The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

When Huggy gets called out about the accuracy of dates behind certain holidays, finds he attempts to throw a little "spin" on the issue and fails miserably.

The whole point of Christmas and Thanksgiving is the "remembrance" of an event. Christmas encompasses the reflection of the birth of Jesus, the visit of wise men, and the attempt to destroy the child by King Herod. None of these occurrences happened at the same time, on the same date, which is why it's a reflective of an "event". Nativities depict wise men who visit a baby Jesus, which is inaccurate as he was a small child according to the bible. As you may recall the season of Christmas includes the giving of gifts. Does that part of the tradition ring any bells? You really need to study the Bible to actually get a clearer understanding of what took place, as you simply can not tell the difference between reflecting upon an event when compared to a simple birth.

I fail miserably? The Christians can't get it straight wether Jeebus was a new born baby or a little brat?

Actually you made that assumption upon yourself when you decided to associate Christmas with His birth, I merely corrected you on the issue. I find that's usually common practice of someone that normally doesn't take an interest to read the Bible. Glad that I could help clarify things for you, even as you seem to equate your lack of knowledge on the subject with "holes"


1. Noahs Ark
2. Jonah and the Whale
3. The Parting of the Red Sea
4. The Virgin Conception and Birth
5. Walking on Water
6. Feeding the 5000
7. The Resurrection
I fail miserably? The Christians can't get it straight wether Jeebus was a new born baby or a little brat?

Actually you made that assumption upon yourself when you decided to associate Christmas with His birth, I merely corrected you on the issue. I find that's usually common practice of someone that normally doesn't take an interest to read the Bible. Glad that I could help clarify things for you, even as you seem to equate your lack of knowledge on the subject with "holes"


1. Noahs Ark
2. Jonah and the Whale
3. The Parting of the Red Sea
4. The Virgin Conception and Birth
5. Walking on Water
6. Feeding the 5000
7. The Resurrection

With regard to "man" and his abilities, I'm sure each one of those occurrences would be quite impossible. When a patient makes an amazing recovery from a life threatening illness that doctor's of advanced medical training simply can not explain, I'd doubt I would be referring to him or her as a "hole". That would be rather cold of you Huggy, to think of that patient in those terms.
Actually you made that assumption upon yourself when you decided to associate Christmas with His birth, I merely corrected you on the issue. I find that's usually common practice of someone that normally doesn't take an interest to read the Bible. Glad that I could help clarify things for you, even as you seem to equate your lack of knowledge on the subject with "holes"


1. Noahs Ark
2. Jonah and the Whale
3. The Parting of the Red Sea
4. The Virgin Conception and Birth
5. Walking on Water
6. Feeding the 5000
7. The Resurrection

With regard to "man" and his abilities, I'm sure each one of those occurrences would be quite impossible. When a patient makes an amazing recovery from a life threatening illness that doctor's of advanced medical training simply can not explain, I'd doubt I would be referring to him or her as a "hole". That would be rather cold of you Huggy, to think of that patient in those terms.

I don't believe that today's medical patients are listed in the bible. All medical recoveries are explainable. They just don't bother with trying to figure out success as much as they do failure. Trying to equate the "holes" I have listed with improbable medical recoveries is stupid.
Rand Paul: America funding foreign ‘war against Christianity’

By Georgetown/ On Faith, Published: June 14, 2013


“It’s clear that American taxpayer dollars are being used in a war against Christianity. [...] These countries [like Egypt and Syria] are not our allies, and no amount of money is going to make them so. It makes no sense. Should we be sending F-16s and tanks to Egypt when (President Mohammed) Morsi says Jews are descendants of apes and pigs? [...] Even if all the atrocities against Christians were not being committed, we wouldn’t have the money to be sending to these countries. We’re borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan.”


Rand Paul: America funding foreign ?war against Christianity?
When Huggy gets called out about the accuracy of dates behind certain holidays, finds he attempts to throw a little "spin" on the issue and fails miserably.

The whole point of Christmas and Thanksgiving is the "remembrance" of an event. Christmas encompasses the reflection of the birth of Jesus, the visit of wise men, and the attempt to destroy the child by King Herod. None of these occurrences happened at the same time, on the same date, which is why it's a reflective of an "event". Nativities depict wise men who visit a baby Jesus, which is inaccurate as he was a small child according to the bible. As you may recall the season of Christmas includes the giving of gifts. Does that part of the tradition ring any bells? You really need to study the Bible to actually get a clearer understanding of what took place, as you simply can not tell the difference between reflecting upon an event when compared to a simple birth. birthday is coming up in a few weeks, sometime around the first part of July.

Yeshua (Jesus) was born around the last part of October, yet Christians celebrate His birth in December.

I know that I'd be pissed if I had to wait until September to celebrate when I was born.

My family and friends can remember when I was born, and I'm not really anyone.............

If Yeshua (Jesus) is so important, why can't the people who worship Him remember when He was born?

Oh's because Rome took over Jerusalem, and decided that the Hebrew religion was good to control people, but in order to sell it to the pagans of Rome, they had to mesh the Jewish religion with what the pagans believed. why Christmas (Jesus' birth) and Easter (Jesus' death and resurrection) are celebrated on a solstice.

I think I already settled the argument concerning it being about his birth, unless you have a specific scripture where the wise men witnessed the actual "birth" of the child and not paying a visit while He was a toddler. Ever seen a Nativity scene, or would you rather I describe the characters to you? I mean. you DO know the actual difference between a remembrance of an event and speaking of someone's actual birth don't you?

Depends.........................I can remember some things from my past and be off on the times they occurred by a couple of weeks.

But then again...........................I'm not anyone other than the average person.

You'd think that with someone as important as Jesus they could at least get the dates right.
Then would you like to take a stab at the Resurrection or is that another bit if trivia that your bible or whatever has messed up. Why does it move from sometime in late March to sometime in April?
Damn that is confusing.
Ever been to graveyard with tombstones on them?
Who is the loon.

When Huggy gets called out about the accuracy of dates behind certain holidays, finds he attempts to throw a little "spin" on the issue and fails miserably.

The whole point of Christmas and Thanksgiving is the "remembrance" of an event. Christmas encompasses the reflection of the birth of Jesus, the visit of wise men, and the attempt to destroy the child by King Herod. None of these occurrences happened at the same time, on the same date, which is why it's a reflective of an "event". Nativities depict wise men who visit a baby Jesus, which is inaccurate as he was a small child according to the bible. As you may recall the season of Christmas includes the giving of gifts. Does that part of the tradition ring any bells? You really need to study the Bible to actually get a clearer understanding of what took place, as you simply can not tell the difference between reflecting upon an event when compared to a simple birth. birthday is coming up in a few weeks, sometime around the first part of July.

Yeshua (Jesus) was born around the last part of October, yet Christians celebrate His birth in December.

I know that I'd be pissed if I had to wait until September to celebrate when I was born.

My family and friends can remember when I was born, and I'm not really anyone.............

If Yeshua (Jesus) is so important, why can't the people who worship Him remember when He was born?

Oh's because Rome took over Jerusalem, and decided that the Hebrew religion was good to control people, but in order to sell it to the pagans of Rome, they had to mesh the Jewish religion with what the pagans believed. why Christmas (Jesus' birth) and Easter (Jesus' death and resurrection) are celebrated on a solstice.

I think I already settled the argument concerning it being about his birth, unless you have a specific scripture where the wise men witnessed the actual "birth" of the child and not paying a visit while He was a toddler. Ever seen a Nativity scene, or would you rather I describe the characters to you? I mean. you DO know the actual difference between a remembrance of an event and speaking of someone's actual birth don't you?
The resurrection doesn't move.

The day we celebrate it does. We always celebrate Easter on Sunday, and if you can't figure out the rest, well, I've no doubt a lot of things confuse you.
Try again miss informed. Let's just say for the sake of example you died Dec. 25th. What day do they stamp on the tombstone?
So according to your logic they would put on different dates. That is utterly stupid.
Read this and explain it a little more.
Sunday, April 8
Easter Sunday 2012
Sunday, March 31
Easter Sunday 2013
Count how many days apart they are or is that not something you try to understand.
Face up to reality. Your celebration of the Resurrection it is all about the phases of the moon and some BARBARIC ritual.

The resurrection doesn't move.

The day we celebrate it does. We always celebrate Easter on Sunday, and if you can't figure out the rest, well, I've no doubt a lot of things confuse you.
Uh huh.

Like I said, usmb welcomes all the mentally ill. We give you a voice here, that you are often denied in real life.

...and you most certainly are not the Christ, nor do you resemble him in any way, shape or form.
Oh, KG, you are lost, LOST in damnable HERESY !!!!

Are you so unaware of True Doctrine as not to know that Christ has a Human Nature as well as a Divine Nature?

For Shame!!
What a wonderful and brilliant retort but from you I would expect nothing less.
Either you are to lazy to research why or you are afraid of the truth. It is more the latter I am sure.
Here it is a little at a time maybe have and adult read it to you and comprehend it for you too.
According to the Bible, Jesus’ death and resurrection occurred around the time of the Jewish Passover, which was celebrated on the first full moon following the vernal equinox.
This soon led to Christians celebrating Easter on different dates. At the end of the 2nd century, some churches celebrated Easter on the day of the Passover, while others celebrated it on the following Sunday.
In 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox. From that point forward, the Easter date depended on the ecclesiastical approximation of March 21 for the vernal equinox.

Now don't be afraid here is the difficult part; Ready.

Easter is delayed by 1 week if the full moon is on Sunday, which decreases the chances of it falling on the same day as the Jewish Passover. The council’s ruling is contrary to the Quartodecimans, a group of Christians who celebrated Easter on the day of the full moon, 14 days into the month.
Comparative calendars

Not all Christian churches observe Easter according the Gregorian calendar. Some churches still observe Easter under the Julian calendar.

The Gregorian calendar was created because the Julian calendar was slightly too long. With the Julian calendar, the equinox date moved towards the earlier dates of March and further away from the Easter. Therefore, the introduction of the Gregorian calendar allowed for a realignment with the equinox.

According to the Gregorian calendar, Easter falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25 from 1753 to 2400. In the Julian calendar, used by some eastern or Orthodox churches, Easter also falls on a Sunday from March 22 to April 25, which in the Gregorian calendar are from April 3 to May 10 from 1753 to 2400.

In 2007 Easter fell on the same date (April 8) in both calendars when the Julian date was converted to the Gregorian date. This happens in some years, such as 2004, 2010 and 2011.
Again take your time.

Uh huh.

Like I said, usmb welcomes all the mentally ill. We give you a voice here, that you are often denied in real life.

Enjoy. birthday is coming up in a few weeks, sometime around the first part of July.

Yeshua (Jesus) was born around the last part of October, yet Christians celebrate His birth in December.

I know that I'd be pissed if I had to wait until September to celebrate when I was born.

My family and friends can remember when I was born, and I'm not really anyone.............

If Yeshua (Jesus) is so important, why can't the people who worship Him remember when He was born?

Oh's because Rome took over Jerusalem, and decided that the Hebrew religion was good to control people, but in order to sell it to the pagans of Rome, they had to mesh the Jewish religion with what the pagans believed. why Christmas (Jesus' birth) and Easter (Jesus' death and resurrection) are celebrated on a solstice.

I think I already settled the argument concerning it being about his birth, unless you have a specific scripture where the wise men witnessed the actual "birth" of the child and not paying a visit while He was a toddler. Ever seen a Nativity scene, or would you rather I describe the characters to you? I mean. you DO know the actual difference between a remembrance of an event and speaking of someone's actual birth don't you?

Depends.........................I can remember some things from my past and be off on the times they occurred by a couple of weeks.

But then again...........................I'm not anyone other than the average person.

You'd think that with someone as important as Jesus they could at least get the dates right.

You would think something that commemorates the "First Thanksgiving" of the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621, that exact dates of the event would be very important to establish for accuracy. Interesting when I describe that Christmas is a depiction in memory of an event, that you put more emphasis on His date than that of the Pilgrims. Some might allege that you are not patriotic, if such dates of events that played such great historical significance towards the establishment of our country are not at all important. Care to explain why accurate dates aren't the least bit important when we look at events that surround Thanksgiving? The reason why I bring this up, is that you appear very confused or incapable of establishing what "commemorating", or "having remembrance towards", an actual event means by simple definition. You appear oh so very concerned about Christmas, but lack any concern to inquire the same line of questioning behind dates of such an important event surrounding the colonists of Puritans who arrived ... which gradually led to the establishment of this great nation. Where is your concern and your patriotism? Perhaps the truth of the matter is you see Thanksgiving as a mere "exception of convenience" to your argument, in an effort to show your double standard towards any real need to be at all "historically accurate".
Maybe this will clear up some confusion. It is all about the phases of the moon and anyone with any understanding of ancient times knows long before "Christianity" reared its head, man worshiped the life giving attributes of the Mother Nature.
But then someone with the desire to control others used all of this to their advantage.

According to the Bible, Jesus’ death and resurrection occurred around the time of the Jewish Passover, which was celebrated on the first full moon following the vernal equinox.
This soon led to Christians celebrating Easter on different dates. At the end of the 2nd century, some churches celebrated Easter on the day of the Passover, while others celebrated it on the following Sunday.
In 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox. From that point forward, the Easter date depended on the ecclesiastical approximation of March 21 for the vernal equinox.
I think I already settled the argument concerning it being about his birth, unless you have a specific scripture where the wise men witnessed the actual "birth" of the child and not paying a visit while He was a toddler. Ever seen a Nativity scene, or would you rather I describe the characters to you? I mean. you DO know the actual difference between a remembrance of an event and speaking of someone's actual birth don't you?

Depends.........................I can remember some things from my past and be off on the times they occurred by a couple of weeks.

But then again...........................I'm not anyone other than the average person.

You'd think that with someone as important as Jesus they could at least get the dates right.

You would think something that commemorates the "First Thanksgiving" of the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621, that exact dates of the event would be very important to establish for accuracy. Interesting when I describe that Christmas is a depiction in memory of an event, that you put more emphasis on His date than that of the Pilgrims. Some might allege that you are not patriotic, if such dates of events that played such great historical significance towards the establishment of our country are not at all important. Care to explain why accurate dates aren't the least bit important when we look at events that surround Thanksgiving? The reason why I bring this up, is that you appear very confused or incapable of establishing what "commemorating", or "having remembrance towards", an actual event means by simple definition. You appear oh so very concerned about Christmas, but lack any concern to inquire the same line of questioning behind dates of such an important event surrounding the colonists of Puritans who arrived ... which gradually led to the establishment of this great nation. Where is your concern and your patriotism? Perhaps the truth of the matter is you see Thanksgiving as a mere "exception of convenience" to your argument, in an effort to show your double standard towards any real need to be at all "historically accurate".
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

Contact: Andrea Williams, Christian Legal Centre, 077-1259-1164


WIMBLEDON, UK, July 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- While on a public sidewalk in front of the Centre Court Complex during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, An American preacher was arrested, fingerprinted, had DNA samples taken and then interrogated, after a woman out shopping called the police to complain that she was offended by what was being said.

Tony Miano, a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff who traveled to the UK with Sports Fan Outreach International as part of a mission to bring the Gospel to England, was speaking from 1 Thessalonians which mentions "sexual immorality" and had cited homosexuality alongside "fornication" as examples of what he believed went against "God's law".

In an interview with Telegraph.CO.UK, Tony Miano stated, "As the questioning started it became apparent that the interrogation was about more than the incident that took place in the street, but what I believed and how I think," he said. "I was being interrogated about my thoughts…that is the basic definition of thought police." He said he had arrested many people in his career but never over something they believed. "It surprised me that it is possible for a person to be taken to jail for their thoughts," he said. "It surprised me that here in the country that produced the Magna Carta, that an otherwise law abiding person could lose his freedom because one person was offended by the content of my speech." He said he feared Britain and other countries were already on a "slippery slope" towards the erosion of free speech and has written to Parliament outlining his experiences.


Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin - Christian Newswire
‘Complete Shock’: University Staffer Tells College Student She Must Remove Christian Cross Necklace

Jul. 2, 2013 2:45pm Billy Hallowell

Audrey Jarvis, a 19-year-old liberal arts major, was in for a surprise last month when she arrived to her campus job wearing a cross necklace around her neck. Why, you ask? This personal decision to wear a Christian pendant was met with a troubling reaction from her boss at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California.

While she was working at the Associated Students Productions, a student orientation event, her supervisor told her to remove the necklace and said that it might offend incoming freshman. And if once weren’t enough, she was reportedly asked a second time to conceal the cross, with her boss giving an ultimatum to either hide it under her shirt or take it off entirely,




?Complete Shock?: University Staffer Tells College Student She Must Remove Christian Cross Necklace |

California university president apologizes after student ordered to remove cross necklace



California university president apologizes after student ordered to remove cross necklace : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
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Quick question American Jackass....................where do you get your "facts"?

Is it FAUX Nooze, or do you keep screening the 'net to find the bullshit you spew?

I'm guessing that its from your favorite RW sites that spew the view you hold true, ain't it?
Quick question American Jackass....................where do you get your "facts"?

Is it FAUX Nooze, or do you keep screening the 'net to find the bullshit you spew?

I'm guessing that its from your favorite RW sites that spew the view you hold true, ain't it?

I love it when you lefties get all wee weed up and you do that fourth grade/salunsky name calling, it just makes my day...:eusa_angel:
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

WIMBLEDON, UK, July 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- While on a public sidewalk in front of the Centre Court Complex during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, An American preacher was arrested, fingerprinted, had DNA samples taken and then interrogated, after a woman out shopping called the police to complain that she was offended by what was being said.

Tony Miano, a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff who traveled to the UK with Sports Fan Outreach International as part of a mission to bring the Gospel to England, was speaking from 1 Thessalonians which mentions "sexual immorality" and had cited homosexuality alongside "fornication" as examples of what he believed went against "God's law".

In an interview with Telegraph.CO.UK, Tony Miano stated, "As the questioning started it became apparent that the interrogation was about more than the incident that took place in the street, but what I believed and how I think," he said. "I was being interrogated about my thoughts…that is the basic definition of thought police." He said he had arrested many people in his career but never over something they believed. "It surprised me that it is possible for a person to be taken to jail for their thoughts," he said.
What a load of hooey!!

You uneducated characters need to learn something about how the real world works in the 21st century, and not just in the backward United States!!

The more civilized countries now have, as standard legal practice, laws against Hate Crimes and Hate Speech. In our modern, diverse societies, preaching hate against an identifible group who are breaking no statute laws in considered to be the same as shouting "Fire!!" in a crowded theater.

No one in the United Kingdom gives a tinker's dam about the crazy ideas of some hick American religious nut. Had he ranted in privacy, among some other nut jobs, no one would have cared. He was arrested because he was inciting hate IN PUBLIC and harming the civic rights of an identifiable group of law-abiding citizens.

This nutty Yank was treated with considerable leniency. He clearly violated the laws of the United Kingdom, and could rightfully be held in prison for trial, or have been deported as an undesirable alien.

As for the police questioning him about his beliefs, as a former police officer this nut certainly knows that is standard practice, which he undoubtedly did himself, to help determine if a suspect is mentally unstable and likely to be a danger to himself, or others.

This lunatic is no martyr, but simply a law-breaker with no respect for the laws of the country he is visiting.

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