The president is doing nothing useful

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019

Why solve problems when you can pick fights instead.
Everything Trump is doing is for himself and his reelection. He is doing nothing to help the American people. This says it all:
Trump spent the week waging rhetorical war on media critics, China and Twitter, while the tally of death and distress reached alarming new levels. More than 100,000 Americans have now died of COVID-19, while 41 million workers have lost their jobs in the last 10 weeks. A black man in Minneapolis died after a white cop knelt on his neck for 7 minutes, prompting protests and riots in Minneapolis and other cities. There’s discord everywhere.

Instead of helping he makes things even worse by playing "Big Man" and saying let the bullets fly. Now at least 7 people are gunned down. Get this fucking orange clown of the president out of office NOW before he burns down the entire country!!!

Why solve problems when you can pick fights instead.
Everything Trump is doing is for himself and his reelection. He is doing nothing to help the American people. This says it all:
Trump spent the week waging rhetorical war on media critics, China and Twitter, while the tally of death and distress reached alarming new levels. More than 100,000 Americans have now died of COVID-19, while 41 million workers have lost their jobs in the last 10 weeks. A black man in Minneapolis died after a white cop knelt on his neck for 7 minutes, prompting protests and riots in Minneapolis and other cities. There’s discord everywhere.

Instead of helping he makes things even worse by playing "Big Man" and saying let the bullets fly. Now at least 7 people are gunned down. Get this fucking orange clown of the president out of office NOW before he burns down the entire country!!!
If i remember, it wasnt the president who pulled the trigger, but if you blame the president for the 7 people gunned down, then Obama was the one to blame for the San Bernardino Christmas massacre, the Fort Hood Massacre, the Orlando Gay bar massacre. Still think the president is responsible for the 7 people gunned down?
Our most racially divisive President ever, Born in Kenya Barack, of course, took the opportunity to throw gasoline on the MN situation
I remember at the beginning of Trump's term when he said that he alone can reunite the country.

He's done nothing except cause the divide between people to get bigger.

He already united the Americans behind him.

The rest do not seem to want to be Americans, or have anything to do with America.

That is the kind of crap I'm talking about. Under other presidents, we may have had differences between the parties, but we didn't have a bunch of conservatives telling those who don't agree with them to leave the country. That is the kind of division that will kill this country.
Our most racially divisive President ever, Born in Kenya Barack, of course, took the opportunity to throw gasoline on the MN situation

Obama is responsible for reviving the 'us vs. them' mentality in the black community against the cops!

Can't wait to hear a holier than thou statement from that instigator. It'll be golden, I'm sure!
Obama is responsible for reviving the 'us vs. them' mentality in the black community against the cops!

Can't wait to hear a holier than thou statement from that instigator. It'll be golden, I'm sure!

Yet another Obama Derangement Syndrome sufferer.
I remember at the beginning of Trump's term when he said that he alone can reunite the country.

He's done nothing except cause the divide between people to get bigger.

He already united the Americans behind him.

The rest do not seem to want to be Americans, or have anything to do with America.

That is the kind of crap I'm talking about. Under other presidents, we may have had differences between the parties, but we didn't have a bunch of conservatives telling those who don't agree with them to leave the country. That is the kind of division that will kill this country.

The conservatives claim to believe the (absurdly stupid) idea that America is just an idea. Not our home, not a geographic place, not the people... an idea.

Well now that they have imported bunch of people who want to have nothing to do with that idea - the idea of freedom - it is time to get packing. Even according to their own alternative theories of how societies work, this is the correct course of action.

I certainly want none of the freedom hating leftists telling me how to live. There already is a country called Venezuela for them.
Everything Trump is doing is for himself and his reelection. He is doing nothing to help the American people
Everything Biden is doing is for himself and his election. He is doing nothing to help the American people
Everything Pelosi is doing is for herself
I remember at the beginning of Trump's term when he said that he alone can reunite the country.

He's done nothing except cause the divide between people to get bigger.

Well us deplorables didn't like the alternative

Get it? Doubtful
Whenever they can’t dispute a claim against their Dear Leader, they march out the Trump Derangement Syndrome response.

At least we arent out their burning down Target , or low income housing. That is just biting off your nose to spite your face, which all liberals are butt ugly as hell.
Nothing useful? Well, then today must be Everyday. That’s the only time Trump is useless.

Why solve problems when you can pick fights instead.
Everything Trump is doing is for himself and his reelection. He is doing nothing to help the American people. This says it all:
Trump spent the week waging rhetorical war on media critics, China and Twitter, while the tally of death and distress reached alarming new levels. More than 100,000 Americans have now died of COVID-19, while 41 million workers have lost their jobs in the last 10 weeks. A black man in Minneapolis died after a white cop knelt on his neck for 7 minutes, prompting protests and riots in Minneapolis and other cities. There’s discord everywhere.

Instead of helping he makes things even worse by playing "Big Man" and saying let the bullets fly. Now at least 7 people are gunned down. Get this fucking orange clown of the president out of office NOW before he burns down the entire country!!!
Title should read :

"The president is don't nothing useful, as usual"

Otherwise I agree completely.
I remember at the beginning of Trump's term when he said that he alone can reunite the country.

He's done nothing except cause the divide between people to get bigger.

Coming from the left.......You are funny go get in their faces.......protests at their homes.....if you see them at the store get in their faces and let them no they aren't WELCOME

Which party had people say this and actually do this.........hmmm

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