The Pretense of Education during this pandemic

An informal polling of local school teachers reveals an appalling abandonment of any semblance of academic rigor in the coming academic year - not to mention or address the one recently passed.

Specifically, teachers are being told to "pass" students who score at least a "50" on their exams in the coming year. And even this minimal standard will surely be breached and abandoned when parents are confronted with their little darlings being "asked" to repeat a grade. In summary, this coming academic year will be a joke, but will be counted as a legitimate academic year of learning. Then, when things get back to normal, they will sit in classrooms one September in the future without having learned what they were required to learn in the previous academic year. They will either be lost - as in math and sciences - or otherwise unprepared. Their education will be like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple pieces missing.

Certainly, there will be some kids who will studiously keep up with their academics during the coming school year, but at least half will be sitting at home playing video games and will learn nothing. Do you teach to the level of the former group or the latter? It is a true conundrum.

To any teacher who happens to read this, please explain why i am wrong.


Everyone knows the brutal truth: Education at home via computer is a farce.

But we Americans are good at fooling ourselves about everything.

E.g., why is there shoplifting? Because the little darlings don't have the money to buy food in order to survive!

If the schools were officially shut down, it might be difficult to explain why teachers should continue getting paid while other workers in closed businesses go without a paycheck.
An informal polling of local school teachers reveals an appalling abandonment of any semblance of academic rigor in the coming academic year - not to mention or address the one recently passed.

Specifically, teachers are being told to "pass" students who score at least a "50" on their exams in the coming year. And even this minimal standard will surely be breached and abandoned when parents are confronted with their little darlings being "asked" to repeat a grade. In summary, this coming academic year will be a joke, but will be counted as a legitimate academic year of learning. Then, when things get back to normal, they will sit in classrooms one September in the future without having learned what they were required to learn in the previous academic year. They will either be lost - as in math and sciences - or otherwise unprepared. Their education will be like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple pieces missing.

Certainly, there will be some kids who will studiously keep up with their academics during the coming school year, but at least half will be sitting at home playing video games and will learn nothing. Do you teach to the level of the former group or the latter? It is a true conundrum.

To any teacher who happens to read this, please explain why i am wrong.
What happens when all of this blows over and testing reveals that kids actually did better or tested no worse with the schools closed than before with them open? What will that tell us about teachers and public education today?
An informal polling of local school teachers reveals an appalling abandonment of any semblance of academic rigor in the coming academic year - not to mention or address the one recently passed.

Specifically, teachers are being told to "pass" students who score at least a "50" on their exams in the coming year. And even this minimal standard will surely be breached and abandoned when parents are confronted with their little darlings being "asked" to repeat a grade. In summary, this coming academic year will be a joke, but will be counted as a legitimate academic year of learning. Then, when things get back to normal, they will sit in classrooms one September in the future without having learned what they were required to learn in the previous academic year. They will either be lost - as in math and sciences - or otherwise unprepared. Their education will be like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple pieces missing.

Certainly, there will be some kids who will studiously keep up with their academics during the coming school year, but at least half will be sitting at home playing video games and will learn nothing. Do you teach to the level of the former group or the latter? It is a true conundrum.

To any teacher who happens to read this, please explain why i am wrong.
I think they do the same thing even before corona.
You think wrong.
We stumbled onto a much cheaper way. Sorry can’t afford brick and mortar you’ll see
We already see that you have no idea what you're talking about - as usual. It is most certainly not cheaper to ensure every student has a reliable computer and reliable internet access. Is is not cheaper to provide special needs services to every student who needs them when you have to go to each student's home. It is not cheaper to hire the much greater number of teachers needed to teach smaller groups of students online (because with many populations and topics, it is much easier and more effective to teach larger groups in person.
You have it all wrong. Look at university of Phoenix. I used to work for them. Online is much cheaper.

Parents will have to buy tablets unless they are low income

The University of Phoenix? My daughter-in-law got her degree from there in Criminal Justice. No one would hire her because they knew her degree was horseshit! The VA stripped them of their ability to provide instruction to veterans because they are a fucking scam! You are a criminal if you worked for them.
Yea that’s why all the other schools now offer an identical online solution.

They were shady in their business practices but the education was good.

One time I went to a company to interview and all three applicants were phoenix grads. We all got hired. Phoenix also teaches students how to interview. Most 4 year universities are a scam. 75% of the classes you have to take are bs. At Phoenix every class makes you do presentations, PowerPoint, meet with teams, write papers and read. The school isn’t a scam but the private business is.

Its not a scam like trump university. Funny you think I’m a criminal but you suck trumps mushroom cock.

I worked for another private training company and they got cut off from government funds because they certified a million people to be medical billers but no one would hire them because they didn’t go to a real university.

You sound like a fan of public universities over private ones.
An informal polling of local school teachers reveals an appalling abandonment of any semblance of academic rigor in the coming academic year - not to mention or address the one recently passed.

Specifically, teachers are being told to "pass" students who score at least a "50" on their exams in the coming year. And even this minimal standard will surely be breached and abandoned when parents are confronted with their little darlings being "asked" to repeat a grade. In summary, this coming academic year will be a joke, but will be counted as a legitimate academic year of learning. Then, when things get back to normal, they will sit in classrooms one September in the future without having learned what they were required to learn in the previous academic year. They will either be lost - as in math and sciences - or otherwise unprepared. Their education will be like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple pieces missing.

Certainly, there will be some kids who will studiously keep up with their academics during the coming school year, but at least half will be sitting at home playing video games and will learn nothing. Do you teach to the level of the former group or the latter? It is a true conundrum.

To any teacher who happens to read this, please explain why i am wrong.


Everyone knows the brutal truth: Education at home via computer is a farce.

But we Americans are good at fooling ourselves about everything.

E.g., why is there shoplifting? Because the little darlings don't have the money to buy food in order to survive!

If the schools were officially shut down, it might be difficult to explain why teachers should continue getting paid while other workers in closed businesses go without a paycheck.
Not necessarily. I wasn’t an overachiever in high school so truthfully live in person public education is a farce too unless the kid wants to learn.

A kid who wants to get into college studies for those act and sat classes on their own. It’s not like high school preps them. Private schools do but public schools not so much

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