The President with the lowest overall average approval rating in history is......

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it

cllnton kept us out of war with Russia????? WTF do you think Kosovo was all about? Obozo the Kenyan made us so weak that we almost became an ISIS territory.

its amazing how you libtardians continually make up history.
Idiot I was speaking about JFK

I brought up Ted Kennedy, not his brother JFK.
My apologies It was Whitey that mentioned JFK His post did show up on one of yours

It’s all good, I kept reading it over and over and tried to figure out who stopped WWIII. Lol! Thanks for the clarification.
Imagine what JFK's rating would be if the media didn't create a fictional "camelot" and instead focused on JFK's prescription drug abuse and philandering. You almost gotta laugh that Harry Truman couldn't even get enough support in his own freaking party to run for a second full term and yet the Gallup has him at 45%. LBJ was a freaking joke and people were chanting in the streets when he was president and he quit just when we needed leadership but Gallup has him at 55%. The media created a freaking misery index during the Carter years but Gallup has him at 46%,. Does Gallup hae a political agenda or am I missing something?
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it

cllnton kept us out of war with Russia????? WTF do you think Kosovo was all about? Obozo the Kenyan made us so weak that we almost became an ISIS territory.

its amazing how you libtardians continually make up history.
Idiot I was speaking about JFK

I brought up Ted Kennedy, not his brother JFK.
My apologies It was Whitey that mentioned JFK His post did show up on one of yours

It’s all good, I kept reading it over and over and tried to figure out who stopped WWIII. Lol! Thanks for the clarification.
JFYI I was in the service then and my base Ft Bliss was called to Florida A scary time Wonder what Trump would have done
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?
Well, it did take Kennedy and LBJ, and they couldn't do it. Nixon came in and got it done....

Obama couldn't get the economy over 2%, President Trump comes in and gets it done...

Libtards are such stupid people.
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?
Well, it did take Kennedy and LBJ, and they couldn't do it. Nixon came in and got it done....

Obama couldn't get the economy over 2%, President Trump comes in and gets it done...

Libtards are such stupid people.
I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?
Well, it did take Kennedy and LBJ, and they couldn't do it. Nixon came in and got it done....

Obama couldn't get the economy over 2%, President Trump comes in and gets it done...

Libtards are such stupid people.
Repub tards,,,,4 years later????
Nixon would object that he didn’t start the war in Vietnam, and he’d be right about that. But he ran for president in 1968 promising that he had a secret plan to end the war. The Paris Peace Talks had already started when he took office. And yet the war continued for four more years, during which half a million Vietnamese died — along with 21,000 Americans.
Nixon might also object that the Vietnamese dead include victims of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. He’d be right about that too. But without the Americans, there never would have been a Vietnam War. There never would have been a South Vietnam.
I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Imagine what JFK's rating would be if the media didn't create a fictional "camelot" and instead focused on JFK's prescription drug abuse and philandering. You almost gotta laugh that Harry Truman couldn't even get enough support in his own freaking party to run for a second full term and yet the Gallup has him at 45%. LBJ was a freaking joke and people were chanting in the streets when he was president and he quit just when we needed leadership but Gallup has him at 55%. The media created a freaking misery index during the Carter years but Gallup has him at 46%,. Does Gallup hae a political agenda or am I missing something?
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).

Last edited:
She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

You mean like Clinton did?
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

You mean like Clinton did?
Clinton didn't pay off a doctor to lie about his heel,,,,,and so what ?You still have a lying yellow crook in your WH now and he can't shine Clintons shoes
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.
Mr Historian How long did it take Nixon and how many died in the meantime?

Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

remind me which branch Clinton served in, I must have forgotten. and Bernie, which one? Sharpton? Jackson? Schumer? Biden?

I support Trump because he is doing the JOB of president and doing it very well. I don't give a shit about his girlfriends, or his New York brashness. He is a winner and its been a long time since we have had a winner in the white house.
Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

You mean like Clinton did?
Clinton didn't pay off a doctor to lie about his heel,,,,,and so what ?You still have a lying yellow crook in your WH now and he can't shine Clintons shoes

no, he left the country. what a hero.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

You mean like Clinton did?
Clinton didn't pay off a doctor to lie about his heel,,,,,and so what ?You still have a lying yellow crook in your WH now and he can't shine Clintons shoes

no, he left the country. what a hero.

That counts as a sacrifice as there were more sex clubs in New York. And patriotically, Rump stayed behind to keep them humming, bravely dodging IEDs STDs the whole time while his contemporaries like McCain were off having fun living it up at the Hanoi Hilton in a private room.

Somebody had to make the sacrifice on the home front, and Rump was up to the task. :salute:
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".
I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

And was going to clean the swamp out HE DID and brought it to his cabinet and the WH
She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

And was going to clean the swamp out HE DID and brought it to his cabinet and the WH

Of course, when he said he was going to "drain the swamp" he meant "depend on the swamp". It was kind of a 'double negative' like when "would" means "wouldn't".
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

And was going to clean the swamp out HE DID and brought it to his cabinet and the WH

Of course, when he said he was going to "drain the swamp" he meant "depend on the swamp". It was kind of a 'double negative' like when "would" means "wouldn't".

When truth isn't the truth and alternative facts He's lying more and doing it on purpose The lies are
his secret sauce
Nixon inherited that mess, then got us out be declaring defeat, 58,000 americans died for nothing, a terrible time in our history.
Took him 4 years and 21k deaths???
Notice how he avoided the point that Nixon and Trump did what a liberal Democrat couldn't?
Did nixon punk out of service too,like trump did?,,,,lying yellow belly trump and you support him

You mean like Clinton did?
Clinton didn't pay off a doctor to lie about his heel,,,,,and so what ?You still have a lying yellow crook in your WH now and he can't shine Clintons shoes
No, Bill burned his draft card.....then cheated on his wife, and lied to you right to your face saying :I did not have sexual relations with that woman, and you believed him.....

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