The process has to be started now to get the people who won't come in on the congressional hearing


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
You ignorant fucks have denied Trump DUE PROCESS and you have the balls to say this?



And none of them have broken the law, just your failed ego... Get over yourself!
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.

Okay, Comradski, but here in America, all the congress can do is refer it to the DOJ or Federal US Attorney in DC and they decide if when and how to address it.
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
The question of executive privilege vs Congress's constitutional authority as oversight of the Executive is moving through the courts right now.

I think Trump is going to be as disappointed with the outcome as Nixon was.
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
The question of executive privilege vs Congress's constitutional authority as oversight of the Executive is moving through the courts right now.

I think Trump is going to be as disappointed with the outcome as Nixon was.

LOL! Chafetz always whines in his books about how the House has no enforcement capability. Just look at how many "Contempt of Congress" medals that Eric Holder has. Congress can shove their subpoenas.
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
The question of executive privilege vs Congress's constitutional authority as oversight of the Executive is moving through the courts right now.

I think Trump is going to be as disappointed with the outcome as Nixon was.

LOL! Chafetz always whines in his books about how the House has no enforcement capability. Just look at how many "Contempt of Congress" medals that Eric Holder has. Congress can shove their subpoenas.
If the Courts decide Kupperman and/or Bolton must testify, and Trump attempts to block them, that's an obstruction of justice charge that even the Republican Senate won't be able to swallow.
Democrats are ready....

The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
Why you have the transcript
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
The question of executive privilege vs Congress's constitutional authority as oversight of the Executive is moving through the courts right now.

I think Trump is going to be as disappointed with the outcome as Nixon was.

LOL! Chafetz always whines in his books about how the House has no enforcement capability. Just look at how many "Contempt of Congress" medals that Eric Holder has. Congress can shove their subpoenas.

It was for not providing all the documents the Republican's subpoenaed. Obama claimed executive privilege over some of the document from after the ATF operation was shut down.t. There was never a blanket immunity or an overreaching policy on executive privilege. covering everyone and everything invoked by president Obama.
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
The question of executive privilege vs Congress's constitutional authority as oversight of the Executive is moving through the courts right now.

I think Trump is going to be as disappointed with the outcome as Nixon was.

LOL! Chafetz always whines in his books about how the House has no enforcement capability. Just look at how many "Contempt of Congress" medals that Eric Holder has. Congress can shove their subpoenas.
If the Courts decide Kupperman and/or Bolton must testify, and Trump attempts to block them, that's an obstruction of justice charge that even the Republican Senate won't be able to swallow.
Generally agree, except that the USSC is the court that counts.
Charles Kupperman has asked the Court to decide which authority supersedes the other. A congressional subpoena vs. executive privilege.

U.S. judge fast-tracks hearing over House impeachment subpoena to former national security aide Charles Kupperman

The outcome will probably affect whether or not Bolton testifies, too.
The Constitution says they are equal but separate... This has major court precedent.. Your going to be sorely disappointed.
The precedent was set during Nixon's crooked regime. So things are not looking good for Naked Emperor Trump.
Charles Kupperman has asked the Court to decide which authority supersedes the other. A congressional subpoena vs. executive privilege.

U.S. judge fast-tracks hearing over House impeachment subpoena to former national security aide Charles Kupperman

The outcome will probably affect whether or not Bolton testifies, too.
The Constitution says they are equal but separate... This has major court precedent.. Your going to be sorely disappointed.
The precedent was set during Nixon's crooked regime. So things are not looking good for Naked Emperor Trump.
Good luck defining your 'legislative purpose' where NO CRIME IS SHOWN OR ALLEGED by competent authorities. You have a damn steep climb ahead of you..
Charles Kupperman has asked the Court to decide which authority supersedes the other. A congressional subpoena vs. executive privilege.

U.S. judge fast-tracks hearing over House impeachment subpoena to former national security aide Charles Kupperman

The outcome will probably affect whether or not Bolton testifies, too.
The Constitution says they are equal but separate... This has major court precedent.. Your going to be sorely disappointed.
The precedent was set during Nixon's crooked regime. So things are not looking good for Naked Emperor Trump.
Good luck defining your 'legislative purpose' where NO CRIME IS SHOWN OR ALLEGED.
What a fascinating delusion!
Charles Kupperman has asked the Court to decide which authority supersedes the other. A congressional subpoena vs. executive privilege.

U.S. judge fast-tracks hearing over House impeachment subpoena to former national security aide Charles Kupperman

The outcome will probably affect whether or not Bolton testifies, too.
The Constitution says they are equal but separate... This has major court precedent.. Your going to be sorely disappointed.
The precedent was set during Nixon's crooked regime. So things are not looking good for Naked Emperor Trump.
Good luck defining your 'legislative purpose' where NO CRIME IS SHOWN OR ALLEGED.
What a fascinating delusion!
Its the LAW, you idiot...

Unlike Nixon, You have no CRIME to base your legislative purpose on...
Last edited:
You ignorant fucks have denied Trump DUE PROCESS and you have the balls to say this?



And none of them have broken the law, just your failed ego... Get over yourself!
We simply won't let you turn this country into a dictatorship, A dictatorship that scum bag needs to stay in power and out of jail. You will not pull this off , You're traitors to this great country now, your simply supported a criminal who has already admitted to taking action that are criminal in this country. Now we know he and you one string puppets will try to turn us into a dictatorship but you have a whole military and most of the population that will not allow the dictatorship needed for scum bag to stay in power and out of jail. The rule of law in this great country spits on you. As I do.
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.
Lock them up

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