The power of social media


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Using Social Media Data to Predict the Result of the 2016 US Presidential Election

I'm told that if one were to try to predict the last election outcome only on the basis of opinions on social media, it would have projected Trump as the winning. Instead, many news sources uses antiquated polls in which people probably did not want to admit they were voting Trump. With the rabid PC sweeping the nation and scarlet "A"s being passed around for not agreeing with the PC crowd, this is understandable. People no longer feel "free" to express their non-PC thoughts with their name associated with them. Instead, many feel "free" to express their thoughts without broadcasting the world who they may be or being selective as to who they tell based on trusting them.

But predicting election outcomes is just the tip of the ice burg. Using social media to predict other things like what products you may desire or whether you are a terrorist threat are also being explored.

Back in the day, tyrants felt as though their power depended upon suppressing free speech, so as not to allow a movement to grow through the said free speech that might endanger their power. But perhaps tyrants had it all bass ackwards all these years. Perhaps the key to targeting "dangers" to their power is to allow free speech. Through social media, they can target those that oppose them so that they can monitor them better. The only reason to stop them would be to prevent loss of life or perhaps a loss of their power through their activities.
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Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.
Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.

Trump, being the social media guru he is, has correctly surmised that the public no longer trusts the media for various reasons.

Pitting himself against the media was simply playing into this fact.

Such things as CNN secretly giving Hillary the debate questions and lying about Trumps EO, that it targeted all Muslims, is just the tip of the ice burg as to why the public no longer trusts the media.
Using Social Media Data to Predict the Result of the 2016 US Presidential Election

I'm told that if one were to try to predict the last election outcome only on the basis of opinions on social media, it would have projected Trump as the winning. Instead, many news sources uses antiquated polls in which people probably did not want to admit they were voting Trump. With the rabid PC sweeping the nation and scarlet "A"s being passed around for not agreeing with the PC crowd, this is understandable. People no longer feel "free" to express their non-PC thoughts with their name associated with them. Instead, many feel "free" to express their thoughts without broadcasting the world who they may be or being selective as to who they tell based on trusting them.

But predicting election outcomes is just the tip of the ice burg. Using social media to predict other things like what products you may desire or whether you are a terrorist threat are also being explored.

Back in the day, tyrants felt as though their power depended upon suppressing free speech, so as not to allow a movement to grow through the said free speech that might endanger their power. But perhaps tyrants had it all bass ackwards all these years. Perhaps the key to targeting "dangers" to their power is to allow free speech. Through social media, they can target those that oppose them so that they can monitor them better. The only reason to stop them would be to prevent loss of life or perhaps a loss of their power through their activities.
While it seems obvious that "" has reasons to toot the horn of social media, it's not unusual that corporations, bureaucracies and other large groups are slow to make use of new social trends. I remember watching Bill Maher on Politically Incorrect sheepishly advertise their email address as if he was revealing the color of his underwear. This was mid to late 90s and he obviously didn't use an email much. Same goes for Twitter for me. Lots of people use it, but I don't use it much.

It seems reasonable to me that professional pollsters would use "the tried and true" rather than something relatively new. My guess is that they are busily researching such things now in preparation for 2018.
Using Social Media Data to Predict the Result of the 2016 US Presidential Election

I'm told that if one were to try to predict the last election outcome only on the basis of opinions on social media, it would have projected Trump as the winning. Instead, many news sources uses antiquated polls in which people probably did not want to admit they were voting Trump. With the rabid PC sweeping the nation and scarlet "A"s being passed around for not agreeing with the PC crowd, this is understandable. People no longer feel "free" to express their non-PC thoughts with their name associated with them. Instead, many feel "free" to express their thoughts without broadcasting the world who they may be or being selective as to who they tell based on trusting them.

But predicting election outcomes is just the tip of the ice burg. Using social media to predict other things like what products you may desire or whether you are a terrorist threat are also being explored.

Back in the day, tyrants felt as though their power depended upon suppressing free speech, so as not to allow a movement to grow through the said free speech that might endanger their power. But perhaps tyrants had it all bass ackwards all these years. Perhaps the key to targeting "dangers" to their power is to allow free speech. Through social media, they can target those that oppose them so that they can monitor them better. The only reason to stop them would be to prevent loss of life or perhaps a loss of their power through their activities.
While it seems obvious that "" has reasons to toot the horn of social media, it's not unusual that corporations, bureaucracies and other large groups are slow to make use of new social trends. I remember watching Bill Maher on Politically Incorrect sheepishly advertise their email address as if he was revealing the color of his underwear. This was mid to late 90s and he obviously didn't use an email much. Same goes for Twitter for me. Lots of people use it, but I don't use it much.

It seems reasonable to me that professional pollsters would use "the tried and true" rather than something relatively new. My guess is that they are busily researching such things now in preparation for 2018.

The reason why Trump won is because he understands social media while others, like yourself, are just now researching it.
Trump, being the social media guru he is, has correctly surmised that the public no longer trusts the media for various reasons.

Pitting himself against the media was simply playing into this fact.

Such things as CNN secretly giving Hillary the debate questions and lying about Trumps EO, that it targeted all Muslims, is just the tip of the ice burg as to why the public no longer trusts the media.
Like Howard Dean, who tapped into internet-based fundraising, Trump successfully tapped into a means of communicating directly to supporters. The "media" covers a lot of bases and, yes, they fuck up, and, yes, many lean left, but that's a long ways from them conspiring to trick people. As for "CNN secretly giving Hillary the debate questions", that was one person and she was fired: CNN fires commentator for 'giving debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance'
The reason why Trump won is because he understands social media while others, like yourself, are just now researching it.
Thanks for the condescending remark. It helps reveal your personality.
The reason why Trump won is because he understands social media while others, like yourself, are just now researching it.
Thanks for the condescending remark. It helps reveal your personality.
I don't think he meant it to be a condescending remark. Trump was out in front of the game on the value of Twitter. He has a huge fan base (real not fake like Clinton's and Obama's) and a medium in which he can directly address the American people without being misquoted. It's perfect considering that the MSM are enemies of the United States and colluding with Communists.
Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.
The mainstream media is the enemy of the people. I'm so glad to have an honest President. It's a welcome change, isn't it?
Certainly President Trump is shaking up the status quo, but I disagree that a free press is the enemy of the people. The Founders included it in the First Amendment for a reason.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I don't think he meant it to be a condescending remark. Trump was out in front of the game on the value of Twitter. He has a huge fan base (real not fake like Clinton's and Obama's) and a medium in which he can directly address the American people without being misquoted. It's perfect considering that the MSM are enemies of the United States and colluding with Communists.
A point I acknowledged and expanded upon by showing others, such as Howard Dean, who made use of technologies which large corporations and bureaucracies were much slower to embrace.

Disagreed on his remark. He took my disagreement as an insult and replied with a condescending remark. It reveals his mindset.
... And he will be removed from office for it in due time.
Due time as in reelection? Impeachment? Assassination? By what means are you claiming President Trump will be removed from office?
I think Congress through impeachment or the Cabinet and Congress through Amendment XXV will have to remove him in the next year or so.

Maybe he will clean up his act, but nothing indicates that he can restrain himself. Time will tell.
... And he will be removed from office for it in due time.
Due time as in reelection? Impeachment? Assassination? By what means are you claiming President Trump will be removed from office?
I think Congress through impeachment or the Cabinet and Congress through Amendment XXV will have to remove him in the next year or so.

Maybe he will clean up his act, but nothing indicates that he can restrain himself. Time will tell.
Disagreed on impeachment. It'd have to be something really "peachy" to do such a thing. Clinton set the bar for impeaching a President. ;)

More likely a 70 year old billionaire will tire of the Washington bullshit and pine for easy days in his mansion and the golf course. My guess is that he'd resign for unspecified "medical reasons" before he'll be impeached.
Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.

Trump, being the social media guru he is, has correctly surmised that the public no longer trusts the media for various reasons.

Pitting himself against the media was simply playing into this fact.
No it isn't. He's attacking media so that the people will stop believing it. Everyone knows media is what it is. But Trump is accusing it because it speaks against him. And though he accuses in his speeches the media of not giving proper sources, he doesn't give us proper details of which media and who wrote it, how were they wrong. His words are as vague as they are aggressive. He's trying to get you all, "oh God, who do we believe now?!" And Trump says, "just believe me and you'll be alright."
Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.
The mainstream media is the enemy of the people. I'm so glad to have an honest President. It's a welcome change, isn't it?
Lying Donald is a liar. He has been caught repeatedly. And he will be removed from office for it in due time.
Nope, liberals proved with Obama you like a liar in office. Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Trump accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people.

Oh, is he going to get a rude, rude awakening.
The mainstream media is the enemy of the people. I'm so glad to have an honest President. It's a welcome change, isn't it?
Lying Donald is a liar. He has been caught repeatedly. And he will be removed from office for it in due time.
Nope, liberals proved with Obama you like a liar in office. Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.
One, Lying Donald is a liar, or you want Lying Donald to be like your image of Obama. You can't have it both ways, sweet cheeks.

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