The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Reagan defeated Communism.

Perhaps you would tell me where the USSR is on a world map.
Reagan had nothing to do with that, Gorbachev and Yeltsin did all the heavy lifting and all St Ronnie did was try to steal the credit even though he was out of office when the wall came down.

If you had a brain you would take it out an play with it. You still didn't tell me where the USSR is.
When you factor in the very real possibility that Hussein's labor department tweaked the numbers (just like his IRS harassed political enemies), you probably get real unemployment numbers in the double digits.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.
WTF does military spending have to do with unemployment figures?? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What DOES have a lot to do with unemployment figures is the massive recession Obama inherited where some 7 million jobs were lost.

Try subtracting 7 million jobs from Reagan's terms and see what his numbers look like. And try subtracting the 1.4 million public sector jobs added while Reagan was president to match the 366K decrease in public jobs we've seen disappear under Obama.
You'll make yourself dizzy with all of that spin.
Obama energy policy has kept us in an economic hole. We have yet to recover and that is born out in a reduced work force and increased food stamp subsidies. Duh.
Which is why the cost of gasoline is so enormously high. And as far as the 4.9 unemployment rate and the 5.8 million unfilled jobs, it's Obama's fault. He refuses to support education. The way the GOP does.

If Obama supported education the way the GOP does, we would be living in caves.
When you factor in the very real possibility that Hussein's labor department tweaked the numbers (just like his IRS harassed political enemies), you probably get real unemployment numbers in the double digits.
Nobody tweaked the employment numbers more than Reagan. His "real" UE numbers were never less than double what he reported and as much as triple what he reported.
The Gallup numbers, showing improving self-assessments of blacks' quality of life, reflect this. They also show that, contrary to some perceptions that white Americans have been losing out, Obama-era gains aren't limited to just one racial or ethnic group. Gallup notes that Obama's second term "shows an improvement in whites' life evaluations -- particularly those of white Republicans." In a previous 2013-2015 Gallup survey, about 55 percent of white Republicans were thriving, up from 51 percent in the 2011-2012 survey.

Life got better for pretty much everyone under Obama, Gallup poll finds

Ungrateful curs. :)

"And they're fixated on my having the worst employment record since WWII"
"Q- Bob, how much credit should Americans give President Obama for today’s improved equity values?

BBBB – Our research reviewed American economic performance since President Roosevelt installed the first Federal Reserve Board Chairman – Republican Marriner Eccles. We observed that even though there are multiple impacts on the economy, it was clear that policy decisions within each administration, from FDR forward, made a clear difference on performance. And relatively quickly.

Presidents universally take credit when the economy does well (such as Reagan,) and choose to blame other factors when the economy does poorly (such as Carter.) But there was a clear pattern, and link, between policy and financial market performance.

Although we hear almost no one in the Obama administration taking credit for record index highs, they should. Because the President deserves attention for how well this economy has done during his leadership.

The auto rescue plan has worked. American car manufacturers are still dominant and employing millions directly and in supplier companies. Wall Street reform has been painful but it has re-instated faith amongst investors. The markets are far more predictable than they were four years ago, as VIX numbers demonstrate greater faith and less risk.

Even for small investors, such as those limited to their 401(k) or IRA investments, the average annual compound return on stocks under President Obama has been more than 24% since the lows of March, 2009. This is a better result than either Clinton, Reagan or FDR – who were the prior winners in our book."

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

But his employment record since WWII really really sucks. Worst president... eeeever.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.
WTF does military spending have to do with unemployment figures?? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What DOES have a lot to do with unemployment figures is the massive recession Obama inherited where some 7 million jobs were lost.

Try subtracting 7 million jobs from Reagan's terms and see what his numbers look like. And try subtracting the 1.4 million public sector jobs added while Reagan was president to match the 366K decrease in public jobs we've seen disappear under Obama.
You'll make yourself dizzy with all of that spin.
Obama energy policy has kept us in an economic hole. We have yet to recover and that is born out in a reduced work force and increased food stamp subsidies. Duh.

Obama energy policy? Cheap oil, cheap natural gas bad?
No, overpriced oil and closed coal mines, subsequent increased consumer goods prices and increased unemployment.
Obama energy policy.
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?

Yea, like you'll be saying that when President Trump is in office.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
And you conveniently overlook the impact of the Cold War and its warranting of military spending.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
And you conveniently overlook the impact of the Cold War and its warranting of military spending.

We've been spending quite a bit in the Middle East as it is. $2 trillion per year is a massive number.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
And you conveniently overlook the impact of the Cold War and its warranting of military spending.

We've been spending quite a bit in the Middle East as it is. $2 trillion per year is a massive number.
Not like Reagan's arms and military buildup.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Is still Reagan at this same point (91 months) in his presidency:

Reagan (R) .... 7.63
Obama (D) .... 7.56

So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
And you conveniently overlook the impact of the Cold War and its warranting of military spending.

We've been spending quite a bit in the Middle East as it is. $2 trillion per year is a massive number.
Not like Reagan's arms and military buildup.
Federal spending as a percentage of GDP went down under Reagan, dumbass.
So you're saying that even though Obama didn't inherit the oil shortage issue that Reagan did and Obama didn't have to deal with the Cold War and the necessary subsequent military spending that Reagan did, obama's unemployment numbers are still virtually as bad as Reagan's?
Truth is, your obama number is skewed because it is not weighed against a diminished work force number.

If Obama had expanded the federal government as much as Reagan did, federal spending today would be $2 trillion more per year than it is. On top of that, state governments have been cutting back at the same time. There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him
And you conveniently overlook the impact of the Cold War and its warranting of military spending.

We've been spending quite a bit in the Middle East as it is. $2 trillion per year is a massive number.
Not like Reagan's arms and military buildup.
Federal spending as a percentage of GDP went down under Reagan, dumbass.
I didn't say anything about GDP. I only counted spending, dumberass.
Pub austerity would have given us a true depression, with millions homeless. Waiting for a war again. Idiocy.
In the short term of firing millions of .gov workers, some areas will suffer badly....the rest of America will boom....

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