The President Speaks Of Hope For The Future

What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
That's subtrafuge and misleading, Stats. Your OP says "The President Speaks of Hope for the Future." The here and now. A former president is not The President.
Also your 1st post is in quotes and you did not list who was quoted. Not making excuses but you made it appear that Obamessiah said it and that little trick has been used many times on this board. For shame.

Your vitriol towards a great president is duly noted

Why should it matter to you "which" president said it?
Nobody objected to the quotes, sheeple.
Seems you did based on who you thought said it

Hate runs to the bone in you doesn't it?
"Said it" and "quoted" is apples and oranges. Stats misled his OP in post #1. As I said before, nobody disputed the quotes, only the manner in which they were presented. Why is your attention span only 2 seconds long? And why do you worship evil?

I never saw him misrepresent his quote
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...
Boy you sure are clever. Tricking people into thinking a completely different person, who did different things while in office, said something that somebody else said then pretending they were objecting to the person who actually said it. Yeah, taking quotes completely out of context makes you so clever.

Actually, that's a lie.

I took nothing out of context and I never said once that the President who said those two things that were quoted was Pres. Obama, not even once.
Well, Stats, we can say that you would make a great liberal politician. I'll vote for ya.

All I was doing was testing your concentration.

Pres. Eisenhower's words, in those two cases, were and still are incredible words, words worth pondering. But since Righties let their own personal hatred of Pres. Obama cloud their judgement, they will simply unwilling to judge the words on their own merit. This is why I asked many times over what people thought of the quotes themselves. The experiment proved a couple of important points.

Feel free to vote for me. SH, Emperor of the Universe!!!

What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.

Stat proved once again that it is not Obamas statements or policies that the right objects to

It is Obama who they object to
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

His words are at direct odds with his actions.
Sounds like an updated version of his hope and change speeches.

So, do you find the words to be empty of real meaning??
I find the words of all politicians to be empty of real meaning unless their actions match the words. This is not a slam against Obama I can find few if any politicians who don't live by the motto do as I say not as I do.
Sounds like an updated version of his hope and change speeches.

So, do you find the words to be empty of real meaning??
I find the words of all politicians to be empty of real meaning unless their actions match the words. This is not a slam against Obama I can find few if any politicians who don't live by the motto do as I say not as I do.

I can accept that argument as worthy of further investigation.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.
Look at the title of the thread and then read the 1st post. Almost 100% of readers would assume it meant Obama said them. All because the quotes didnt reference the author of the quotes, which I believe is one of the rules of USMB. Also nobody disputed the quotes. You liberal pukes go ahead with your juvenile 'gotcha' posts.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.
Look at the title of the thread and then read the 1st post. Almost 100% of readers would assume it meant Obama said them. All because the quotes didnt reference the author of the quotes, which I believe is one of the rules of USMB. Also nobody disputed the quotes. You liberal pukes go ahead with your juvenile 'gotcha' posts.

I think if you go back and reread the first few pages you will find direct attacks on the quotes. I remember Stalin and Bill Ayres being referenced.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.

Stat proved once again that it is not Obamas statements or policies that the right objects to

It is Obama who they object to
You win a seegar, wingnut.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

No, it shows that many conservatives are so driven by hate, they don't take time to actually read content.
Do you deny that it was your intent for people to view your quote as having come from Obama?
The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Where did anyone attribute any of the quotes -- or anything -- to O'bama?
I didn't say that you did, but if you deny that you wanted us to think you were talking about Obama, however, then you are as dishonest as the OP. A clever liar is still a liar, however.

What I want or don't want is irrelevant. Your own personal intellectual laziness is not my fault.
Personal responsibility and all that jazz, you know...
I fully admit to being duped. No question. It doesn't change the fact that you're intellectually dishonest.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.
Except that mistakenly assuming that Obama said those things, and then pointing out that Obama doesn't actually believe them, has nothing to do with being a blind partisan. Obama's actions don't fall in line with the principles espoused in those quotes, I would say neither does Eisenhower's, but that's irrelevant, and pointing that out is simply pointing out facts. Now we pointed out those facts based on a false assumption, but they're still facts regardless.
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

No, it shows that many conservatives are so driven by hate, they don't take time to actually read content.
Do you deny that it was your intent for people to view your quote as having come from Obama?

To quote our next president....what difference does it make?
What a shame that Conservatives hate Dwight D. Eisenhower so much, he really was a great president.

I just guess no one outside of Jesus himself will be Conservative enough for todays Conservatives...

The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

Actually Kevin, I agree with your last sentence.
There were plenty of posters who assumed the quotes were that of Obama and then let their hate take over. Stat never implied it was Obama, people assumed the quotes were by Obama.
The act of assuming. Looking back, the behavior of those who were punked, reminds me of all those who come here everyday armed with nothing but hyper-partisan talking points and run with it over and over again. It happens often and by both sides of the aisle. I can't tell you how many times hyper-partisan talking points end up getting debunked because certain qualifiers are intentionally left out.
That's where Google (or some other search tool) comes into play. When I am here on USMB, Google comes into play constantly. Doing some research using non-partisan resources involves not much work and it sure helps avoiding punking oneself. I know I have burned myself by being lazy and assumptive. I hate it when I humiliate myself.

Stat proved once again that it is not Obamas statements or policies that the right objects to

It is Obama who they object to
Except that I pointed out several of Obama's policies that I disagree with and that blatantly go against the quote I falsely assumed came from him. Nobody bothered to address those posts at all.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

Yes, thank you, President Eisenhower!
The venom and hatred of the right towards President Eisenhower in this thread is surprising

This thread all goes to show exactly how blind hate is.:blues:
No, this thread shows very little, actually. It is one of the most intellectually dishonest and bankrupt threads in recent memory. We have an OP, and others, pretending that people were protesting the words of a quote, rather than the person that the OP was pretending said the quote, as if context is unimportant. We have an OP who was completely unwilling to engage in any discussion with any meaningful or well thought out critique of the person he was pretending said the quote, and rather simply sat around mocking the low-hanging fruit.

The most that can be said for this thread is that those of us who were duped, and we were, should have known better and Googled the quotes.

No, it shows that many conservatives are so driven by hate, they don't take time to actually read content.
Do you deny that it was your intent for people to view your quote as having come from Obama?

To quote our next president....what difference does it make?
It points to his intent to trick people. Duplicity is inherently dishonest.

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