The process has to be started now to get the people who won't come in on the congressional hearing

Eric Holder wears his many "Contempt of Congress" medals proudly.

You mean the 1 time. After the Issa Committee requested and received reams of unrelated documents and took hours of Holder's personal testimony, holder finally refuse a batch. Say how'd the courts rule on that case?
Judge declines to hold Holder in contempt
"The Oversight Committee is pleased that the Judge in the case has rejected the Department's request to continue illegally withholding documents and its attempt to unnecessarily prolong the proceeding. This court ruling affirms that Attorney General Holder broke the law in withholding subpoenaed documents, which led the House of Representatives to vote him in criminal contempt," said the spokesperson.

Holder broke the law but was given a pass on contempt.

So you're dropping the "many" part and pole vaulting to he was "given a pass" position now"?

And the Judge says: (from your link)
However, in a ruling Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson also denied Holder's request for an indefinite stay of her prior order that the attorney general must turn over any "non-privileged" documents the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenaed as part of an investigation into the botched gunrunning investigation. The judge previously ruled that Holder must give the panel any documents that are not both predecisional and deliberative in nature.

Jackson called the House contempt motion "entirely unnecessary" and said it was evident that she was considering the government's motion to lift her prior order. "Under those circumstances, the Court finds no basis to hold defendant in contempt," she wrote.

In reality the litigation continued until this year when it was finely decided in arbitration where neither side got what they wanted.
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Thats the appropriate response to your desperate whataboutism. Garbage in, garbage out. If you want more intellectual, nuanced responses, try making posts that are above the mental ability of a fourth grader.

BS. It's your usual juvenile trolling.
In response to your usual, juvenile whataboutism. Garbage in,garbage out.

Sure, sure. Typical MO.

Here's you.

1. Throw a logical fallacy.
2. Declare victory.

Here's a nickel, go buy yourself some candy little boy.....
You shouldn't use words you don't understand.

Describe my fallacy and what type of fallacy it was.

See you in...never.

Sure, sure little fella. I'll do exactly as you ask.

I don't play your games. Never have never will....
"Games"? That doesn't make any sense,Cletus. Asking you to explain your own use of the word "fallacy" is not a "game". It's a basic request that a functioning adult should be able to fulfill easily.

....unless that "adult" is a vapid crybaby who just used a word he doesn't actually understand. Then, instead, we get treated to your dog and pony show.

Enjoy your dancing and prancing...
You ignorant fucks have denied Trump DUE PROCESS and you have the balls to say this?



And none of them have broken the law, just your failed ego... Get over yourself!
What sue lei was is Donald entitled to? How is he being treated differently from Hillary ornbill?

oh right he isn’t.

Now stfu moron
The process is long but the judgement is al ready in. The people who didn't comply with the House subpoenas have broke the law and this should be approached both by the house as a criminal investigation and in civil court which judgement once made and still not complied to will then have both monetary and legal actions. They are criminals they belong in jail right next to the person who forced them to do it.

Translation, "my color didn't win, so I'm still having the same tantrum I had November 3, 2016. I'm so mad"!

Rub some ointment on that itchy vag and shut the fuck up already.
BS. It's your usual juvenile trolling.
In response to your usual, juvenile whataboutism. Garbage in,garbage out.

Sure, sure. Typical MO.

Here's you.

1. Throw a logical fallacy.
2. Declare victory.

Here's a nickel, go buy yourself some candy little boy.....
You shouldn't use words you don't understand.

Describe my fallacy and what type of fallacy it was.

See you in...never.

Sure, sure little fella. I'll do exactly as you ask.

I don't play your games. Never have never will....
"Games"? That doesnt make any sense,Cletus. Asking you to explain your own use of the word "fallacy" is not a "game". It's a basic request that a functioning adult should be able to fulfill easily.

....unless that "adult" is a vapid crybaby who just used a word he doesnt actually understand. Then, instead, we get treated to your dog and pony show.

They are games. You didn't address the point, going with an ad hominem in a totally meaningless troll in an effort to get a rise you so you can do what you did here, and always do, label someone a crybaby or some nonsense. That, BTW, is also an ad hominem.

Then in your second post you went to the strawman (or maybe red herring or tu quoque, but who cares) and relabeled the post as 'whataboutism' instead of addressing the point of the conversation being had.

Then you declare victory.

It's how you roll. I know it. You know it. Anyone that's ever read more than 2 post of yours knows it. I imagine if we were to go through your post history we would see countless examples of similar patterns of what you consider argument, but is nothing but middle school nonsense.

You bring nothing but this nonsense day after day after day after day. How you're not bored with it by now is beyond me, but whatever floats your boat there little fella.
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You ignorant fucks have denied Trump DUE PROCESS and you have the balls to say this?



And none of them have broken the law, just your failed ego... Get over yourself!
What sue lei was is Donald entitled to? How is he being treated differently from Hillary ornbill?

oh right he isn’t.

Now stfu moron

You ignorant fucks have denied Trump DUE PROCESS and you have the balls to say this?



And none of them have broken the law, just your failed ego... Get over yourself!
What sue lei was is Donald entitled to? How is he being treated differently from Hillary ornbill?

oh right he isn’t.

Now stfu moron
Go fuck yourself...

No law has been broken by Trump! Qid Pro Joe Biden is a dirty SOB swamp creature!

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