The President Speaks Of Hope For The Future

What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
Boy you sure are clever. Tricking people into thinking a completely different person, who did different things while in office, said something that somebody else said then pretending they were objecting to the person who actually said it. Yeah, taking quotes completely out of context makes you so clever.

Actually, that's a lie.

I took nothing out of context and I never said once that the President who said those two things that were quoted was Pres. Obama, not even once.
Actually, it isn't. I never said that you said that President Obama was the one who said those things. To deny that you wanted us to believe that Obama said those things, however, is a lie.
Statistheilhitler is a liar. A stupid one at that.
This thread reminds me of a famous USMB quote:

bripat9643;9224206 said:
Eisenhower was a socialist dupe who positively harmed this country and decreased the freedoms we formerly enjoyed. Only a statist bootlicker would admire him.

I would like to once again thank the President for these two very inspiring quotes, both of which the Right was, at best, lukewarm about and sometimes downright vicious:

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Once again, thank you, Mr. President!
Ha! See. No one had issues with the quotes. We just couldn't beleive the same president who has violated every bit of that actually said it.
Thanks for confirming:
Obama hates religion, except Islam
Obama hates average Americans
Obama hates dissent

And you, sir, win Dumbass of the Day for USMB. On behalf of all the members here who werent duped, go fuck yourself.

Got caught with your pants down again....didn't you Rabbi?
No, idiot. I spotted it right away.


Lets spend the rest of the thread proving you wrong
Knock yourself out, big boy.
I am unaware of any secrets. His life is an open book and he is respected around the world as a great American

Now I know you're trolling...

There are schools in France and England that are named after him
Gaza City names their streets and schools after suicide bombers. That's more profound.

What, more profound than naming things after this president??

I don't know.....maybe putting him on a coin or something
I'm thinking the dollar

Wooden nickel.
The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Where did anyone attribute any of the quotes -- or anything -- to O'bama?
I didn't say that you did, but if you deny that you wanted us to think you were talking about Obama, however, then you are as dishonest as the OP. A clever liar is still a liar, however.

The question is --- WHO brought you there? Where is the "lie"?

Aye, there's the rub.
Pretending that people were objecting to President Eisenhower. A lie.
Sounds like the words of a wise man
Sounds like someone has a hard on for a demagoguing dictator.

Are you calling the President, who said those words, a demagoguing dictator? Really? Wow.
Yes, actually I was. You dont think for a second he actually believes any of that, do you? You'd have to be a rube and a half to believe that.
Yep I was right. Obama does not believe any of that.
Sounds like the words of a wise man
Sounds like someone has a hard on for a demagoguing dictator.

Are you calling the President, who said those words, a demagoguing dictator? Really? Wow.
Yes, actually I was. You dont think for a second he actually believes any of that, do you? You'd have to be a rube and a half to believe that.
Yep I was right. Obama does not believe any of that.
What does Obama have to do with it?
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
Boy you sure are clever. Tricking people into thinking a completely different person, who did different things while in office, said something that somebody else said then pretending they were objecting to the person who actually said it. Yeah, taking quotes completely out of context makes you so clever.

Actually, that's a lie.

I took nothing out of context and I never said once that the President who said those two things that were quoted was Pres. Obama, not even once.
Actually, it isn't. I never said that you said that President Obama was the one who said those things. To deny that you wanted us to believe that Obama said those things, however, is a lie.
Statistheilhitler is a liar. A stupid one at that.
Clearly. I actually thought Statistik was somebody with whom you could have a decent discussion prior to this thread. Obviously I was wrong on that count as well.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
Boy you sure are clever. Tricking people into thinking a completely different person, who did different things while in office, said something that somebody else said then pretending they were objecting to the person who actually said it. Yeah, taking quotes completely out of context makes you so clever.

Actually, that's a lie.

I took nothing out of context and I never said once that the President who said those two things that were quoted was Pres. Obama, not even once.
Actually, it isn't. I never said that you said that President Obama was the one who said those things. To deny that you wanted us to believe that Obama said those things, however, is a lie.
Statistheilhitler is a liar. A stupid one at that.
Clearly. I actually thought Statistik was somebody with whom you could have a decent discussion prior to this thread. Obviously I was wrong on that count as well.
Sorry. I knew better. He is a poseur. He is a kid pretending to be sentient and having fun in mom's basement.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
That's subtrafuge and misleading, Stats. Your OP says "The President Speaks of Hope for the Future." The here and now. A former president is not The President.
Also your 1st post is in quotes and you did not list who was quoted. Not making excuses but you made it appear that Obamessiah said it and that little trick has been used many times on this board. For shame.

Your vitriol towards a great president is duly noted

Why should it matter to you "which" president said it?
Nobody objected to the quotes, sheeple.
Seems you did based on who you thought said it

Hate runs to the bone in you doesn't it?
"Said it" and "quoted" is apples and oranges. Stats misled his OP in post #1. As I said before, nobody disputed the quotes, only the manner in which they were presented. Why is your attention span only 2 seconds long? And why do you worship evil?
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
That's subtrafuge and misleading, Stats. Your OP says "The President Speaks of Hope for the Future." The here and now. A former president is not The President.
Also your 1st post is in quotes and you did not list who was quoted. Not making excuses but you made it appear that Obamessiah said it and that little trick has been used many times on this board. For shame.

Your vitriol towards a great president is duly noted

Why should it matter to you "which" president said it?
Nobody objected to the quotes, sheeple.
Seems you did based on who you thought said it

Hate runs to the bone in you doesn't it?
Senseless drivel.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

No, it shows that many conservatives are so driven by hate, they don't take time to actually read content.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
Boy you sure are clever. Tricking people into thinking a completely different person, who did different things while in office, said something that somebody else said then pretending they were objecting to the person who actually said it. Yeah, taking quotes completely out of context makes you so clever.

Actually, that's a lie.

I took nothing out of context and I never said once that the President who said those two things that were quoted was Pres. Obama, not even once.
Well, Stats, we can say that you would make a great liberal politician. I'll vote for ya.

I would like to once again thank the President for these two very inspiring quotes, both of which the Right was, at best, lukewarm about and sometimes downright vicious:

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Once again, thank you, Mr. President!
Ha! See. No one had issues with the quotes. We just couldn't beleive the same president who has violated every bit of that actually said it.
Thanks for confirming:
Obama hates religion, except Islam
Obama hates average Americans
Obama hates dissent

And you, sir, win Dumbass of the Day for USMB. On behalf of all the members here who werent duped, go fuck yourself.

Ahhh, your continuing anger issues are noted.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Where did anyone attribute any of the quotes -- or anything -- to O'bama?
I didn't say that you did, but if you deny that you wanted us to think you were talking about Obama, however, then you are as dishonest as the OP. A clever liar is still a liar, however.

What I want or don't want is irrelevant. Your own personal intellectual laziness is not my fault.
Personal responsibility and all that jazz, you know...

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