never speaks about the dangers of radical islam!

He is a self-righteous SOB! But the left adores him because he is a devoted communist and promotes the leftist agenda!

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He never even talks about the victims that get crushed because of his organizations agenda. But I agree, you have made some astute observations.

"As the Huffington Post notes, in his speech before Congress, Francis said that “just and necessary punishment must never exclude the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation.” It would be interesting to have Pope Francis answer whether going to prison for marijuana is “just and necessary” at all. Since Pope Francis is on record opposing legalization, what kind of sentence is appropriate for nonviolent marijuana offenders?"
Pope Francis to Meet Man Jailed for Marijuana During U.S. Prison Visit - MARIJUANA POLITICS
I love that this pope has RW heads exploding...much like Jesus would I imagine.

You must not have ever read the bible if youre comparing ANY pope to Jesus.

Where did she ever claim to read the Bible.

The Lord didn't teach us to fight "global warming" or whatever you want to call it. He never taught the people to agitate for Rome to provide food or shelter for anyone.

Christ taught us to give ourselves to God and to keep His commandments. We are commanded to eat by the sweat of our labor, not The sweat of others. We are taught to be charitable with our resources, not the resources of others.

We are taught to cleanse the inner vessel. To seek the Lord.

None of that was taught this weekend.

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