The power of the headline. On CNN "Market rises despite Trump climate Accord decision"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly. The point I'm making, the headline should read:

"Markets rise because of Trumps climate Accord decision". Investors know a scam when they see one and this Accord was clearly a scam. Of course investors will feel more comfortable knowing that America will be using these funds (and future bad deal funds when they are cancelled) for their own purposes, not to prop up China and India.

So, one has to wonder how come no headline that is more positive and reflects the truth of the response? No bias I suppose...
Just saw a Fox News headline that read "Fall to thy Knees and Suckle the Knob of thy Saviour, Donald Trump." Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly.
the Left makes no sense, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, whine about dropping out of the Accord, but the US is beating the emission goal, and will keep doing so, the only Trump benefit is NOT THROWING OUR TAX DOLLARS AWAY LIKE THE DEMS WANT TO DO. This issue can be voted on in 2018 and 2020.
Just saw a Fox News headline that read "Fall to thy Knees and Suckle the Knob of thy Saviour, Donald Trump." Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly.
Yes you didn't quite catch it. Let me help. It was "Hillary falls to her knees while sucking a bottle of Dom".
Maybe I missed that one. Sounds right for Fox though. They're always dangling on the nuts of the alt-right, after all.
the Left makes no sense, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, whine about dropping out of the Accord, but the US is beating the emission goal, and will keep doing so, the only Trump benefit is NOT THROWING OUR TAX DOLLARS AWAY LIKE THE DEMS WANT TO DO. This issue can be voted on in 2018 and 2020.
Now, now. Why do the socialists care, they aren't paying federal taxes anyway, and those that are have offshore accounts in countries that BENEFIT from the deal!
Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly. The point I'm making, the headline should read:

"Markets rise because of Trumps climate Accord decision". Investors know a scam when they see one and this Accord was clearly a scam. Of course investors will feel more comfortable knowing that America will be using these funds (and future bad deal funds when they are cancelled) for their own purposes, not to prop up China and India.

So, one has to wonder how come no headline that is more positive and reflects the truth of the response? No bias I suppose...
Sorry about large print but eyes are going. You described exactly what I have been griping about for 3 years. The New Medias fear of proving themselves idiots . Bias should not be shown, printed, spoke without a little notice that the following is opinion. It would be the Headline " THE ENGLISH BOARDER IS CLOSED" The story is they have started to monitor vehicle and people Entering from France. Thanks for the post.
Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly. The point I'm making, the headline should read:

"Markets rise because of Trumps climate Accord decision". Investors know a scam when they see one and this Accord was clearly a scam. Of course investors will feel more comfortable knowing that America will be using these funds (and future bad deal funds when they are cancelled) for their own purposes, not to prop up China and India.

So, one has to wonder how come no headline that is more positive and reflects the truth of the response? No bias I suppose...

In all seriousness, business knows what will cause it to expand, and likewise contract. BIG BUSINESS likes regulation and stupidity, because they are the only ones who have the volume to comply, and pass those costs on to the consumer. Small business trying to compete does NOT have the volume to spread the costs enough to keep itself in the black against these behemoths.

CONSIDER----------> The Ford Motor Company has around a 4000 dollar cost built in to every vehicle to comply with government regulation; that is above the cost of the build. That cost is spread across its fleet of vehicles sold.

Now imagine a new car manufacturer trying to break into the market, and having to spread those costs amongst a much smaller fleet. Those costs per vehicle would be astronomical.

This is exactly why LARGE CORPORATIONS love regulation. They are the only ones with a high enough volume to spread it out to make the cost palatable to consumers. And yet, I wonder what consumers would say, if they knew how much money for their purchase was being spent on government compliance.

This is also the reason that the new banking rules are eliminating small banks from the market causing them to merge. The exact law that is SUPPOSED to stop "to big to fail" are creating mega banks, and if they fail......without government intervention......and a lot of it.....the whole economy will come down.

Another government, do good intention policy, that does exactly the OPPOSITE of what it was created to do!
Exxon was PISSED over Trump pulling us out. Exxon has long supported the Paris Accords. Why?
Think about it for a second.
Exxon was PISSED over Trump pulling us out. Exxon has long supported the Paris Accords. Why?
Think about it for a second.
To keep the looney left from constantly battering Big Oil. Big Oil wants to kill us all doncha know.

The left wants to convince the public that reducing emissions is now against the law
Sorry if I don't have it exact, it was flashed quickly. The point I'm making, the headline should read:

"Markets rise because of Trumps climate Accord decision". Investors know a scam when they see one and this Accord was clearly a scam. Of course investors will feel more comfortable knowing that America will be using these funds (and future bad deal funds when they are cancelled) for their own purposes, not to prop up China and India.

So, one has to wonder how come no headline that is more positive and reflects the truth of the response? No bias I suppose...
Is this real? I was told by a front runner for the DNC, Matthew has all the answers.
Exxon was PISSED over Trump pulling us out. Exxon has long supported the Paris Accords. Why?
Think about it for a second.
To keep the looney left from constantly battering Big Oil. Big Oil wants to kill us all doncha know.

The left wants to convince the public that reducing emissions is now against the law

I'm sure virtue signaling is part of it. But the main reason is because Exxon controls huge reserves of natural gas. In crony capitalism they like it when governments take out their competition. In this case coal.

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