The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The one lying is you. I used the dates YOU picked ... your words, not mine ...

"Notice how the 2010 election made all the difference in the world in Wisconsin." ~ a brain-dead rightie

I like how you keep changing the dates to suit your needs. Nice rightie trick ya got there.

At any rate, you also claimed there was a 200,000 job gain over a two year period in Wisconsin. Here are the numbers ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Put up or shut up time. This is where you either show where Wisconsin gained 200,000 jobs in 2 years or you've exposed yourself as the lying imbecile I already know you to be .....

Nope. I mentioned Wisconsin because they elected a new Republican governor a couple of years ago.


Scott Kevin Walker (born November 2, 1967) is an American politician who is the 45th Governor of Wisconsin. A member of the Republican Party, Walker was first elected Governor in 2010 and was sworn in on January 3, 2011. Scott Walker (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to apply a totally different standard to your guy and I'm trying to be being consistent. You start at the beginning of his term, not in the middle or where you can remove all of the bad news.
You made the ludicrous claimed that Wisconsin was one of three states which saved used from recession and you keep changing the dates from when this occurred. I used one of the dates you picked and that sent you into a tizzy.

Your tantrums aside ... you also claimed there was a 200,000 job gain over a two year period in Wisconsin. Here are the numbers ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Put up or shut up time. This is where you either show where Wisconsin gained 200,000 jobs in 2 years or you've exposed yourself as the lying imbecile I already know you to be .....

Seems to me, you're the one acting like a whining bitch. It's not my fault you can't read.
Nope. I mentioned Wisconsin because they elected a new Republican governor a couple of years ago.

You want to apply a totally different standard to your guy and I'm trying to be being consistent. You start at the beginning of his term, not in the middle or where you can remove all of the bad news.
You made the ludicrous claimed that Wisconsin was one of three states which saved used from recession and you keep changing the dates from when this occurred. I used one of the dates you picked and that sent you into a tizzy.

Your tantrums aside ... you also claimed there was a 200,000 job gain over a two year period in Wisconsin. Here are the numbers ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Put up or shut up time. This is where you either show where Wisconsin gained 200,000 jobs in 2 years or you've exposed yourself as the lying imbecile I already know you to be .....

Seems to me, you're the one acting like a whining bitch. It's not my fault you can't read.

Translation: mud can't actually find a two year period when Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs.

Thanks for proving what I already knew, lying imbecile. You proved it better than I could have. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
You made the ludicrous claimed that Wisconsin was one of three states which saved used from recession and you keep changing the dates from when this occurred. I used one of the dates you picked and that sent you into a tizzy.

Your tantrums aside ... you also claimed there was a 200,000 job gain over a two year period in Wisconsin. Here are the numbers ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Put up or shut up time. This is where you either show where Wisconsin gained 200,000 jobs in 2 years or you've exposed yourself as the lying imbecile I already know you to be .....

Seems to me, you're the one acting like a whining bitch. It's not my fault you can't read.

Translation: mud can't actually find a two year period when Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs.

Thanks for proving what I already knew, lying imbecile. You proved it better than I could have. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin under Scott Walker?

Good luck with that. :D
Seems to me, you're the one acting like a whining bitch. It's not my fault you can't read.

Translation: mud can't actually find a two year period when Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs.

Thanks for proving what I already knew, lying imbecile. You proved it better than I could have. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?

Good luck with that. :D

That was from the period of January, 2009, till now. You know, the last set of dates you've referenced.

Jan/2009: 2,896,771
Mar/2014: 2,899,770

You see, unlike you, I can prove what I say. Unlike you, I don't lie.

Despite your rhetoric about how you're the one seeking consistency, you're actually all over the board with dates. So far, you've looked at date ranges starting a year before Obama became president, to the period when he became president, to the period started 1 years after he became president, to the period starting 2 years after he became president. You're all over the board because you can't find numbers that agree with your claims.

And of course, you made a complete fool of yourself, claiming that Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs over a 2 year period when no such period exists.

[edit] I'm editing my post because I see you've changed your post from:

"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?"


"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin under Scott Walker?"

Which I never said. You're lying again. All of our posts are still on this forum, including the one where I said the net gain of jobs in Wisconsin was 3000 from January, 2009 till now. I never said anything about Scott Walker.​
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I lost my job of over twenty years. 401k, bye bye. Health insurance. Adios.Talk about a kick in the karma. But we need to reform immigration laws for what, exactly? They need jobs? Like the one I just lost? Oh, And the health care thing. Poor illegals need health care. Lets' reform that, too. This is what the plutocrats want us to believe. Obama, god bless him. If there is one.
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Translation: mud can't actually find a two year period when Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs.

Thanks for proving what I already knew, lying imbecile. You proved it better than I could have. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?

Good luck with that. :D

That was from the period of January, 2009, till now. You know, the last set of dates you've referenced.

Jan/2009: 2,896,771
Mar/2014: 2,899,770

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You see, unlike you, I can prove what I say. Unlike you, I don't lie.

Despite your rhetoric about how you're the one seeking consistency, you're actually all over the board with dates. So far, you've looked at date ranges starting a year before Obama became president, to the period when he became president, to the period started 1 years after he became president, to the period starting 2 years after he became president. You're all over the board because you can't find numbers that agree with your claims.

And of course, you made a complete fool of yourself, claiming that Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs over a 2 year period when no such period exists.

[edit] I'm editing my post because I see you've changed your post from:

"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?"


"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin under Scott Walker?"

Which I never said. You're lying again. All of our posts are still on this forum, including the one where I said the net gain of jobs in Wisconsin was 3000 from January, 2009 till now. I never said anything about Scott Walker.​

I mentioned that Wisconsin saw a gain in jobs starting after 2010. I mentioned that they had an election and a new governor, a Republican, was elected in 2010. Since he took office Wisconsin has created closer to 86,000 jobs. When I was saying 200,000 I was looking at a graph. I see nothing that says Scott Walker only created 3000 jobs. The point was Wisconsin saw a total reversal and a huge swing in unemployment from over 9% to 5.6% today. Texas is 5.5%. North Dakota is within the margin of error almost full employment. Texas alone has been responsible for close to a 3rd of the jobs created in the entire United States. These three states are creating jobs. And not just working at Piggly Wiggly, but good paying jobs. You can't say the same for others because most of the decrease in unemployment numbers isn't because more people are finding jobs, more are leaving the work force.

The labor participation rate went from almost 66% to 62.8% since Obama took office. People are dropping out of the workforce in droves in some states. There are 93 million people of working age not working. Almost a 3rd of the total population. 47 million are on food stamps because they don't make enough to be able to afford the cost of living and have fallen below the poverty level.

Yup, Obama is doing a great job. Bur mostly in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Texas. It's not too bad in TN, but we don't see his stank-ass here much anyway. Our taxes are fairly low, no thanks to him.
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I lost my job of over twenty years. 401k, bye bye. Health insurance. Adios.Talk about a kick in the karma. But we need to reform immigration laws for what, exactly? They need jobs? Like the one I just lost? Oh, And the health care thing. Poor illegals need health care. Lets' reform that, too. This is what the plutocrats want us to believe. Obama, god bless him. If there is one.

Yup, all they need to do is pay for it.

He gave everyone the impression it was gonna be free.

Then he gave everyone the impression it was going to be cheap.

Then he gave everyone the impression that his insurance was better and that we could keep our doctor or our health insurance if we didn't like his insurance.

Well, he lied.

And the only reason he wants illegals here it to turn Red states into Blue states. He could care less you lost your job because of them.
So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?

Good luck with that. :D

That was from the period of January, 2009, till now. You know, the last set of dates you've referenced.

Jan/2009: 2,896,771
Mar/2014: 2,899,770

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You see, unlike you, I can prove what I say. Unlike you, I don't lie.

Despite your rhetoric about how you're the one seeking consistency, you're actually all over the board with dates. So far, you've looked at date ranges starting a year before Obama became president, to the period when he became president, to the period started 1 years after he became president, to the period starting 2 years after he became president. You're all over the board because you can't find numbers that agree with your claims.

And of course, you made a complete fool of yourself, claiming that Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs over a 2 year period when no such period exists.

[edit] I'm editing my post because I see you've changed your post from:

"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?"


"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin under Scott Walker?"

Which I never said. You're lying again. All of our posts are still on this forum, including the one where I said the net gain of jobs in Wisconsin was 3000 from January, 2009 till now. I never said anything about Scott Walker.​

I mentioned that Wisconsin saw a gain in jobs starting after 2010. I mentioned that they had an election and a new governor, a Republican, was elected in 2010. Since he took office Wisconsin has created closer to 86,000 jobs. When I was saying 200,000 I was looking at a graph. I see nothing that says Scott Walker only created 3000 jobs. The point was Wisconsin saw a total reversal and a huge swing in unemployment from over 9% to 5.6% today. Texas is 5.5%. North Dakota is within the margin of error almost full employment. Texas alone has been responsible for close to a 3rd of the jobs created in the entire United States. These three states are creating jobs. And not just working at Piggly Wiggly, but good paying jobs. You can't say the same for others because most of the decrease in unemployment numbers isn't because more people are finding jobs, more are leaving the work force.

The labor participation rate went from almost 66% to 62.8% since Obama took office. People are dropping out of the workforce in droves in some states. There are 93 million people of working age not working. Almost a 3rd of the total population. 47 million are on food stamps because they don't make enough to be able to afford the cost of living and have fallen below the poverty level.

Yup, Obama is doing a great job. Bur mostly in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Texas. It's not too bad in TN, but we don't see his stank-ass here much anyway. Our taxes are fairly low, no thanks to him.

Let me remind you what you actually said, since you seem to have amnesia about what you said just a few hours ago ...

"Notice how the 2010 election made all the difference in the world in Wisconsin. What was the percentage of increase in employment? In a two year period it went from over 9% to under 6% now. Also, there was an increase in jobs in that state during that time period of over 200,000 jobs. I'm just using your links, so you can't argue it."

Here are the actual numbers...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... there was no two year period when the unemployment rate in Wisconsin went from 9% to under 6%, as you falsely claimed ... there was no two year period when 200,000 jobs were added in Wisconsin, as you falsely claimed

You can try to project your idiocy that your words mean something other than what they actually say till you're blue in the face ... it remains your failure. :mm:

Now you're claiming that since Scott Walker took over, unemployment went from 9% to under 6%. Not true. The unemployment rate in Wisconsin when Walker was sworn in, as my link shows, was 7.8%. So you're lying about that too.

You're claiming the unemployment rate in Wisconsin is 5.6%. Another lie. It's 5.9%.

You're claiming 86,000 jobs have been added under Walker. Another lie. The number is 69,417

All you do is lie. You're fucking pathological.
He's left future generations with an awful mess. His reign has been nothing to celebrate. Once you get past the corrupt Media Worship-Propaganda, you see the grim reality.

How has he left the country in any worse a mess than any other president in his position would have done?

Well, our credit rating is for shit, we can't be trusted by any of our remaining allies, we're $8 trillion more in debt, we pay hundreds of millions of dollars in interest on the debt when we should be paying it down, our taxes are hundreds of billions of dollars higher than when he took over, gas prices have doubled, food prices have sky-rocketed, we can't launch a man into space any more, Muslims are in control of our national security, he's signed over part of our sovereignty to the United Nations, they're about to start hitting us with a global tax that will hit us somewhere in our phone bills or our energy bills.

We can't talk in private about our feelings of other races, sexes, or religions. The NSA is compiling massive amounts of our secrets waiting to be used in political campaigns. The IRS is targeting private citizens because they dare to give financial support to the opposition.

This list is endless.

He's only made things much worse. But so many got sold on the corrupt Media Worship-Propaganda. He was the next 'Abraham Lincoln', or some other absurd shite like that. He should be Impeached for his ugly IRS abuses. No one should be celebrating his reign.
That was from the period of January, 2009, till now. You know, the last set of dates you've referenced.

Jan/2009: 2,896,771
Mar/2014: 2,899,770

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You see, unlike you, I can prove what I say. Unlike you, I don't lie.

Despite your rhetoric about how you're the one seeking consistency, you're actually all over the board with dates. So far, you've looked at date ranges starting a year before Obama became president, to the period when he became president, to the period started 1 years after he became president, to the period starting 2 years after he became president. You're all over the board because you can't find numbers that agree with your claims.

And of course, you made a complete fool of yourself, claiming that Wisconsin added 200,000 jobs over a 2 year period when no such period exists.

[edit] I'm editing my post because I see you've changed your post from:

"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin?"


"So you're sticking to your lie that only 3000 were created in Wisconsin under Scott Walker?"

Which I never said. You're lying again. All of our posts are still on this forum, including the one where I said the net gain of jobs in Wisconsin was 3000 from January, 2009 till now. I never said anything about Scott Walker.​

I mentioned that Wisconsin saw a gain in jobs starting after 2010. I mentioned that they had an election and a new governor, a Republican, was elected in 2010. Since he took office Wisconsin has created closer to 86,000 jobs. When I was saying 200,000 I was looking at a graph. I see nothing that says Scott Walker only created 3000 jobs. The point was Wisconsin saw a total reversal and a huge swing in unemployment from over 9% to 5.6% today. Texas is 5.5%. North Dakota is within the margin of error almost full employment. Texas alone has been responsible for close to a 3rd of the jobs created in the entire United States. These three states are creating jobs. And not just working at Piggly Wiggly, but good paying jobs. You can't say the same for others because most of the decrease in unemployment numbers isn't because more people are finding jobs, more are leaving the work force.

The labor participation rate went from almost 66% to 62.8% since Obama took office. People are dropping out of the workforce in droves in some states. There are 93 million people of working age not working. Almost a 3rd of the total population. 47 million are on food stamps because they don't make enough to be able to afford the cost of living and have fallen below the poverty level.

Yup, Obama is doing a great job. Bur mostly in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Texas. It's not too bad in TN, but we don't see his stank-ass here much anyway. Our taxes are fairly low, no thanks to him.

Let me remind you what you actually said, since you seem to have amnesia about what you said just a few hours ago ...

"Notice how the 2010 election made all the difference in the world in Wisconsin. What was the percentage of increase in employment? In a two year period it went from over 9% to under 6% now. Also, there was an increase in jobs in that state during that time period of over 200,000 jobs. I'm just using your links, so you can't argue it."

Here are the actual numbers...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... there was no two year period when the unemployment rate in Wisconsin went from 9% to under 6%, as you falsely claimed ... there was no two year period when 200,000 jobs were added in Wisconsin, as you falsely claimed

You can try to project your idiocy that your words mean something other than what they actually say till you're blue in the face ... it remains your failure. :mm:

Now you're claiming that since Scott Walker took over, unemployment went from 9% to under 6%. Not true. The unemployment rate in Wisconsin when Walker was sworn in, as my link shows, was 7.8%. So you're lying about that too.

You're claiming the unemployment rate in Wisconsin is 5.6%. Another lie. It's 5.9%.

You're claiming 86,000 jobs have been added under Walker. Another lie. The number is 69,417

All you do is lie. You're fucking pathological.

All you do is play with the numbers and pick and choose which ones matter.

The biggest number you like to ignore is job growth. Little or none to speak of. You ignore the total working as opposed to total not working. The administration is dishonest about the effect they've had on the job market. The effect they've had on wages. You crow over a few million jobs when Reagan's policies created nearly 17 million of them. And you still can't say what policy Obama is responsible for that created one fucken job. You apply different standards depending on the party they belong to...and don't even get me started on spending motherfucker....

You have some nerve asswad.
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All you do is play with the numbers and pick and choose which ones matter.

The biggest number you like to ignore is job growth. Little or none to speak of. You ignore the total working as opposed to total not working. The administration is dishonest about the effect they've had on the job market. The effect they've had on wages. You crow over a few million jobs when Reagan's policies created nearly 17 million of them. And you still can't say what policy Obama is responsible for that created one fucken job. You apply different standards depending on the party they belong to...and don't even get me started on spending motherfucker....

You have some nerve asswad.

How long did it take for Reagan's policies to take effect? Did he get all those jobs within his term? Or did he have an impact later on?
I mentioned that Wisconsin saw a gain in jobs starting after 2010. I mentioned that they had an election and a new governor, a Republican, was elected in 2010. Since he took office Wisconsin has created closer to 86,000 jobs. When I was saying 200,000 I was looking at a graph. I see nothing that says Scott Walker only created 3000 jobs. The point was Wisconsin saw a total reversal and a huge swing in unemployment from over 9% to 5.6% today. Texas is 5.5%. North Dakota is within the margin of error almost full employment. Texas alone has been responsible for close to a 3rd of the jobs created in the entire United States. These three states are creating jobs. And not just working at Piggly Wiggly, but good paying jobs. You can't say the same for others because most of the decrease in unemployment numbers isn't because more people are finding jobs, more are leaving the work force.

The labor participation rate went from almost 66% to 62.8% since Obama took office. People are dropping out of the workforce in droves in some states. There are 93 million people of working age not working. Almost a 3rd of the total population. 47 million are on food stamps because they don't make enough to be able to afford the cost of living and have fallen below the poverty level.

Yup, Obama is doing a great job. Bur mostly in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Texas. It's not too bad in TN, but we don't see his stank-ass here much anyway. Our taxes are fairly low, no thanks to him.

Let me remind you what you actually said, since you seem to have amnesia about what you said just a few hours ago ...

"Notice how the 2010 election made all the difference in the world in Wisconsin. What was the percentage of increase in employment? In a two year period it went from over 9% to under 6% now. Also, there was an increase in jobs in that state during that time period of over 200,000 jobs. I'm just using your links, so you can't argue it."

Here are the actual numbers...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... there was no two year period when the unemployment rate in Wisconsin went from 9% to under 6%, as you falsely claimed ... there was no two year period when 200,000 jobs were added in Wisconsin, as you falsely claimed

You can try to project your idiocy that your words mean something other than what they actually say till you're blue in the face ... it remains your failure. :mm:

Now you're claiming that since Scott Walker took over, unemployment went from 9% to under 6%. Not true. The unemployment rate in Wisconsin when Walker was sworn in, as my link shows, was 7.8%. So you're lying about that too.

You're claiming the unemployment rate in Wisconsin is 5.6%. Another lie. It's 5.9%.

You're claiming 86,000 jobs have been added under Walker. Another lie. The number is 69,417

All you do is lie. You're fucking pathological.

All you do is play with the numbers and pick and choose which ones matter.

The biggest number you like to ignore is job growth. Little or none to speak of. You ignore the total working as opposed to total not working. The administration is dishonest about the effect they've had on the job market. The effect they've had on wages. You crow over a few million jobs when Reagan's policies created nearly 17 million of them. And you still can't say what policy Obama is responsible for that created one fucken job. You apply different standards depending on the party they belong to...and don't even get me started on spending motherfucker....

You have some nerve asswad.
Idiot. I'm using the time frames YOU picked. How can you be so stupid not to understand that?

And you're lying again (shocker). I did not ignore job growth as you falsely claim. I posted the number when you lied earlier, claiming there was little to no job growth.
All you do is play with the numbers and pick and choose which ones matter.

The biggest number you like to ignore is job growth. Little or none to speak of. You ignore the total working as opposed to total not working. The administration is dishonest about the effect they've had on the job market. The effect they've had on wages. You crow over a few million jobs when Reagan's policies created nearly 17 million of them. And you still can't say what policy Obama is responsible for that created one fucken job. You apply different standards depending on the party they belong to...and don't even get me started on spending motherfucker....

You have some nerve asswad.

How long did it take for Reagan's policies to take effect? Did he get all those jobs within his term? Or did he have an impact later on?
They were all within his 2 terms, though lying mud earlier claimed the number was 25 million. At any rate, it's apples and oranges, since, unlike Obama, Reagan didn't inherit an economy that was hemorrhaging jobs. In the 8 months leading up to Reagan becoming president, we gained about a million jobs. In Reagan's first 8 months, we gained another million. Compare that to economy Bush left for Obama. During the 8 months before Obama became president, we lost an unprecedented 4 million jobs. Then in the 8 months which followed as the Great Recession waned, we lost another 4 million jobs. Had Obama not been handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, we'd likely be up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 9 million jobs.
All you do is play with the numbers and pick and choose which ones matter.

The biggest number you like to ignore is job growth. Little or none to speak of. You ignore the total working as opposed to total not working. The administration is dishonest about the effect they've had on the job market. The effect they've had on wages. You crow over a few million jobs when Reagan's policies created nearly 17 million of them. And you still can't say what policy Obama is responsible for that created one fucken job. You apply different standards depending on the party they belong to...and don't even get me started on spending motherfucker....

You have some nerve asswad.

How long did it take for Reagan's policies to take effect? Did he get all those jobs within his term? Or did he have an impact later on?
They were all within his 2 terms, though lying mud earlier claimed the number was 25 million. At any rate, it's apples and oranges, since, unlike Obama, Reagan didn't inherit an economy that was hemorrhaging jobs. In the 8 months leading up to Reagan becoming president, we gained about a million jobs. In Reagan's first 8 months, we gained another million. Compare that to economy Bush left for Obama. During the 8 months before Obama became president, we lost an unprecedented 4 million jobs. Then in the 8 months which followed as the Great Recession waned, we lost another 4 million jobs. Had Obama not been handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, we'd likely be up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 9 million jobs.
Liar Faun likes a double-standard.

One standard for his guy, and another standard for everybody else.

It doesn't matter what kind of economy he was handed because he still has to do his job. Carter fed Reagan a mess so those are the breaks bud. Making excuses seems to be the left's thing.
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They were all within his 2 terms, though lying mud earlier claimed the number was 25 million. At any rate, it's apples and oranges, since, unlike Obama, Reagan didn't inherit an economy that was hemorrhaging jobs. In the 8 months leading up to Reagan becoming president, we gained about a million jobs. In Reagan's first 8 months, we gained another million. Compare that to economy Bush left for Obama. During the 8 months before Obama became president, we lost an unprecedented 4 million jobs. Then in the 8 months which followed as the Great Recession waned, we lost another 4 million jobs. Had Obama not been handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, we'd likely be up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 9 million jobs.

I think to look at figures from within their own presidency is not going to get people that far. A president has more of an impact after they have left office than when they are in office. It's hard to tell and no one can really be sure how much of an impact a president has on the economy, how much congress has on the economy etc.

People like to use stats to fight the other side. It gets them no where.
It doesn't matter what kind of economy he was handed because he still has to do his job. Carter fed Reagan a mess so those are the breaks bud. Makeng excuses seems to be the left's thing.

Which is a ridiculous statement.

People attack him for things outside of his control. Er..... what about the Chinese banning UK cheese? Gonna blame Obama?

If you look at statistics without looking at the context, you're an idiot, pure and simple.
It doesn't matter what kind of economy he was handed because he still has to do his job. Carter fed Reagan a mess so those are the breaks bud. Makeng excuses seems to be the left's thing.

Which is a ridiculous statement.

People attack him for things outside of his control. Er..... what about the Chinese banning UK cheese? Gonna blame Obama?

If you look at statistics without looking at the context, you're an idiot, pure and simple.

I've been trying to tell Faun that all day.
The monthly unemployment rate for May 2014 was 6.3%. This is Obama's 65th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from the average 8.52% in April 2014 at 64 months to the average 8.49% in May 2014 at 65 months.

Here is the new standings for the Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.49%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.49%

The monthly unemployment rate for June 2014 was 6.1%. This is Obama's 66th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from the average 8.49% in May 2014 at 65 months to the average 8.45% in June 2014 at 66 months.

Here is the new standings for the Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.45%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.45%

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