"The Presidency of Donald Trump Will Be An Utter Disaster Unless..."

Do You Think There Should Be Arrests for Treason?

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May 29, 2016
...there are MASSIVE arrests for TREASON!

I have been very vociferous about calling for the arrest of all traitors beginning with the arrest of foreign agent Barry Soetoro and from there removing EVERYONE who held a political office over the past 8 years of his illegitimate presidency.

Everyone who took an oath of office, from the supreme court Justices to county officials including police on the beat, aided and abetted the fraud of Barry Soetoro actively or by acquiescence and therefore are guilty of treason. Does this sound too harsh? I don't think so because the survival of our nation is at stake.

What have we seen during the first week of the Trump presidency? He and more important, our national security, is being openly opposed and undermined by traitors - Sally Hernandez, Mario Cuomo, Mike DiBlasio, Chuck Schumer, Mainstream Media - just to name a few and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Trump can have a perfect record of enacting policies to protect our nation and it will be all for naught due to the subversive actions of traitors who will impede his efforts and simply nullify everything he accomplished once he is out of office.

We are at the most dangerous point in our nation's history. The chaos that these traitors are capable of fomenting can easily be directed by the likes of Soros et al. to support the globalist agenda.

The ONLY metric by which Trump's success can be measured is the number of traitors who are arrested. Period.

So far no traitors have been arrested but this better change soon because...

Your kind, your race, you.....its because of people like you this planet has yet to breath. Time and time again, its because of white supremacy and your inability to adjust to a changing world, that chaos persist in the world. From Israel to Quebec to New York city. The only solution, is to bring finally white rage to a permanent end and through Brexit and Trump, I believe finally, your reign of terror on this planet is finally gonna end....and thank God. Brown will rule someday, get over it.
Mario Cuomo is dead, and I don't know who the fuck "Mike DiBlasio" is.

As for the rest of your post, I think I'll have to take a pass on your fascist delusions.
...there are MASSIVE arrests for TREASON!

I have been very vociferous about calling for the arrest of all traitors beginning with the arrest of foreign agent Barry Soetoro and from there removing EVERYONE who held a political office over the past 8 years of his illegitimate presidency.

Everyone who took an oath of office, from the supreme court Justices to county officials including police on the beat, aided and abetted the fraud of Barry Soetoro actively or by acquiescence and therefore are guilty of treason. Does this sound too harsh? I don't think so because the survival of our nation is at stake.

What have we seen during the first week of the Trump presidency? He and more important, our national security, is being openly opposed and undermined by traitors - Sally Hernandez, Mario Cuomo, Mike DiBlasio, Chuck Schumer, Mainstream Media - just to name a few and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Trump can have a perfect record of enacting policies to protect our nation and it will be all for naught due to the subversive actions of traitors who will impede his efforts and simply nullify everything he accomplished once he is out of office.

We are at the most dangerous point in our nation's history. The chaos that these traitors are capable of fomenting can easily be directed by the likes of Soros et al. to support the globalist agenda.

The ONLY metric by which Trump's success can be measured is the number of traitors who are arrested. Period.

So far no traitors have been arrested but this better change soon because...

Simple LenKeis
Make these people pay for the costs of their own govt and political beliefs
1. prove how much Obama's administration forked over in tax money to unauthorized recipients
and charge those agents with collecting, reimbursing and/or crediting back taxpayers for each amount contested as unconstitutional
2. accept their petitions that their BELIEFS aren't represented by Trump's administration
and charge them with representing, managing and funding their OWN beliefs so they
CAN protect the rights and interests of people who need those beliefs represented.
3. so write corrective legislations that either allows or requires these leaders of liberal political beliefs to assess and collect back reimbursements or credits, and INVEST that back into programs they believe in which will serve citizen populations who share those same political beliefs.
NOTE: this SHOULD be mandatory, but if it is set up right, by consensus of both parties who see it as a win-win solution, it can be implemented and followed voluntarily. Both sides want to invest taxes in policies that represent them and their beliefs, so let both parties do that.

Use this division to separate what needs to be under separate administration.
Take a page out of the playbook of churches when they split denominations.
They take their members and go form a separate congregation under their own policies and fund their own programs. And leave each other alone!

Political beliefs are similar to religious beliefs, but clearly require specialized legislation since use of GOVT is involved. If both parties keep their political beliefs and agenda OUT of govt then this could be orchestrated similar to churches so it is independent of govt.
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Your kind, your race, you.....its because of people like you this planet has yet to breath. Time and time again, its because of white supremacy and your inability to adjust to a changing world, that chaos persist in the world. From Israel to Quebec to New York city. The only solution, is to bring finally white rage to a permanent end and through Brexit and Trump, I believe finally, your reign of terror on this planet is finally gonna end....and thank God. Brown will rule someday, get over it.
We will free you from your plantation.....whether you like it or not, it will end....
Article III, Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Your kind, your race, you.....its because of people like you this planet has yet to breath. Time and time again, its because of white supremacy and your inability to adjust to a changing world, that chaos persist in the world. From Israel to Quebec to New York city. The only solution, is to bring finally white rage to a permanent end and through Brexit and Trump, I believe finally, your reign of terror on this planet is finally gonna end....and thank God. Brown will rule someday, get over it.

I really don't think this thread was intended to act as an audition to see who would be first.

just sayin.........
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There are already "arrests for treason" but first, there has to be evidence. Since there is no evidence of treason on the part of the Clintons, President Obama, or John Kerry, there have been no arrests.

OTOH, we can all look forward to King CheezWhiz's impeachment and more.
I'll be happy if the government shrinks and the constitution is obeyed.
Dear tigerred59
RE: Brown will rule:
Can I ask you how basing "rule" on Brown skin color
is any less RACIST
than basing it on White skin color?

Isn't the point of being "color blind" and inclusive of diversity
to base rules on universal principles, such as Constitutional
equal protections or the Golden Rule of equal respect for all persons.

How is what you are purporting or proposing
any less RACIST, if you are focused on people's skin color or culture?


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