The President with the lowest overall average approval rating in history is......

notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
And still, the libtards can’t name one policy that he has put in place that they disagree with and give a logical reason why!
His tariff deal is a suicide pact

His tariffs brought the EU, Mexico, and China to the negotiation table, new trade deals are being made that are fair to all countries. tell us how fair trade deals are suicide.
Just to give an example of how flawed “disapproval” is, my mother thinks Trump is a disgusting human being for cheating on his wives and for talking about grabbing pussies, but at the same time she literally wept for over an hour when she thought Hillary might win because she voted for him and she hates Hillary.

My mom still thinks Trump is disgusting today and she will vote even more enthusiastically for him in 2020 because of the scum that the Democrats have become.

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

I can see similarities between the Trump and Obama followers, they both stand by them no matter what or how stupid it is. Both parties are very similar in that respect.

actually that's not true. republicans will call out their leaders when they do or say something stupid, case in point, McCain is not a hero with many republicans, but he now is with liberals and their media suck buddies.

libs and dems however, blindly follow their leaders and parrot whatever they instruct them to say, never thinking for themselves, only following like brain dead sheep.
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
you call doing the job getting the world to ridicule us , to mock this moron you put into the most powerful seat in the world? this lying cheating inarticulate garbage ? this russian loving money launderer?
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
/——/ Fake poll of 1100 random adults, meaningless.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
/——/ Fake poll of 1100 random adults, meaningless.

Actually, the list is the total results and averages of THOUSANDS of polls taken since the 1940s. Trumps poll number here is the average of several hundred polls taken on his approval rating since he entered office 19 months ago. You will not find a more accurate or comprehensive list as this because there is no organization in the world that has done this much polling for this long as GALLUP has done.
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.

See you in 10 weeks.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
/——/ Fake poll of 1100 random adults, meaningless.

Actually, the list is the total results and averages of THOUSANDS of polls taken since the 1940s. Trumps poll number here is the average of several hundred polls taken on his approval rating since he entered office 19 months ago. You will not find a more accurate or comprehensive list as this because there is no organization in the world that has done this much polling for this long as GALLUP has done.
/——/ Rasmussen is the most accurate and consistent
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
you call doing the job getting the world to ridicule us , to mock this moron you put into the most powerful seat in the world? this lying cheating inarticulate garbage ? this russian loving money launderer?

How do you manage to get so many mistakes in such a short post???
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
I try to clean it up PC but there are just some words that describe him best and as far as desperate goes I'm far from it Try listening to his daughter speak of him in church this morning and hear about the man who also believed Trump is a vile dishonest man
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
you call doing the job getting the world to ridicule us , to mock this moron you put into the most powerful seat in the world? this lying cheating inarticulate garbage ? this russian loving money launderer?

Uhh, Hillary didn’t win.
Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
you call doing the job getting the world to ridicule us , to mock this moron you put into the most powerful seat in the world? this lying cheating inarticulate garbage ? this russian loving money launderer?

Uhh, Hillary didn’t win.
Pap you might fool some here but you're too easy Only a moron would think Trump is a better person than Hillary
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
I try to clean it up PC but there are just some words that describe him best and as far as desperate goes I'm far from it Try listening to his daughter speak of him in church this morning and hear about the man who also believed Trump is a vile dishonest man

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.
No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

sadly, McCain arranged to have the last word from the grave, he died a bitter vindictive old man. quite a sad ending. He could not get over the fact that Trump won where he lost, he blamed Palin for his loss even though he chose her, always someone else's fault his entire life.

I don't care if you like Trump personally, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we finally have a president who is doing the JOB of president, not trying to be a celebrity like obozo, or a please-everyone do-nothing like the Bushes, or defiling the oval office like Clinton. Sure, he is brash and says dumb things sometimes, he is not a PC bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
you call doing the job getting the world to ridicule us , to mock this moron you put into the most powerful seat in the world? this lying cheating inarticulate garbage ? this russian loving money launderer?

Uhh, Hillary didn’t win.
Pap you might fool some here but you're too easy Only a moron would think Trump is a better person than Hillary
Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?

No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
I try to clean it up PC but there are just some words that describe him best and as far as desperate goes I'm far from it Try listening to his daughter speak of him in church this morning and hear about the man who also believed Trump is a vile dishonest man

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.
Uncouth ,uncaring ,inhumane, uneducated braggart who needs lost of attention are some glowing terms I can come up with
No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
I try to clean it up PC but there are just some words that describe him best and as far as desperate goes I'm far from it Try listening to his daughter speak of him in church this morning and hear about the man who also believed Trump is a vile dishonest man

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.
Uncouth ,uncaring ,inhumane, uneducated braggart who needs lost of attention are some glowing terms I can come up with

President, commander in chief, your daddy.
No excuses will be needed from this side, no excuses are needed when you win. the GOP will hold both houses this November and Trump will win again in 2020. The American people see the results of sane economic and foreign policy, they see the new jobs, bigger paychecks, record low unemployment, growing GDP, fair trade deals. the people want results, not left wing bullshit.
red if you really think this scumbag of a man is fit to lead America you deserve whatever he brings,,Hint,,,While the world celebrate the man McCain was ,,while both parties praise his life, he was wise enough to forbid the pos you support from coming to his funeral Wise even unto death

Clean up your language, eddie...your desperation is showing.
I try to clean it up PC but there are just some words that describe him best and as far as desperate goes I'm far from it Try listening to his daughter speak of him in church this morning and hear about the man who also believed Trump is a vile dishonest man

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.
Uncouth ,uncaring ,inhumane, uneducated braggart who needs lost of attention are some glowing terms I can come up with

Let's assume, arguendo, eddie, that those terms apply.

What does that have to do with this?

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.

For America, and Americans, Trump is far more successful, and beneficial, than Hussein Obama.

You know that, don't you?

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