The Pregnant Pause As Butthurt Democrats Realize Nobody Believes Their Ridiculous Russia Narrative


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
They appear to be transitioning to attacking the repeal of Obamacare and defending their Fake News as being a requirement per the US Constitution. :p
No one ? Then why is Trump complaining that Obama didn't do enough to stop the Russians ?
The Donald and everyone with an IQ above 75 realize the fake narrative is an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President. Specifically The Donald is pointing out the hypocrisy of the narrative that Russia did something, but Russia could not do something. This could be described in primitive terms as democrat schizophrenia, but it is simply butthurt democrat desperation combined with the assumption democrats are stupid as fuck and because they have more offspring that taxpayers pay for, they will overcome the intelligent majority. The rigged election for Hillary was unrigged by The Donald. Apply Preparation H as needed you butthurt democrats!
LOL The investigation continues, and as more information comes out, we will see if the fat senile old orange clown was directly involved. His own tweets suggest that he was.
Maybe when the PEOPLE hand the GOP a super majority in both houses next fall the democraps will move on to ACTUAL policy changes and try and win the people back instead of whining for 8 years.
They appear to be transitioning to attacking the repeal of Obamacare and defending their Fake News as being a requirement per the US Constitution. :p
I can still remember seeing the footage of Joy Blowfart being so adamant that the Russians voted/hacked,,,and thats why Hillary lost in a landslide

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