The Pope takes back his Church


Carpe Scrotum
Apr 2, 2009
in a house.
The Homeless Lobby / Poverty PAC | Depravity wraps itself in platitudinous twaddle.

I have to say, after complaining bitterly for decades about the Holy See trammeling the starving third world with edicts against all but the most unreliable forms of birth control, that I absolutely love this new Pope, Francis, and that his chosen name, after Assisi, must have been ordained by the heavens themselves. I’m not a Catholic, or even a practicing Christian, but it was with tears in my eyes that I read a world religious leader both express true concern for the poor and the powerless, and lay blame at the feet of the “deified” social Darwinism behind the misery:


As many faithful as the Church has in her pews, can it be finally be hoped that the culture of greed (for goodness sake) will finally and at long last be jammed from the world consciousness?

The Homeless Lobby / Poverty PAC | Depravity wraps itself in platitudinous twaddle.

I have to say, after complaining bitterly for decades about the Holy See trammeling the starving third world with edicts against all but the most unreliable forms of birth control, that I absolutely love this new Pope, Francis, and that his chosen name, after Assisi, must have been ordained by the heavens themselves. I’m not a Catholic, or even a practicing Christian, but it was with tears in my eyes that I read a world religious leader both express true concern for the poor and the powerless, and lay blame at the feet of the “deified” social Darwinism behind the misery:

As many faithful as the Church has in her pews, can it be finally be hoped that the culture of greed (for goodness sake) will finally and at long last be jammed from the world consciousness?

If he cared half as much as you think he does he would sell off all the gold that is owned by the Catholic church and raise enough money to feed half the planet.
Of course, my favorite bit;

The excluded are still waiting for wealth to “trickle down”

“In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting. To sustain a lifestyle which excludes others, or to sustain enthusiasm for that selfish ideal, a globalization of indifference has developed. Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. The culture of prosperity deadens us; we are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase; and in the meantime all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us.”

The 21 Most Important Quotes from Pope Francis' Sweeping Apostolic Exhortation 'Evangelii Gaudium' - Aleteia
This Quote By the Pope Went Viral. Here's Why. - PolicyMic

The takeaway: Francis' condemnation of inequality might be strongly worded, but it shouldn't be cause for panic about the pope's socialist leanings, or whether or not he was born in Kenya. The exhortation's ponderings on economics fall well within the Church's overall messages of compassion and community engagement. As the Atlantic points out, while pope's message may be tinged with socialism insofar as it cites rampant capitalism as causing suffering, it in no way conforms to Marx's bloviation about historical cycles and worker revolts, nor does it prescribe any sort of role for the Church as a Leninist vanguard, nor will Francis be replacing the obelisk outside St. Peter's Basilica with some kind of Stalinist monument.

In fact, opprobrium aside, Francis' declamation is reminiscent of the touchy-feeliest portion of the UN Charter, which promises to promote, "higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress" in order to create "conditions of stability and well-being" around the world. The only difference is that Francis had the globus crucigers to call out the causes of the instability, inequality, and poverty that we should strive to correct.
The Homeless Lobby / Poverty PAC | Depravity wraps itself in platitudinous twaddle.

I have to say, after complaining bitterly for decades about the Holy See trammeling the starving third world with edicts against all but the most unreliable forms of birth control, that I absolutely love this new Pope, Francis, and that his chosen name, after Assisi, must have been ordained by the heavens themselves. I’m not a Catholic, or even a practicing Christian, but it was with tears in my eyes that I read a world religious leader both express true concern for the poor and the powerless, and lay blame at the feet of the “deified” social Darwinism behind the misery:

As many faithful as the Church has in her pews, can it be finally be hoped that the culture of greed (for goodness sake) will finally and at long last be jammed from the world consciousness?

If he cared half as much as you think he does he would sell off all the gold that is owned by the Catholic church and raise enough money to feed half the planet.

I don't think he, personally, "owns" what you think he does. What he does have is a platform, and with that he is one of the most influential men in the world. I am grateful that, at long, long last, someone in such an influential position is using that power to change attitudes, and maybe even hearts.
This Quote By the Pope Went Viral. Here's Why. - PolicyMic

The takeaway: Francis' condemnation of inequality might be strongly worded, but it shouldn't be cause for panic about the pope's socialist leanings, or whether or not he was born in Kenya. The exhortation's ponderings on economics fall well within the Church's overall messages of compassion and community engagement. As the Atlantic points out, while pope's message may be tinged with socialism insofar as it cites rampant capitalism as causing suffering, it in no way conforms to Marx's bloviation about historical cycles and worker revolts, nor does it prescribe any sort of role for the Church as a Leninist vanguard, nor will Francis be replacing the obelisk outside St. Peter's Basilica with some kind of Stalinist monument.

In fact, opprobrium aside, Francis' declamation is reminiscent of the touchy-feeliest portion of the UN Charter, which promises to promote, "higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress" in order to create "conditions of stability and well-being" around the world. The only difference is that Francis had the globus crucigers to call out the causes of the instability, inequality, and poverty that we should strive to correct.

Pope Francis reclaimed the Church for the poor, and "Yukon Cornelius" is trending on Twitter - I'ts beginning to look a lot like Christmas — feeling wonderful.


Yup! Everybody!
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Frank, "thou shalt not" call evil good as American capitalism is the antithesis of Christian teaching.
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What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Frank, "thou shalt not" call evil good as American capitalism is the antithesis of Christian teaching.

I see nothing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches us to be compel people to engage in certain commerce. Nor anything that teaches us to empower government to rob from some people and give to others. In fact, the scriptures clearly teach "Thou shalt not steal" also "Thou shalt not covet". When John the Baptist came preaching Repentence he taught the people to "be content with your wages."

Instead He preaches liberty and freedom to the captive. He gives each man a stewardship. It is between that man and God what he should do with that stewardship. He has commanded us to take care of the poor and sick and afflicted. Us. Not the government. We are to make a determination with our own stewardship and give freely.

The Lord does not compell people to do good. He allows them to choose it freely. He does not teach man to empower governments to rob people of their stewardships.

The Free market is not incompatible with the Gospel because the Gospel is liberty. God teaches men to govern themselves with His teachings.
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Frank, "thou shalt not" call evil good as American capitalism is the antithesis of Christian teaching.

Jake thou shall shutteth the fuck up lest you reveal your ignorance and Marxist idolatry

Read a Bible once in a while God was a big fan rewarding his people
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?

So it is the 5-10% profit margin that is the cause of the bankruptcy?

Should doctors accept a salary that bankrupts the family, should the nurses? the hospital staff?
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?

So it is the 5-10% profit margin that is the cause of the bankruptcy?

Should doctors accept a salary that bankrupts the family, should the nurses? the hospital staff?

Deflection from answering the question asked duly noted.
Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.

Clearly, and perhaps unintentionally, the Pope is placing himself at odds with American conservatives, for whom the above is their most sacred, deeply held tenet of rightwing dogma.
Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?

So it is the 5-10% profit margin that is the cause of the bankruptcy?

Should doctors accept a salary that bankrupts the family, should the nurses? the hospital staff?

Deflection from answering the question asked duly noted.

its not deflecting, its clarifying. And you obviously can't answer it.

Jesus would ask all involved to provide said service for free, but he also would render unto ceasar, and not force people to do it. It would be thier choice, something progressives only seem to tolerate when ti comes to abortions.
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?

So it is the 5-10% profit margin that is the cause of the bankruptcy?

Should doctors accept a salary that bankrupts the family, should the nurses? the hospital staff?

The poor that Jesus spoke about has nothing to do with people who have no money or wealth in this world. The "poor and the meek" is the spirit of man. The rich means the flesh and all the riches of this world that it desires. ALL God's "poor" people will inherit the new Heaven and Earth.
Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.

Clearly, and perhaps unintentionally, the Pope is placing himself at odds with American conservatives, for whom the above is their most sacred, deeply held tenet of rightwing dogma.

As long as he asks people to choose to act in this way, and does not ask governments to force people to act in this way, there is no conflict with american conservatives of a libertarian persuasion.
Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.

Clearly, and perhaps unintentionally, the Pope is placing himself at odds with American conservatives, for whom the above is their most sacred, deeply held tenet of rightwing dogma.

Like most idiots, you know nothing of Roman Catholics or Conservatives. The truth to salvation and good deeds is that they are every man's choice, which is totally compatible with liberty. The Pope is demanding introspection, not government confiscation of wealth.

Go to Catholic mass regularly and a good priest never stops challenging his parishioners to VOLUNTARILY give of themselves, to do for people in need. It's not about community organizing to raise taxes and spread the wealth.
The Pope’s admonishment of American conservatives, and his accurate assessment that conservative dogma is fundamentally dehumanizing, in conjunction with his statement concerning the Church’s new stance on social issues, likely marks the end of the alliance between the Catholic Church and the social right.
Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.

Clearly, and perhaps unintentionally, the Pope is placing himself at odds with American conservatives, for whom the above is their most sacred, deeply held tenet of rightwing dogma.

As long as he asks people to choose to act in this way, and does not ask governments to force people to act in this way, there is no conflict with american conservatives of a libertarian persuasion.

Exactly, and that is what he is doing. There is no good deed that comes through stealing another man's wealth to pass along to the poor. That's theft.

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