The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Actually, it is. A lawsuit is a civil action. Losing one or settling out of court doesn't make you a criminal.

Hillary was not indicted only because the Obama administration was so corrupt and Republicans are so spineless.

Again it is not. Trump is a crook. If you do something against the law, and are found guilty of a crime whether it be in a civil proceeding or not, you are a criminal. You see Bill Clinton settle out of court with Paula Jones and he is a rapist according to those like you. So Trump is a criminal. He is a crook. A proven crook. Fraud is a crime. Understand?

Hillary was not indicted because she did nothing illegal.

He wasn't found guilty of committing a crime, moron. You can get sued because someone slips on your sidewalk. Are you a criminal? Obviously not. A brain damaged cockroach has a better understanding of the law than you.

He was found guilty of fraud. He paid a settlement of 25 million. He had won the presidency. If he had been innocent, he could have taken this to court. Presidents word against those who sued. But he knew he committed fraud and agreed to a settlement.

You aren't "found guilty" in civil court, moron. You simply win the case or lose it.

As long as fraud is a crime,, Trump s a criminal. When fraud becomes legal, then you can say what you are now.

He wasn't indicted for fraud, asshole. Claims in a lawsuit don't mean jack shit in terms of criminal law.
Hilarious - if Trump's numbers drop by .5 snowflakes jump on him like jackals; yet when Obama is pointed out as being this bad snowflakes respond by saying, "Who cares"...


Obama never got this low. You chicken wings listened to your right wing media telling you fake news about Obama for 8 years.
Obama didn't have the entire mainstream media out to destroy him.

The media is not out to destroy Trump.

Of course it is. It couldn't be more obvious.

What's obvious is that you are a member of the Donald Trump cult and when he tells you the media is out to get him, you believe it.

He doesn't need to tell me jack. I can see it with my own eyes. CNN is the 24 hour a day destroy Trump network. So is NBC, ABC and CBS.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.
Obama never got this low. You chicken wings listened to your right wing media telling you fake news about Obama for 8 years.
Obama didn't have the entire mainstream media out to destroy him.

The media is not out to destroy Trump.

Of course it is. It couldn't be more obvious.
The blind can't see the obvious.

Yes you blind right wingers can't see that your boy is a crook that is a grave danger to our nation.

That's because we haven't been gulping down the LSD Koolaid you and your ilk are so fond of.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

hey, loony toon.... how about a link to your lunacy?
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.
Obama's failed stimulus bill was a failed jobs bill that contained over seven thousand pieces of Democratic party only pork and failed to keep unemployment under 8% as promised

Obamas cars program called for the destruction of used cars which hurt Americans.
Obama didn't have the entire mainstream media out to destroy him.

The media is not out to destroy Trump.

Of course it is. It couldn't be more obvious.
The blind can't see the obvious.

Yes you blind right wingers can't see that your boy is a crook that is a grave danger to our nation.

That's because we haven't been gulping down the LSD Koolaid you and your ilk are so fond of.

Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.

Nothing Obama passed helped the recession. In fact, most of the money from the stimulus wasn't even spent by year end. and the recession turnd the corner long before that.

Cash for clunkers was a disaster.
So don't tell me it's hard. When Obama was on the ticket enough of you figured it out, then skipped the midterm and came back in 2012.

You all need to realize you have to vote every 2 years. Republicans know this why don't we?

I've voted in every election since I was 18. Whites did not vote in the mid term in larger numbers. Concern yourself with that and shut the fuck up.
Whites like trump. I got news for you trumps going to upset blacks long before he upsets those poor whites.

I already knew this. But it seems like 67% of all Americans don't like Trump. If poor whites are stupid enough to sink themselves, well you should have helped them instead of trying to tell us what we need to do as blacks.
You're a demographic we need. For years poor whites said blacks stupidly vote democratic. I told them you guys are the ones voting right.

If poor whites would stop being conned with god gays guns and racism they'd realize economically they don't belong in that party.

Then it's up to you whites to convince them of it. But first you have to work to get rid of their racism. That cowardly you can't change hearts and mind mentality that white democrats use with white racists needs to go.

And when will you get rid of YOUR personal racism?
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.
Obama's failed stimulus bill was a failed jobs bill that contained over seven thousand pieces of Democratic party only pork and failed to keep unemployment under 8% as promised

Obamas cars program called for the destruction of used cars which hurt Americans.

Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Nothing Obama passed helped the recession. In fact, most of the money from the stimulus wasn't even spent by year end. and the recession turnd the corner long before that.

Cash for clunkers was a disaster.

Actually the economy turned into positive GDP with the auto makers gearing up for cars for clunkers. The auto suppliers pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.
Obama's failed stimulus bill was a failed jobs bill that contained over seven thousand pieces of Democratic party only pork and failed to keep unemployment under 8% as promised

Obamas cars program called for the destruction of used cars which hurt Americans.

Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.

Bullshit. Unemployment was already headed in the right direction the day Obama was innaugurated.
I've voted in every election since I was 18. Whites did not vote in the mid term in larger numbers. Concern yourself with that and shut the fuck up.
Whites like trump. I got news for you trumps going to upset blacks long before he upsets those poor whites.

I already knew this. But it seems like 67% of all Americans don't like Trump. If poor whites are stupid enough to sink themselves, well you should have helped them instead of trying to tell us what we need to do as blacks.
You're a demographic we need. For years poor whites said blacks stupidly vote democratic. I told them you guys are the ones voting right.

If poor whites would stop being conned with god gays guns and racism they'd realize economically they don't belong in that party.

Then it's up to you whites to convince them of it. But first you have to work to get rid of their racism. That cowardly you can't change hearts and mind mentality that white democrats use with white racists needs to go.

And when will you get rid of YOUR personal racism?
Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem

It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. .

The recession didn't end until after Obama pushed both the stimulus and the cars for clunkers (major legislation) through congress. A large influx of government spending that got the economy moving again.
Obama's failed stimulus bill was a failed jobs bill that contained over seven thousand pieces of Democratic party only pork and failed to keep unemployment under 8% as promised

Obamas cars program called for the destruction of used cars which hurt Americans.

Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.

Study: 'Cash for Clunkers' an even bigger lemon than thought

WASHINGTON – The government’s "Cash for Clunkers" program – pitched as a plan to jump-start U.S. auto sales and clean up the environment by getting gas-guzzling vehicles off the road -- may have been a clunker itself, according to a new economic study.

Researchers at Texas A&M, in a recently released report, measured the impact of Cash for Clunkers on sales and found the program actually decreased industry revenue by $3 billion over a nine-to-11-month period. Meanwhile, the "stimulus" also cost taxpayers $3 billion.
Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem

It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.

The recession was over the day Obama was innaugurated.
Bullshit. Unemployment was already headed in the right direction the day Obama was innaugurated.

Unemployment was still rising from 8.2% when he took office January 2009 through 10% in January 2010

Why LIE that unemployment was going down?
Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem

It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.

This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:


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