The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Yeah, but it's all because of Bush policies.

The Bush dummy was handed an UE rate of about 4% and passed on a rate of about 8%. Obama is cutting Bush's 8% down to about 6%. Only a complete idiot would argue that a president that increases unemployment by 100% is better than a president that decreases unemployment by 25%.

And only a naive idiot would argue that the President who has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a recovery that has seen food stamp use almost double...disability claims almost double...long term unemployment numbers at record levels...the number of "under employed" people at all time highs...and doesn't HAVE an economic plan to either stimulate the economy or create doing a great job! The truth of the matter is that Barack Obama's policies have NOT lowered the unemployment rate...his policies have for the most part hurt job creation. The only thing that's been keeping this economy afloat has been nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed. They're now hinting that they will gradually stop QE by sometime next year. Get ready for the stock market bubble to burst, Ed!

This Bush Depression happens to be the worst recession since the Great GOP Depression, even worse than the Great Reagan Recession, so an honest person would expect recovery to be slow even if the GOP were not doing everything in their power to prolong the Great Bush Depression.

But the proof that the economy is recovering is the Right's habitual lying about the numbers. I highlighted your lie about disability "claims" almost doubling. Now that is a very professionally crafted lie because just because Right-wing cheats try to get over on the system and put in a "claim" for disability does not mean the Right-wing cheats were successful in getting an award.

Under the Bush Regime disability AWARDS including dependents skyrocketed from 6,673,362 to 9,273,839, an increase of 2,600,477 with new awards increasing each and every year. Under Obama awards have gone from 9,273,839 to 10,988,269 an increase of only 1,714,430 and with new awards decreasing the last three years. Only to the totally dishonest Right would an increase of 1.7 million be "ALMOST DOUBLE" 9.2 million, or even double Bush's 2.6 million for that matter! :eusa_liar:

You will just ignore this so I won't waste my time exposing the rest of your deliberately misleading phony claims.

Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

When do I EVER ignore you, Ed? The truth is you won't spend time exposing "the rest" of my claims because they're pretty accurate.

I'm curious, Ed...why WOULD this recession be the worst recovery since the Great Depression? Could it be because we have a President who hasn't had an economic plan to grow the economy or create jobs since Larry Summers left four YEARS ago? Tell me who Barack Obama's chief economist is right now! I bet you don't have the faintest idea who they you? You're going to have to go Google someone who SHOULD be a household name if this Administration really WAS coming up with fixes for the economy! You don't know who they are...BECAUSE NOBODY IS DOING DIDDLY ABOUT THE ECONOMY OR JOBS IN THIS WHITE HOUSE!!!
And only a naive idiot would argue that the President who has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a recovery that has seen food stamp use almost double...disability claims almost double...long term unemployment numbers at record levels...the number of "under employed" people at all time highs...and doesn't HAVE an economic plan to either stimulate the economy or create doing a great job! The truth of the matter is that Barack Obama's policies have NOT lowered the unemployment rate...his policies have for the most part hurt job creation. The only thing that's been keeping this economy afloat has been nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed. They're now hinting that they will gradually stop QE by sometime next year. Get ready for the stock market bubble to burst, Ed!

This Bush Depression happens to be the worst recession since the Great GOP Depression, even worse than the Great Reagan Recession, so an honest person would expect recovery to be slow even if the GOP were not doing everything in their power to prolong the Great Bush Depression.

But the proof that the economy is recovering is the Right's habitual lying about the numbers. I highlighted your lie about disability "claims" almost doubling. Now that is a very professionally crafted lie because just because Right-wing cheats try to get over on the system and put in a "claim" for disability does not mean the Right-wing cheats were successful in getting an award.

Under the Bush Regime disability AWARDS including dependents skyrocketed from 6,673,362 to 9,273,839, an increase of 2,600,477 with new awards increasing each and every year. Under Obama awards have gone from 9,273,839 to 10,988,269 an increase of only 1,714,430 and with new awards decreasing the last three years. Only to the totally dishonest Right would an increase of 1.7 million be "ALMOST DOUBLE" 9.2 million, or even double Bush's 2.6 million for that matter! :eusa_liar:

You will just ignore this so I won't waste my time exposing the rest of your deliberately misleading phony claims.

Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

When do I EVER ignore you, Ed? The truth is you won't spend time exposing "the rest" of my claims because they're pretty accurate.

I'm curious, Ed...why WOULD this recession be the worst recovery since the Great Depression? Could it be because we have a President who hasn't had an economic plan to grow the economy or create jobs since Larry Summers left four YEARS ago? Tell me who Barack Obama's chief economist is right now! I bet you don't have the faintest idea who they you? You're going to have to go Google someone who SHOULD be a household name if this Administration really WAS coming up with fixes for the economy! You don't know who they are...BECAUSE NOBODY IS DOING DIDDLY ABOUT THE ECONOMY OR JOBS IN THIS WHITE HOUSE!!!

Invested Bigots Daily has never told the truth in their entire existence, so of course they are your source rather than the actual SSA data they claim as their source. And they know you are too lazy to check their lies and will parrot them without question because this is the lie they knew you wanted to hear and would swallow whole without a second thought.
From your link:

A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, according to the latest official government data, as discouraged workers increasingly give up looking for jobs and take advantage of the federal program.

Here are the real numbers, disability awards are the last column.

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics
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And only a naive idiot would argue that the President who has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a recovery that has seen food stamp use almost double...disability claims almost double...long term unemployment numbers at record levels...the number of "under employed" people at all time highs...and doesn't HAVE an economic plan to either stimulate the economy or create doing a great job! The truth of the matter is that Barack Obama's policies have NOT lowered the unemployment rate...his policies have for the most part hurt job creation. The only thing that's been keeping this economy afloat has been nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed. They're now hinting that they will gradually stop QE by sometime next year. Get ready for the stock market bubble to burst, Ed!

This Bush Depression happens to be the worst recession since the Great GOP Depression, even worse than the Great Reagan Recession, so an honest person would expect recovery to be slow even if the GOP were not doing everything in their power to prolong the Great Bush Depression.

But the proof that the economy is recovering is the Right's habitual lying about the numbers. I highlighted your lie about disability "claims" almost doubling. Now that is a very professionally crafted lie because just because Right-wing cheats try to get over on the system and put in a "claim" for disability does not mean the Right-wing cheats were successful in getting an award.

Under the Bush Regime disability AWARDS including dependents skyrocketed from 6,673,362 to 9,273,839, an increase of 2,600,477 with new awards increasing each and every year. Under Obama awards have gone from 9,273,839 to 10,988,269 an increase of only 1,714,430 and with new awards decreasing the last three years. Only to the totally dishonest Right would an increase of 1.7 million be "ALMOST DOUBLE" 9.2 million, or even double Bush's 2.6 million for that matter! :eusa_liar:

You will just ignore this so I won't waste my time exposing the rest of your deliberately misleading phony claims.

Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

When do I EVER ignore you, Ed? The truth is you won't spend time exposing "the rest" of my claims because they're pretty accurate.

I'm curious, Ed...why WOULD this recession be the worst recovery since the Great Depression? Could it be because we have a President who hasn't had an economic plan to grow the economy or create jobs since Larry Summers left four YEARS ago? Tell me who Barack Obama's chief economist is right now! I bet you don't have the faintest idea who they you? You're going to have to go Google someone who SHOULD be a household name if this Administration really WAS coming up with fixes for the economy! You don't know who they are...BECAUSE NOBODY IS DOING DIDDLY ABOUT THE ECONOMY OR JOBS IN THIS WHITE HOUSE!!!

Parroting propaganda again?

Social Security Disability Enrollment Rising Due To Demographic Trends: CBO

CBO - Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers. From 1996 through 2009 -- "the approximate period during which the baby-boom generation entered their 50s -- the share of disabled worker benefits awarded to older workers (age 45 and older) rose from 67 percent to 76 percent," the report said.

Meanwhile, the share of benefits going to younger workers -- between the ages of 25 to 44 -- fell from 31 percent to 22 percent.

"Baby boomers' aging would have boosted enrollment in the DI program even if no other factors had changed," the report said.

Add to that the fact that more women have entered the workforce since 1970, boosting the working population and creating a larger pool of people who can become disabled.

A change in the law during the Reagan administration that allowed more people with mental disabilities and musculoskeletal problems to qualify also increased the number of people on disability. In 1990, such people accounted for 38 percent of workers in the SSDI program. In 2010, the number had risen to 54 percent."
This Bush Depression happens to be the worst recession since the Great GOP Depression, even worse than the Great Reagan Recession, so an honest person would expect recovery to be slow even if the GOP were not doing everything in their power to prolong the Great Bush Depression.

But the proof that the economy is recovering is the Right's habitual lying about the numbers. I highlighted your lie about disability "claims" almost doubling. Now that is a very professionally crafted lie because just because Right-wing cheats try to get over on the system and put in a "claim" for disability does not mean the Right-wing cheats were successful in getting an award.

Under the Bush Regime disability AWARDS including dependents skyrocketed from 6,673,362 to 9,273,839, an increase of 2,600,477 with new awards increasing each and every year. Under Obama awards have gone from 9,273,839 to 10,988,269 an increase of only 1,714,430 and with new awards decreasing the last three years. Only to the totally dishonest Right would an increase of 1.7 million be "ALMOST DOUBLE" 9.2 million, or even double Bush's 2.6 million for that matter! :eusa_liar:

You will just ignore this so I won't waste my time exposing the rest of your deliberately misleading phony claims.

Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

When do I EVER ignore you, Ed? The truth is you won't spend time exposing "the rest" of my claims because they're pretty accurate.

I'm curious, Ed...why WOULD this recession be the worst recovery since the Great Depression? Could it be because we have a President who hasn't had an economic plan to grow the economy or create jobs since Larry Summers left four YEARS ago? Tell me who Barack Obama's chief economist is right now! I bet you don't have the faintest idea who they you? You're going to have to go Google someone who SHOULD be a household name if this Administration really WAS coming up with fixes for the economy! You don't know who they are...BECAUSE NOBODY IS DOING DIDDLY ABOUT THE ECONOMY OR JOBS IN THIS WHITE HOUSE!!!

Parroting propaganda again?

Social Security Disability Enrollment Rising Due To Demographic Trends: CBO

CBO - Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers. From 1996 through 2009 -- "the approximate period during which the baby-boom generation entered their 50s -- the share of disabled worker benefits awarded to older workers (age 45 and older) rose from 67 percent to 76 percent," the report said.

Meanwhile, the share of benefits going to younger workers -- between the ages of 25 to 44 -- fell from 31 percent to 22 percent.

"Baby boomers' aging would have boosted enrollment in the DI program even if no other factors had changed," the report said.

Add to that the fact that more women have entered the workforce since 1970, boosting the working population and creating a larger pool of people who can become disabled.

A change in the law during the Reagan administration that allowed more people with mental disabilities and musculoskeletal problems to qualify also increased the number of people on disability. In 1990, such people accounted for 38 percent of workers in the SSDI program. In 2010, the number had risen to 54 percent."

"The growing hostile rhetoric on the right has alarmed some. Bud Meyers, a laid off casino bartender in Las Vegas, happened to catch O'Reilly's rant. He said he thinks there is no way millions people are leaving their jobs to collect disability payments. Meyers spent more than two years unemployed before he tried to get on disability. (Meyers, who uses a pseudonym, spends some of his time blogging.)

"I was laid off in October 2008. My unemployment benefits ran out in June 2010. My savings ran out by January 2011," Meyers, 56, wrote in an email. He said he applied for disability as soon as his savings ran out.

Meyers said his bartending career has left him with arthritis in his neck and back, and that he couldn't possibly stand and work for eight hours straight like he used to. The Social Security Administration, Meyers said, was not convinced he couldn't find something to do. He applied for disability a second time, unsuccessfully.

"I've already received the 'mandatory' two written rejections on my disability claim from the Social Security office and I'm still waiting for a hearing," Meyers wrote. "[More than three million] people left their jobs to take a chance of going on the government dole for half their previous salary with no income in between? I don't think so! Multi-millionaires like Bill O'Reilly have no clue at all."

That's from your Huffington Post piece,'s a snapshot of what's really driving the surge in disability claims under the Obama Administration. Read between the lines. Mr. Meyers didn't apply for disability because he suddenly was unable to work...he applied because his unemployment ran out after a year and a half...his savings ran out six months later...and THEN he applied for disability! Why? Because he was desperate and STILL couldn't find a job! Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and as we speak millions of Americans have been out of work for record lengths of time and are just as desperate as Mr. Meyers.
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.
Do you blame the new woman CEO at GM for all the problems she's dealing with?

And what if all her VP's were fighting her every decision and trying to sabotage her? She would fire them, right? Well Obama can't fire Roberts, Alito, Boehner or Mitch McConnell.

All the other Presidents since World War II worked under the same rules but still were able to produce better unemployment averages than Obama, so that is not an excuse.

From 1940-1970 the income tax on the super rich was over 70%. Inequality was at the lowest levels in the history of this country and the middle class was growing.

Well, if that is the secret to a strong economy, then Obama has certainly failed to achieve that.
Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

When do I EVER ignore you, Ed? The truth is you won't spend time exposing "the rest" of my claims because they're pretty accurate.

I'm curious, Ed...why WOULD this recession be the worst recovery since the Great Depression? Could it be because we have a President who hasn't had an economic plan to grow the economy or create jobs since Larry Summers left four YEARS ago? Tell me who Barack Obama's chief economist is right now! I bet you don't have the faintest idea who they you? You're going to have to go Google someone who SHOULD be a household name if this Administration really WAS coming up with fixes for the economy! You don't know who they are...BECAUSE NOBODY IS DOING DIDDLY ABOUT THE ECONOMY OR JOBS IN THIS WHITE HOUSE!!!

Parroting propaganda again?

Social Security Disability Enrollment Rising Due To Demographic Trends: CBO

CBO - Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers. From 1996 through 2009 -- "the approximate period during which the baby-boom generation entered their 50s -- the share of disabled worker benefits awarded to older workers (age 45 and older) rose from 67 percent to 76 percent," the report said.

Meanwhile, the share of benefits going to younger workers -- between the ages of 25 to 44 -- fell from 31 percent to 22 percent.

"Baby boomers' aging would have boosted enrollment in the DI program even if no other factors had changed," the report said.

Add to that the fact that more women have entered the workforce since 1970, boosting the working population and creating a larger pool of people who can become disabled.

A change in the law during the Reagan administration that allowed more people with mental disabilities and musculoskeletal problems to qualify also increased the number of people on disability. In 1990, such people accounted for 38 percent of workers in the SSDI program. In 2010, the number had risen to 54 percent."

"The growing hostile rhetoric on the right has alarmed some. Bud Meyers, a laid off casino bartender in Las Vegas, happened to catch O'Reilly's rant. He said he thinks there is no way millions people are leaving their jobs to collect disability payments. Meyers spent more than two years unemployed before he tried to get on disability. (Meyers, who uses a pseudonym, spends some of his time blogging.)

"I was laid off in October 2008. My unemployment benefits ran out in June 2010. My savings ran out by January 2011," Meyers, 56, wrote in an email. He said he applied for disability as soon as his savings ran out.

Meyers said his bartending career has left him with arthritis in his neck and back, and that he couldn't possibly stand and work for eight hours straight like he used to. The Social Security Administration, Meyers said, was not convinced he couldn't find something to do. He applied for disability a second time, unsuccessfully.

"I've already received the 'mandatory' two written rejections on my disability claim from the Social Security office and I'm still waiting for a hearing," Meyers wrote. "[More than three million] people left their jobs to take a chance of going on the government dole for half their previous salary with no income in between? I don't think so! Multi-millionaires like Bill O'Reilly have no clue at all."

That's from your Huffington Post piece,'s a snapshot of what's really driving the surge in disability claims under the Obama Administration. Read between the lines. Mr. Meyers didn't apply for disability because he suddenly was unable to work...he applied because his unemployment ran out after a year and a half...his savings ran out six months later...and THEN he applied for disability! Why? Because he was desperate and STILL couldn't find a job! Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and as we speak millions of Americans have been out of work for record lengths of time and are just as desperate as Mr. Meyers.

SO, let's throw out actual facts and data and we'll go with anecdotal evidence...
Probably Obama, after Bush shit the bed and left town.


Bush has one of the best average unemployment rates since World War II at 5.27%. Something Obama, despite being in office two full terms, will never be able to achieve.
The Bush dummy was handed an UE rate of about 4% and passed on a rate of about 8%. Obama is cutting Bush's 8% down to about 6%. Only a complete idiot would argue that a president that increases unemployment by 100% is better than a president that decreases unemployment by 25%.

Only the ignorant would rate a President simply by comparing the first month they were in office with the last month they were in office. There are 94 other months in a two term Presidency. Do you think students should be grades based only on their first day of school and their last? How could that be an accurate measure of anything?
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Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?

because then they can spew stupidity like pretending that this president was responsible for bush's economic crash and the unemployment rate left to this president after that crash.

it works nicely when they have nothing but that type of distortion

Its the only firm objective way to compare what life was like for people in the job market while a particular person was sitting in the oval office. Those monthly unemployment rates are facts, and what the people experienced during those months is also fact. You can debate who is to blame, but you cannot debate the fact of what the unemployment rate was when a certain person was sitting in the oval office, and what the average rate was during the entire time they sat in the oval office.
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Remember, the economy must create 200,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth. So it is not enough to simply create jobs every month. You have to be creating jobs beyond a certain level to make a dent in the unemployment rate and the long term unemployment rate.

The labor force Participation rate is currently 62.8%. That is the lowest it has been since 1977! If the labor force Participation rate were still at 66% like under Bush, the unemployment rate would be 10% rather than 6.1%.
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Remember, the economy must create 200,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth. So it is not enough to simply create jobs every month. You have to be creating jobs beyond a certain level to make a dent in the unemployment rate and the long term unemployment rate.

The labor force Participation rate is currently 62.8%. That is the lowest it has been since 1977! If the labor force Participation rate were still at 66% like under Bush, the unemployment rate would be 10% rather than 6.1%.

Wow! That's startling! You really have something there. Keep bringing the brilliance!
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Remember, the economy must create 200,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth. So it is not enough to simply create jobs every month. You have to be creating jobs beyond a certain level to make a dent in the unemployment rate and the long term unemployment rate.

The labor force Participation rate is currently 62.8%. That is the lowest it has been since 1977! If the labor force Participation rate were still at 66% like under Bush, the unemployment rate would be 10% rather than 6.1%.

That is pure BS! The fact is birth rates are down and Boomers are retiring and leaving the workforce in greater numbers than those entering the labor force. It is estimated that we need only about 50,000 to 80,000 new workers to keep up with population growth, and that is due mainly to immigrants.

And if Bush had kept his LPR at the 67.2% it was when he started instead of the 65.7% it was when he left the UE rate when he left would have been 15% rather then 7.8%.
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Dude, did you just tell me to turn off "faux news" and then cite something from Politicus? Seriously? Now THAT is some funny shit!
The mainstream media doesn't want to talk about the good things that are happening? Really? Is that the same mainstream media that's been kissing Barry's ass since before he took office? So what you're telling us is that the same mainstream media that have had a slobbering love affair with Barack Obama have suddenly turned against him and are refusing to let the American people know what a great job he's doing on the economy and job creation? THAT is what you're selling today?
While Barack heads off to the Vineyard for another couple weeks of playing golf and hanging out with his rich friends just like he did LAST year...millions of Americans just like Mr. Myers will be sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to pay the electric bill.

The truth is...Barack Obama has been ABYSMAL when it comes to job creation! He doesn't understand economics and his policies are based more on political ideology than sound economic principles.

Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Dude, did you just tell me to turn off "faux news" and then cite something from Politicus? Seriously? Now THAT is some funny shit!

DUDe... Maybe you can find some more anecdotal evidence? The article is from Politicus, the SOURCE of the chart is from The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Morgan Stanley Research.

Let me ask you a question. Do you honestly believe faux news or any of the right wing sources you parrot propaganda from will EVER say anything complimentary about Obama and/or Democrats?

Will those right wing sources inform you about what Republicans have been doing since Obama was elected by We, the People? Will they inform you that Republicans have been wasting taxpayers money writing 50 bills to destroy the ACA? Bills that have ZERO chance of ever being passed?

Will those right wing sources inform that Republicans have been wasting taxpayers money voting almost 200 bills to destroy the environment??

Will those right wing sources inform you what is in House Republicans rider for the 2012 appropriations bill (H.R. 2584) consisting of items to weaken environmental regulations by cutting funding and rolling back rules?

Since the Senate would have to confirm the changes and President Obama would have to sign the bill, it’s unlikely that such changes will pass.

The bill also continues to change; nevertheless, the attempt reveals Republican plans to roll back environmental protections agreed upon by both parties over the past 40 years. The GOP promises more jobs and recovery from the current depression as a reward for such actions.

“Many of us think that overregulation from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is at the heart of our stalled economy,” said Rep. Mike Simpson, R- Idaho.

The bill cuts up to 18 percent of the funding from the Forest Service, the Interior Department and the EPA. It was voted out of committee by House Republicans.

The bill is loaded with a promise to business to end regulation and leaves only the profit motive to determine the use of land, water and wildlife.

By blocking regulations the GOP would allow:

–Automobiles to stop increasing gas mileage after 2016, and allow them to spew fine particles that cause cancer into the air.

–Pesticide manufacturers to use false and misleading information on their labels, and chemical companies and agriculture to dump pesticides into the waterways.

–Uranium mining in the Grand Canyon.

–The cement industry to pump cancer-causing dust into the air.

–Increased levels of arsenic, formaldehyde and other cancer-causing substances in the air, soil, drinking water, and sediment, as well as allow increased ammonia emissions from power plants.

–Oil conglomerates to ignore health-based air quality standards offshore, and make it more expensive for citizens to challenge government actions regulating oil extraction companies.

–Increased storm water discharge from commercial and residential construction sites, mountaintop removal water to run off into streams, and prohibit the EPA from forcing Florida to enforce the state’s Water Quality Standards.

–Increased ash from the burning of coal, and methane from manure piles.

–Lawsuits over grazing on public lands to proceed more easily, livestock to move freely across government grazing land, and prevent reviews of grazing permits.

–Alaskan western red and yellow cedar to be cut and sold for shipment overseas.

–Unlisted endangered animals to be hunted and killed, and wolves to be de-listed from protection.

–Endangering of bighorn sheep by allowing more livestock to graze in their habitat.

In addition, the GOP would:

–Eliminate the regulation of livestock waste runoff or disposal.

–Allow greenhouse gas producers, such as coal plants, to continue emitting for one year, and bar lawsuits during this time.

–Prohibit funding for listing or protecting any new animal species under the Endangered Species Act.

–Block any updates to the Clean Water Act, and prevent regulation of cool water intake facilities.

–Limit public appeals of Forest Service timber harvest plans.

–Provide financial breaks for mining companies, and prevent any new hard rock mining regulations.

–Allow Texas to implement its own cap-and-trade system without Federal input.

–Prevent boat inspection safety checks on the Yukon River.

–Prevent the EPA from adopting water ballast requirements that stop the intrusion of invasive species into the Great Lakes.

–Force the EPA to ignore Clean Air Rules for power plants, and ignore the public health benefits of the Clean Air Act.

–Block the designation of Federal land to be set aside as wilderness areas.

–Require detailed records to be kept and quarterly reports on any gas or oil permits not allowed.

These efforts make it clear that Republicans ignore the role of deregulation in creating the problems that the nation faces, such as the financial institutions that sank the economy and robbed millions of Americans of their jobs and their savings.

The Republicans hope voters will forget the role of President George W. Bush and the Republicans in this disaster, put the blame for the depressed economy on President Barack Obama, and give them the presidency in 2012.

They destroyed the economy once and they can do it again – this time taking the environment with it.

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
Thomas Jefferson to the Republican Citizens of Washington County, Maryland" (March 31, 1809).

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).
So what silly site did you glean all THAT from, little buddy? It must be a "really good one" since you're not attributing a source! Doesn't it suck when people point out how biased your sources are so you can't use them anymore! Don't you just HATE that!
Better turn off faux news...

Under President Obama, the United States is on pace to have its best job creation year since Bill Clinton was president in 1999.

Check out the job gains by year graph:


Here is a chart with the full numbers via the Calculated Risk Blog:


On the rare occasions that Republicans will talk about jobs, they love to portray the president as a job creation failure. In their next breath, they will explain how prosperity could fall from the heavens onto us all if the president would sign their stack of bills that are a series of permanent tax cuts for the wealthy disguised as job creation legislation.

The data reveals that job creation didn’t go into overdrive after George W. Bush massively cut taxes for the wealthy. The previous three years before this year were some of the best job creation years since Clinton was in office. The Republican motto of cut taxes and the jobs will come, has been proven wrong again, and the great right wing myth that President Obama has destroyed the economy is completely divorced from reality.

After enduring the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one is going to argue that the economy is booming. Despite the best efforts of Republicans, the economy is starting to pick up some serious steam. The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the good things that are happening, so Democrats need to speak up, because these number show once again that Democrats create where Republicans break.

Obama Is on Pace For The Best Job Creation Year Since Bill Clinton Was President

Remember, the economy must create 200,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth. So it is not enough to simply create jobs every month. You have to be creating jobs beyond a certain level to make a dent in the unemployment rate and the long term unemployment rate.

The labor force Participation rate is currently 62.8%. That is the lowest it has been since 1977! If the labor force Participation rate were still at 66% like under Bush, the unemployment rate would be 10% rather than 6.1%.

That is pure BS! The fact is birth rates are down and Boomers are retiring and leaving the workforce in greater numbers than those entering the labor force. It is estimated that we need only about 50,000 to 80,000 new workers to keep up with population growth, and that is due mainly to immigrants.

And if Bush had kept his LPR at the 67.2% it was when he started instead of the 65.7% it was when he left the UE rate when he left would have been 15% rather then 7.8%.

Its not about birth rates or Boombers, but POPULATION GROWTH overall! The largest number of births in the United States EVER IN HISTORY occurred in 2007. All those kids born in 2007 won't graduate High School until 2025. So the number of new people entering the work force for the first time will continue to increase for the next 10 years, at a minimum, and if the economy eventually does improve, immigration will increase as well.

As for Boomers leaving the workforce, many have had to postpone retirement because they have had their savings wiped out. 2011 was the FIRST YEAR, that people born in 1946, the start of the boomer generation, turned 65. So the vast majority of the decline in the labor force participation rate has been due to the economy and people unable to find work, and not the boomer retirement phase. Boomers were born from 1946 through 1963. The vast majority of boomers have not reached retirement age yet. Most also plan to work beyond the official retirement age as well.

Also, for most of the Bush administration the labor force participation rate was 66%. Going from 67.2% participation rate and 4.2% unemployment, would not mean a labor force participation rate of 65.8% would really mean 15% unemployment if it had held at 67.2%. Not even close. Again, the worst decline in the labor force Participation rate under any President In history is BARACK OBAMA. A full 3 percentage points.

Finally, the fact that the boomer wave of retirement is about to start may mean its good for individual workers entering the labor market for the first time, but for the country as a whole, any decline in the labor force participation, regardless of the reason, is not a good thing and one should be engaged in trying to get policies that will prevent the decline.
So what silly site did you glean all THAT from, little buddy? It must be a "really good one" since you're not attributing a source! Doesn't it suck when people point out how biased your sources are so you can't use them anymore! Don't you just HATE that!

There is a link.

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