The Predicaments the Left can get itself into

You are really struggling to find inconsistency. Federal roads are usually concrete, as if that was some big issue. And, objectives include renewable energy sources for using those roads - not that roads are even a majority of the needed infrastructure improvements. Beyond that, the left wing has NOT been unwilling to trade off objectives such as jobs and oil. There is no reason that solutions should be pure/total - an objective that is rarely wise.

More importantly, infrastructure improvement is nothing compared to the ACA, where the objective is to get health care coverage to all Americans.

That is an objective that 60% see as a responsibility of government (as I've posted links today).

And, it is an objective where we have made serious progress - leaving an historic low of only 9% without coverage and with clear ways to move to include more.

Again... Concrete is the leading industrial producer of carbon dioxide.

Second... on ACA... it is a debacle. It has done nothing it promised to do. You may have more people with insurance now, but it's insurance they can't afford to use for any practical purpose. They have much higher deductibles and premiums. The percentages you cite are all trumped up and bogus. This is typical of the left... smear some lipstick on that pig and call her Miss America!

So now you're against concrete roads? How nuts are you gonna get?

LMFAO... where do you get that?

Why don't you explain what you're for? Reducing carbon dioxide or more concrete roads and bridges?
Republicans are now the party of Trump. No morals, no values, all bullshit.

Trump pays out $25 million to settle Trump University litigation
Most republicans defend Trump conning people out of money. No morals or values. Trump represents what most republicans are.

Donald Trump defends size of his penis -

Trump turned the republican debates into a dick measuring contest and who can call the most childish names like "little marco". republicans ate it up and love him for it, turned out in big numbers and voted for this shit.

That is what the republicans are: no family values, vote for the guy that talks about his penis and calls everyone else childish names.

Basically a disgrace.
Conning people out of money to the truest essence of the free market system. Stealing money outright is not good but if you can get them to cough it up on their own through any means necessary, go for it.
Republicans are now the party of Trump. No morals, no values, all bullshit.

Trump pays out $25 million to settle Trump University litigation
Most republicans defend Trump conning people out of money. No morals or values. Trump represents what most republicans are.

Donald Trump defends size of his penis -

Trump turned the republican debates into a dick measuring contest and who can call the most childish names like "little marco". republicans ate it up and love him for it, turned out in big numbers and voted for this shit.

That is what the republicans are: no family values, vote for the guy that talks about his penis and calls everyone else childish names.

Basically a disgrace.

Yep, you got me. Sometimes I abuse kittens for entertainment, and I only sleep with married women. Convenient you didn't mention Clinton indiscretions, considering you did or would have supported.
Unsure what Steve said, thus hard to judge although don't agree with death threats or Uncle Tom. Needing to "continue to evaluate" hardly shows being won over, it's holding reservations because a firm judgement cant be made. It reminded me of how Al Gore talked about meeting Trump.

But you didn't read his entire statement. He had cordial words for Trump and their meeting. Both men came away feeling their meeting was productive and were very encouraged. One was castigated as an Uncle Tom and sell out, threatened with death and boycotts... the other wasn't. Why? Because he was the son of MLK, Jr. Plain and simple. Once again, the left's own rhetoric comes back to slap them in their silly faces... and that was priceless to me.
Did Trump grab a pussy, marry a 5th wife, or talk about his dick again like he did in the republican debate?
You seem determined to deflect attention from the positive reception Trump is having with leading black figures. Why is that?
More importantly, infrastructure improvement is nothing compared to the ACA, where the objective is to get health care coverage to all Americans.

ACA is yet another example of the left's contradictions of principles. All it really accomplished is to line the pockets of rich corporate conglomerate insurance companies... at the same time lefties are out in the snow and ice protesting rich corporate conglomerates on Wall Street.
Well then tell the right to get its act together and implement something better now. All they have been doing is bitching and moaning. Lets see a solution!
Care to comment on the positive reception Trump is getting from leading black figures?
Unsure what Steve said, thus hard to judge although don't agree with death threats or Uncle Tom. Needing to "continue to evaluate" hardly shows being won over, it's holding reservations because a firm judgement cant be made. It reminded me of how Al Gore talked about meeting Trump.

But you didn't read his entire statement. He had cordial words for Trump and their meeting. Both men came away feeling their meeting was productive and were very encouraged. One was castigated as an Uncle Tom and sell out, threatened with death and boycotts... the other wasn't. Why? Because he was the son of MLK, Jr. Plain and simple. Once again, the left's own rhetoric comes back to slap them in their silly faces... and that was priceless to me.
Did Trump grab a pussy, marry a 5th wife, or talk about his dick again like he did in the republican debate?
You seem determined to deflect attention from the positive reception Trump is having with leading black figures. Why is that?

Are you silly enough to believe Trump when he says "The blacks love him" ?
You are really struggling to find inconsistency. Federal roads are usually concrete, as if that was some big issue. And, objectives include renewable energy sources for using those roads - not that roads are even a majority of the needed infrastructure improvements. Beyond that, the left wing has NOT been unwilling to trade off objectives such as jobs and oil. There is no reason that solutions should be pure/total - an objective that is rarely wise.

More importantly, infrastructure improvement is nothing compared to the ACA, where the objective is to get health care coverage to all Americans.

That is an objective that 60% see as a responsibility of government (as I've posted links today).

And, it is an objective where we have made serious progress - leaving an historic low of only 9% without coverage and with clear ways to move to include more.

Again... Concrete is the leading industrial producer of carbon dioxide.

Second... on ACA... it is a debacle. It has done nothing it promised to do. You may have more people with insurance now, but it's insurance they can't afford to use for any practical purpose. They have much higher deductibles and premiums. The percentages you cite are all trumped up and bogus. This is typical of the left... smear some lipstick on that pig and call her Miss America!
Again, the ACA:
- Allows young addults to staay on their parents' insurance plans until they are 26

- Eliminates out of pocket costs for many preventive services

- Closes the Medicare prescription drug "doughnut hole"

- Creates health insurance exchanges where small businesses and people can shop for and compare coverage

- Provides financial help to low and moderate income Americans to purchase health care, improving America's health and reducing unnecessary use of ER care - the most expensive care we have (thus saving aid to hospitals, slowing hospital price increases due to indegent ER care, etc.).

- helps states expand existing medicaid programs

- Prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions

- Prohibits insurance companies from dumping customers who get sick.

- Requires employers with 50+ employees to have employee health care plans

- Successfully brought down the number of uninsured to 9%

Kept US expenditure on health care to straight line growth as per previous decades, even though cost savings method were cut from the bill, and Republicans have refused to join Democrats to address the cost issue.

I'm tired of the denials when facts don't match your personal assumptions.
You are really struggling to find inconsistency. Federal roads are usually concrete, as if that was some big issue. And, objectives include renewable energy sources for using those roads - not that roads are even a majority of the needed infrastructure improvements. Beyond that, the left wing has NOT been unwilling to trade off objectives such as jobs and oil. There is no reason that solutions should be pure/total - an objective that is rarely wise.

More importantly, infrastructure improvement is nothing compared to the ACA, where the objective is to get health care coverage to all Americans.

That is an objective that 60% see as a responsibility of government (as I've posted links today).

And, it is an objective where we have made serious progress - leaving an historic low of only 9% without coverage and with clear ways to move to include more.

Again... Concrete is the leading industrial producer of carbon dioxide.

Second... on ACA... it is a debacle. It has done nothing it promised to do. You may have more people with insurance now, but it's insurance they can't afford to use for any practical purpose. They have much higher deductibles and premiums. The percentages you cite are all trumped up and bogus. This is typical of the left... smear some lipstick on that pig and call her Miss America!

So now you're against concrete roads? How nuts are you gonna get?

LMFAO... where do you get that?

Why don't you explain what you're for? Reducing carbon dioxide or more concrete roads and bridges?
Nobody has suggested we have to start emitting no CO2.

Nations have agreed that we need to bring CO2 emissions back to what they were a couple years back.

You need to listen a little more carefully.
Unsure what Steve said, thus hard to judge although don't agree with death threats or Uncle Tom. Needing to "continue to evaluate" hardly shows being won over, it's holding reservations because a firm judgement cant be made. It reminded me of how Al Gore talked about meeting Trump.

But you didn't read his entire statement. He had cordial words for Trump and their meeting. Both men came away feeling their meeting was productive and were very encouraged. One was castigated as an Uncle Tom and sell out, threatened with death and boycotts... the other wasn't. Why? Because he was the son of MLK, Jr. Plain and simple. Once again, the left's own rhetoric comes back to slap them in their silly faces... and that was priceless to me.
Did Trump grab a pussy, marry a 5th wife, or talk about his dick again like he did in the republican debate?
You seem determined to deflect attention from the positive reception Trump is having with leading black figures. Why is that?

Are you silly enough to believe Trump when he says "The blacks love him" ?
Also irrelevant. Trump is not the one saying these things, the leading black figures are saying it after meeting him. I thought that was the whole point.
Unsure what Steve said, thus hard to judge although don't agree with death threats or Uncle Tom. Needing to "continue to evaluate" hardly shows being won over, it's holding reservations because a firm judgement cant be made. It reminded me of how Al Gore talked about meeting Trump.

But you didn't read his entire statement. He had cordial words for Trump and their meeting. Both men came away feeling their meeting was productive and were very encouraged. One was castigated as an Uncle Tom and sell out, threatened with death and boycotts... the other wasn't. Why? Because he was the son of MLK, Jr. Plain and simple. Once again, the left's own rhetoric comes back to slap them in their silly faces... and that was priceless to me.
Did Trump grab a pussy, marry a 5th wife, or talk about his dick again like he did in the republican debate?
You seem determined to deflect attention from the positive reception Trump is having with leading black figures. Why is that?

Are you silly enough to believe Trump when he says "The blacks love him" ?
Also irrelevant. Trump is not the one saying these things, the leading black figures are saying it after meeting him. I thought that was the whole point.

Really? How many leading black figures specifically said they support Trump? A diplomatic remark about their meetings doesn't mean they support or agree with him. Al Gore also had a meeting with Trump and made essentially the same type remark about the meeting being productive, and hoping to find common cause. Are you trying to say Al Gore supports him too?
Again, the ACA: ---blah blah blah....

This thread is not going to be turned into another tired and droning debate over soon-to-be dead Obamacare. There is absolutely nothing you can tell me about it that I haven't heard 50,000 times already. Why do you people act like nobody has ever heard about the Good News of Obamacare? Like a little cult of Jehovah's Witness people, someone mentions it and you launch into your little sales pitch. You're figuratively being kicked the hell off our porch and you're still trying to make the sale. We've had enough of it already!
Really? How many leading black figures specifically said they support Trump? A diplomatic remark about their meetings doesn't mean they support or agree with him.

This isn't about how many black people support Trump. It's about the left and how they manage to get themselves into such predicaments. He met with Steve Harvey and you all condemned Steve as a sell-out and Uncle Tom... someone else called him a "mediocre negro" ....this comes from the "racially tolerant" left! The next day, Trump meets with a cordial MLK III and you don't know what to say! You can't call HIM an Uncle Tom or mediocre negro!

It's just priceless to me to watch you morons paint yourselves into a corner like this.
I've been thinking about doing a thread on this for a while. I constantly wonder how lefties manage to twist and contort their assorted causes into such great contradictions through their own rhetoric. Hoisting themselves on their own petard is always entertaining but how do they cope with such fails on such a consistent basis? There are lots of examples but one comes to mind... They promote the Climate Change nonsense, calling for reducing carbon dioxide because that is supposedly causing all our problems. They also lobby against "Big Oil" which is polluting our environment! BUT... at the very same time, they call for massive stimulus packages to build roads and bridges.... Roads which require asphalt made from petroleum products produced by Big Oil and concrete which is the leading man-made source of carbon dioxide in industry. How do they manage to twist themselves into such a contradicting pretzel? Most of the time, when you point this out to them, they just stare at you with Nancy Pelosi eyes for a moment and begin repeating the formulaic chant they've been taught like trained chimps.

I found it funny that this seems to have happened again this week. Steve Harvey, a prominent black television host, went and met with Donald Trump. He emerged from Trump Towers with cordial words for Trump and positive comments about their meeting-- and the lefties predictably lost their collective shit and went bonkers on him. He was relentlessly attacked six ways from Sunday. Called all kinds of terrible and awful names... Sell-out... Uncle Tom... etc. Boycotts were threatened... he had death threats!

Okay, here's where it gets good... The next day, The Donald meets with Martin Luther King III who also had positive things to say about their meeting! ......Uh oh! Can't you just see them saying... what are we going to say about this? It's MLK's son! Can we call him.... we can't call him a sell out or Uncle Tom, can we? :dunno:

Your first mistake was admitting you put a lot of thought into this thread.
Your first mistake was admitting you put a lot of thought into this thread.

This is flaming, trolling and harassing if you don't post something pertaining to the OP. Read your forum rules, jackass. This isn't the Flame Zone or Rubber Room.
Really? How many leading black figures specifically said they support Trump? A diplomatic remark about their meetings doesn't mean they support or agree with him.

This isn't about how many black people support Trump. It's about the left and how they manage to get themselves into such predicaments. He met with Steve Harvey and you all condemned Steve as a sell-out and Uncle Tom... someone else called him a "mediocre negro" ....this comes from the "racially tolerant" left! The next day, Trump meets with a cordial MLK III and you don't know what to say! You can't call HIM an Uncle Tom or mediocre negro!

It's just priceless to me to watch you morons paint yourselves into a corner like this.

Really? Perhaps you should read the remark I as responding to. Don't you read your own thread, dumb ass?
Your first mistake was admitting you put a lot of thought into this thread.

This is flaming, trolling and harassing if you don't post something pertaining to the OP. Read your forum rules, jackass. This isn't the Flame Zone or Rubber Room.

So you might want to back off on the name calling moron.

Read the rules... you can call names and flame away as long as you post something relevant to the thread topic. How long have you been here? It's not a hard rule to follow, seems like most of you morons would know it by now.

Really? Perhaps you should read the remark I as responding to. Don't you read your own thread, dumb ass?

I read it. What you're trying to do is SPIN. Millions of black people voted for Trump. He got more of the black vote than the last two Republican candidates. But hey... they're all "Uncle Toms" and "mediocre negroes" according to you guys. When black folk stray off the plantation, you have to discipline them.

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