The President's Speech.

Obama literally had to redefine the definition of terror just to appear like he's winning.

Doesn't matter if you're a lousy manager, a terrible leader, and literally the most uninformed president in our history. He thinks he's winning.

Well no.

He's brought it back to it's original definition.

It was Bush that "redefined" it.

You folks think Bush was "winning" by destroying third world countries and slaughtering innocent people by the thousands and Obama is "losing" by killing scores of actual terrorists while minimizing the loss of civilians.

Gotta love it.
obama had to say something to get attention off his scandals. Even if the diversion was only temporary.
Gee... who am I going to listen to? The President of the United States who's the most closely scrutinized man in the world and who has a track record of positive change? Or some paranoid two digit IQ piece of shit on the internet who usually gets his ass handed to him in the these conversations?

I guess a socialist would think his record is positive. That would cover you and wry.

Name Calling Meister?

For shame..

Name calling? Communist, socialist, and capitalist, that would be labeling. Calling you an asshole would be name calling.
Wake up sallow and have a cup of jo
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Possibly one of his best:

Now, all these issues remind us that the choices we make about war can impact — in sometimes unintended ways — the openness and freedom on which our way of life depends. And that is why I intend to engage Congress about the existing Authorization to Use Military Force, or AUMF, to determine how we can continue to fight terrorism without keeping America on a perpetual wartime footing.

The AUMF is now nearly 12 years old. The Afghan war is coming to an end. Core al Qaeda is a shell of its former self. Groups like AQAP must be dealt with, but in the years to come, not every collection of thugs that labels themselves al Qaeda will pose a credible threat to the United States. Unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight, or continue to grant Presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states.

So I look forward to engaging Congress and the American people in efforts to refine, and ultimately repeal, the AUMF’s mandate. And I will not sign laws designed to expand this mandate further. Our systematic effort to dismantle terrorist organizations must continue. But this war, like all wars, must end. That’s what history advises. That’s what our democracy demands.
About fucking time!



It’s good to hear.

Unfortunately, however, as with Guantanamo, this will ultimately be up to Congress, many of whose members fear being labeled ‘soft on terror.’

The AUMF was passed by a republican Congress predicated on fear of the angry, frightened voter post 9/11, not facts, reason, or the Constitution.

There is little reason to assume this has changed in this regard.

Because we all know Obama does not have the power to veto a law he doesn't like.

Where do you get positive change, and why do you put yourself down like that?

Obama opens his mouth and the faithful faint with praise. Positive change, where? What? I see none of it.

I dunno.

You folks are screaming "There no transparency". Yet in this speech, President Obama detailed a covert operation and the reasons behind it. He also admitted to fault with the program.

That's also never happened before.

Never? Are you trying to tell me I can't find a single example of a president admitting that a covert operation had problems in the entire history of the US? I personally remember at least one example during my lifetime.
"Huzzah! We got the baddies!" We shout after a 7000 word speech that made us feel great about the fact that we can kill American citizens now and it be cool. We should ask Kim Jung un if he would like to become a duel citizen.
The moron blew smoke to divert attention from the scandal trifecta over the long weekend. The man sucks.....big time.

Your side accused Bill Clinton of wagging the dog to detract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal when he decided to go after bin Laden. Are they planning to make the same mistake again?

maybe they won't bomb a empty aspirin factory this time..
Just because you believe it does not make it true.

Like his comment that drones actually cause less hatred, does he actually have evidence for this, or are we simply supposed to believe him? Can anyone explain why we have to change the rules on drones? Does that mean he was wrong before?

Gee... who am I going to listen to? The President of the United States who's the most closely scrutinized man in the world and who has a track record of positive change? Or some paranoid two digit IQ piece of shit on the internet who usually gets his ass handed to him in the these conversations?

Spot on!

Who's the real dumb-ass? The one that questions what's going on or the one who keeps saying it's all made up. Obama doesn't lie. Oh no. He never would have anything to do with spying on Fox News. He'd never use the IRS ,to hammer his opposition. Yup, that was all about some disgusting video. Yup, yeah sure, uhuh.
This thread reminds me of the stories of the old town crier, except the call here is: "The teleprompter works, all is well. The teleprompter works, all is well."
President Banana is either a fool living in denial or deceitful .

It doesn't take an expert to realize that Al Qaeda and all its octopus tentacles is probably stronger than ever!
For example, who does he think is the strongest faction among the Syrian rebels? He seem to have a paranoid obsession with Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda group who was responsible for 9/11.
That is all history and the world has moved on, and is in a more dangerous place than before.

Politically he seems to be placing the US for a policy of isolation which requires no military action unless directly attacked. this seems to suit his personal philosophy but it is misguided and extremely dangerous!

In other words, his speech was disgracefully naive, inadequate and ridiculous.

President Banana seems to be beyond redemption.
You liberal folks do realize that just because there is a law out there does not mean Obama has to use that law to kill folk.

Really what is he saying? Change the law before I kill again? Hell he sounds like a serial killer....well.

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