The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Quick question American Jackass....................where do you get your "facts"?

Is it FAUX Nooze, or do you keep screening the 'net to find the bullshit you spew?

I'm guessing that its from your favorite RW sites that spew the view you hold true, ain't it?

I love it when you lefties get all wee weed up and you do that fourth grade/salunsky name calling, it just makes my day...:eusa_angel:

Wait till you get a *load* of his private messages/negs.

Or maybe he saves the really good stuff for the women he harasses.
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

WIMBLEDON, UK, July 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- While on a public sidewalk in front of the Centre Court Complex during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, An American preacher was arrested, fingerprinted, had DNA samples taken and then interrogated, after a woman out shopping called the police to complain that she was offended by what was being said.

Tony Miano, a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff who traveled to the UK with Sports Fan Outreach International as part of a mission to bring the Gospel to England, was speaking from 1 Thessalonians which mentions "sexual immorality" and had cited homosexuality alongside "fornication" as examples of what he believed went against "God's law".

In an interview with Telegraph.CO.UK, Tony Miano stated, "As the questioning started it became apparent that the interrogation was about more than the incident that took place in the street, but what I believed and how I think," he said. "I was being interrogated about my thoughts…that is the basic definition of thought police." He said he had arrested many people in his career but never over something they believed. "It surprised me that it is possible for a person to be taken to jail for their thoughts," he said.
What a load of hooey!!

You uneducated characters need to learn something about how the real world works in the 21st century, and not just in the backward United States!!

The more civilized countries now have, as standard legal practice, laws against Hate Crimes and Hate Speech. In our modern, diverse societies, preaching hate against an identifible group who are breaking no statute laws in considered to be the same as shouting "Fire!!" in a crowded theater.

No one in the United Kingdom gives a tinker's dam about the crazy ideas of some hick American religious nut. Had he ranted in privacy, among some other nut jobs, no one would have cared. He was arrested because he was inciting hate IN PUBLIC and harming the civic rights of an identifiable group of law-abiding citizens.

This nutty Yank was treated with considerable leniency. He clearly violated the laws of the United Kingdom, and could rightfully be held in prison for trial, or have been deported as an undesirable alien.

As for the police questioning him about his beliefs, as a former police officer this nut certainly knows that is standard practice, which he undoubtedly did himself, to help determine if a suspect is mentally unstable and likely to be a danger to himself, or others.

This lunatic is no martyr, but simply a law-breaker with no respect for the laws of the country he is visiting.



numan, that avatar works in the bizarro world, your healthy but your brain is in a wheelchair...:eusa_angel:
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Let's have a list of those "most civilized countries" in the world that you so admire, numan.

And let's see how they're just superior in every way...less violent, more *free*.
No list.

Because the people who claim we should emulate "the most CIVILIZED countries" know very well that the countries they want us to emulate AREN'T more civilized or in any way superior than our owns.

What they propose isn't advancement to a more civil state, but a step back into a more violent and depraved state. And they know it. It's why they never provide actual examples of the superior *civility* they tout.
I am always bewailing my attachment to browns, tans, and even orange colors...

I think part of it is because the quilts my grandmother gave our family were made from clothing scraps from the 30s-60s...wools and polyesters from clothing she made for her family and largely dark earth tone prints.

She used flannel ticking for the backing...a rusty red and tan color.
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

WIMBLEDON, UK, July 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- While on a public sidewalk in front of the Centre Court Complex during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, An American preacher was arrested, fingerprinted, had DNA samples taken and then interrogated, after a woman out shopping called the police to complain that she was offended by what was being said.

Tony Miano, a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff who traveled to the UK with Sports Fan Outreach International as part of a mission to bring the Gospel to England, was speaking from 1 Thessalonians which mentions "sexual immorality" and had cited homosexuality alongside "fornication" as examples of what he believed went against "God's law".

In an interview with Telegraph.CO.UK, Tony Miano stated, "As the questioning started it became apparent that the interrogation was about more than the incident that took place in the street, but what I believed and how I think," he said. "I was being interrogated about my thoughts…that is the basic definition of thought police." He said he had arrested many people in his career but never over something they believed. "It surprised me that it is possible for a person to be taken to jail for their thoughts," he said.
What a load of hooey!!

You uneducated characters need to learn something about how the real world works in the 21st century, and not just in the backward United States!!

The more civilized countries now have, as standard legal practice, laws against Hate Crimes and Hate Speech. In our modern, diverse societies, preaching hate against an identifible group who are breaking no statute laws in considered to be the same as shouting "Fire!!" in a crowded theater.

No one in the United Kingdom gives a tinker's dam about the crazy ideas of some hick American religious nut. Had he ranted in privacy, among some other nut jobs, no one would have cared. He was arrested because he was inciting hate IN PUBLIC and harming the civic rights of an identifiable group of law-abiding citizens.

This nutty Yank was treated with considerable leniency. He clearly violated the laws of the United Kingdom, and could rightfully be held in prison for trial, or have been deported as an undesirable alien.

As for the police questioning him about his beliefs, as a former police officer this nut certainly knows that is standard practice, which he undoubtedly did himself, to help determine if a suspect is mentally unstable and likely to be a danger to himself, or others.

This lunatic is no martyr, but simply a law-breaker with no respect for the laws of the country he is visiting.



numan, that avatar works in the bizarro world....
So what is the point of your posting, Jihadist?

The first person was a lunatic who was arrested for murder.

As for the second, considering the absurd contradiction involved, and knowing the English sense of humour, I think it is probably meant to be an ironic criticism of religious fanatics. One would need to know the nature of the demonstration she is a part of.

In the very unlikely event that she is actually serious, she certainly would be arrested for preaching hate -- if she could be identified.
Let's have a list of those "most civilized countries" in the world that you so admire, numan.
Nothing easier, O bitter, hate-filled, humorless, paranoid Christian !!

Canada, most of Europe (especially the sensible Scandanavians), Singapore, Japan.....
P.S. I know as sure as that the sun will rise tomorrrow that your purpose is to pounce and find some examples of deficiencies in those countries, and then triumphantly proclaim that it proves that they are no better than the USA.

Such an "argument" is, of course, illogical nonsense, since only the overall superiority and civilization are in question.

No doubt other irrational Jingoists like yourself will find you convincing.

All people who are able to think will see your errors.

I'm a black man, as is Dr Hutcherson and here is his commentary, directed at Al Sharpton. It's wordy, but well worth the read:

I was born in Anniston, Alabama, in the 50s and had to fight for my equality most of my life. You see, there were many who thought I should be treated like a second class citizen, drink from a different water fountain, sit in the back of the bus, be counted as three-quarters of a person, go to a different school, eat and sit in the black section of restaurants, use a different bathroom; you know, be separate but equal. Then came Dr. Martin Luther King and all that started to change and praise God! I became a Christian in 1969. Today, I find myself again being put in that same category as a second class citizen, and I am not going to have that same fight.

I did not become a Christian to live the 50s and 60s all over a second time. Muslims have more rights and freedom of religion than I do as a Christian. Tell a Muslim he can’t pray at school or at the airport or downtown when prayer time is called for, and see what happens. Tell a Muslim cleric serving as a chaplain in our brilliant military that he has to marry a same-sex couple, and see what happens. Some of you are saying “what is that about?” Well hold on to your hat, there is more to come.

But as a Christian, let me say Merry Christmas on a national holiday called Christmas and you’d think Satan incarnate himself just showed up. I’m sorry that is a bad example because if Satan did show up, he would get more respect than Christians, Jews, Tea Partiers, patriots and conservatives. Thus all the forenamed groups, and any like them, must stand and fight for their equal rights that are disappearing faster than San Antonio fans after game seven of the NBA championship in Miami. This brings me to the point of Al Sharpton’s recent comments about our movement of taking back our civil rights as conservatives.

You mocked Glenn Beck, thus all of us, with your insult on the tea party fighting for their equal rights. Do you think we are going to go find a hole and hide somewhere? Mr. Sharpton that is not going to happen anymore. We refuse to sit by and let you or anyone else mock, attack, demean or laugh at our beliefs, and think it is okay to push us to the back of the Capitol in DC assuming we will just shut up.

Let me see if I can explain something to you, Al, that it seems you have forgotten. When you and Dr. King fought for our civil rights, was it because no one else had their equal rights? Black people were the first to get their equal rights, right? I presume you think that is correct the way you are talking. We both know that the reason why Dr. King and thousands of others fought during the Civil rights movement was because someone else had their rights and liberties, and blacks didn’t. My question to you Mr. Sharpton is who had those rights when we as a black people didn’t? It is true then that equal rights existed first for us to want them. Seems to me it was the white race that enjoyed that freedom. We saw it, said we wanted some of that, and fought and died until we got it. So why is it that you think Judeo-Christian believers, the religious right, tea partiers, patriots and white people in general who are starting to feel like second class citizens and separate but equal; are being scrutinized by the IRS and spied on by the NSA. Why should they not stand up and demand equal treatment under the law and the Constitution of these United States of America? The greatest nation ever founded under the banner of freedom, one nation under God, gives its citizens certain inalienable rights and the promise that they have the right to pursue their happiness. I believe we are endowed with those rights Mr. Sharpton, and deep down you know we are too.

As a black man Al, who went through the Civil rights fight in the 60s just like you did, and saw the first freedom bus burn in my home town of Anniston, Alabama, on May 14, 1961; I hated Dr. King for his non-violent philosophy. That did not change until I became a Christian later in life. Then I understood God’s biblical truth of love your enemy and do good to those who hate and persecute you. I think I have the right to tell you this sir; I think the likes of you and Jesse Jackson have done more damage to the black race than any white man will ever accomplish. You see as long as you can produce an ethnicity with a victim mentality to keep them in poverty, as the two of you get richer – you know like poverty pimps – and convince them that it is the white man’s fault because he has his boot on their necks, and as long as you teach our beautiful black women that there is a government out there to be their baby’s daddy, the two of you win. You are the self-proclaimed, appointed leaders of the black people. How we as black people have swallowed the lie that we have to have certain black leaders to get on the government teat escapes me.

I have to tell you Al, I have seen your work, it has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting.

Most every black person in the world knows that "good ol' Al is a race baiter.
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I'm a black man, as is Dr Hutcherson and here is his commentary, directed at Al Sharpton. It's wordy, but well worth the read:

I was born in Anniston, Alabama, in the 50s and had to fight for my equality most of my life. You see, there were many who thought I should be treated like a second class citizen, drink from a different water fountain, sit in the back of the bus, be counted as three-quarters of a person, go to a different school, eat and sit in the black section of restaurants, use a different bathroom; you know, be separate but equal. Then came Dr. Martin Luther King and all that started to change and praise God! I became a Christian in 1969. Today, I find myself again being put in that same category as a second class citizen, and I am not going to have that same fight.

I did not become a Christian to live the 50s and 60s all over a second time. Muslims have more rights and freedom of religion than I do as a Christian. Tell a Muslim he can’t pray at school or at the airport or downtown when prayer time is called for, and see what happens. Tell a Muslim cleric serving as a chaplain in our brilliant military that he has to marry a same-sex couple, and see what happens. Some of you are saying “what is that about?” Well hold on to your hat, there is more to come.

But as a Christian, let me say Merry Christmas on a national holiday called Christmas and you’d think Satan incarnate himself just showed up. I’m sorry that is a bad example because if Satan did show up, he would get more respect than Christians, Jews, Tea Partiers, patriots and conservatives. Thus all the forenamed groups, and any like them, must stand and fight for their equal rights that are disappearing faster than San Antonio fans after game seven of the NBA championship in Miami. This brings me to the point of Al Sharpton’s recent comments about our movement of taking back our civil rights as conservatives.

You mocked Glenn Beck, thus all of us, with your insult on the tea party fighting for their equal rights. Do you think we are going to go find a hole and hide somewhere? Mr. Sharpton that is not going to happen anymore. We refuse to sit by and let you or anyone else mock, attack, demean or laugh at our beliefs, and think it is okay to push us to the back of the Capitol in DC assuming we will just shut up.

Let me see if I can explain something to you, Al, that it seems you have forgotten. When you and Dr. King fought for our civil rights, was it because no one else had their equal rights? Black people were the first to get their equal rights, right? I presume you think that is correct the way you are talking. We both know that the reason why Dr. King and thousands of others fought during the Civil rights movement was because someone else had their rights and liberties, and blacks didn’t. My question to you Mr. Sharpton is who had those rights when we as a black people didn’t? It is true then that equal rights existed first for us to want them. Seems to me it was the white race that enjoyed that freedom. We saw it, said we wanted some of that, and fought and died until we got it. So why is it that you think Judeo-Christian believers, the religious right, tea partiers, patriots and white people in general who are starting to feel like second class citizens and separate but equal; are being scrutinized by the IRS and spied on by the NSA. Why should they not stand up and demand equal treatment under the law and the Constitution of these United States of America? The greatest nation ever founded under the banner of freedom, one nation under God, gives its citizens certain inalienable rights and the promise that they have the right to pursue their happiness. I believe we are endowed with those rights Mr. Sharpton, and deep down you know we are too.

As a black man Al, who went through the Civil rights fight in the 60s just like you did, and saw the first freedom bus burn in my home town of Anniston, Alabama, on May 14, 1961; I hated Dr. King for his non-violent philosophy. That did not change until I became a Christian later in life. Then I understood God’s biblical truth of love your enemy and do good to those who hate and persecute you. I think I have the right to tell you this sir; I think the likes of you and Jesse Jackson have done more damage to the black race than any white man will ever accomplish. You see as long as you can produce an ethnicity with a victim mentality to keep them in poverty, as the two of you get richer – you know like poverty pimps – and convince them that it is the white man’s fault because he has his boot on their necks, and as long as you teach our beautiful black women that there is a government out there to be their baby’s daddy, the two of you win. You are the self-proclaimed, appointed leaders of the black people. How we as black people have swallowed the lie that we have to have certain black leaders to get on the government teat escapes me.

I have to tell you Al, I have seen your work, it has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting.

Most every black person in the world knows that "good ol' Al is a race baiter.

Yooz a funny black man. Your ancestors gave away your right to freedom when they didn't fight to the death when your own kind stole your predeccesors and sold them to the white man to be transported to the new world.

No one need GIVE you freedom you dope. You assert it and enforce it on your own or die doing so.

Freedom is a relatively new concept in the history of humanity. Before there was an America people were the property of whatever king or emperor that existed at the time. It has been that way for thousands of years.

You are still a slave if you fall for the biggest scam of all time ..religion. You will never be completely free untill you assume all responsibility for your own existance and future.

The past cannot be changed but exchanging one form of slavery for another is foolish.
What a load of hooey!!

You uneducated characters need to learn something about how the real world works in the 21st century, and not just in the backward United States!!

The more civilized countries now have, as standard legal practice, laws against Hate Crimes and Hate Speech. In our modern, diverse societies, preaching hate against an identifible group who are breaking no statute laws in considered to be the same as shouting "Fire!!" in a crowded theater.

No one in the United Kingdom gives a tinker's dam about the crazy ideas of some hick American religious nut. Had he ranted in privacy, among some other nut jobs, no one would have cared. He was arrested because he was inciting hate IN PUBLIC and harming the civic rights of an identifiable group of law-abiding citizens.

This nutty Yank was treated with considerable leniency. He clearly violated the laws of the United Kingdom, and could rightfully be held in prison for trial, or have been deported as an undesirable alien.

As for the police questioning him about his beliefs, as a former police officer this nut certainly knows that is standard practice, which he undoubtedly did himself, to help determine if a suspect is mentally unstable and likely to be a danger to himself, or others.

This lunatic is no martyr, but simply a law-breaker with no respect for the laws of the country he is visiting.



numan, that avatar works in the bizarro world....
So what is the point of your posting, Jihadist?

The first person was a lunatic who was arrested for murder.

As for the second, considering the absurd contradiction involved, and knowing the English sense of humour, I think it is probably meant to be an ironic criticism of religious fanatics. One would need to know the nature of the demonstration she is a part of.

In the very unlikely event that she is actually serious, she certainly would be arrested for preaching hate -- if she could be identified.

numnuts, that avatar works in the bizarro world, your healthy but your brain is in a wheelchair...:eusa_angel:
I'm a black man, as is Dr Hutcherson and here is his commentary, directed at Al Sharpton. It's wordy, but well worth the read:

I was born in Anniston, Alabama, in the 50s and had to fight for my equality most of my life. You see, there were many who thought I should be treated like a second class citizen, drink from a different water fountain, sit in the back of the bus, be counted as three-quarters of a person, go to a different school, eat and sit in the black section of restaurants, use a different bathroom; you know, be separate but equal. Then came Dr. Martin Luther King and all that started to change and praise God! I became a Christian in 1969. Today, I find myself again being put in that same category as a second class citizen, and I am not going to have that same fight.

I did not become a Christian to live the 50s and 60s all over a second time. Muslims have more rights and freedom of religion than I do as a Christian. Tell a Muslim he can’t pray at school or at the airport or downtown when prayer time is called for, and see what happens. Tell a Muslim cleric serving as a chaplain in our brilliant military that he has to marry a same-sex couple, and see what happens. Some of you are saying “what is that about?” Well hold on to your hat, there is more to come.

But as a Christian, let me say Merry Christmas on a national holiday called Christmas and you’d think Satan incarnate himself just showed up. I’m sorry that is a bad example because if Satan did show up, he would get more respect than Christians, Jews, Tea Partiers, patriots and conservatives. Thus all the forenamed groups, and any like them, must stand and fight for their equal rights that are disappearing faster than San Antonio fans after game seven of the NBA championship in Miami. This brings me to the point of Al Sharpton’s recent comments about our movement of taking back our civil rights as conservatives.

You mocked Glenn Beck, thus all of us, with your insult on the tea party fighting for their equal rights. Do you think we are going to go find a hole and hide somewhere? Mr. Sharpton that is not going to happen anymore. We refuse to sit by and let you or anyone else mock, attack, demean or laugh at our beliefs, and think it is okay to push us to the back of the Capitol in DC assuming we will just shut up.

Let me see if I can explain something to you, Al, that it seems you have forgotten. When you and Dr. King fought for our civil rights, was it because no one else had their equal rights? Black people were the first to get their equal rights, right? I presume you think that is correct the way you are talking. We both know that the reason why Dr. King and thousands of others fought during the Civil rights movement was because someone else had their rights and liberties, and blacks didn’t. My question to you Mr. Sharpton is who had those rights when we as a black people didn’t? It is true then that equal rights existed first for us to want them. Seems to me it was the white race that enjoyed that freedom. We saw it, said we wanted some of that, and fought and died until we got it. So why is it that you think Judeo-Christian believers, the religious right, tea partiers, patriots and white people in general who are starting to feel like second class citizens and separate but equal; are being scrutinized by the IRS and spied on by the NSA. Why should they not stand up and demand equal treatment under the law and the Constitution of these United States of America? The greatest nation ever founded under the banner of freedom, one nation under God, gives its citizens certain inalienable rights and the promise that they have the right to pursue their happiness. I believe we are endowed with those rights Mr. Sharpton, and deep down you know we are too.

As a black man Al, who went through the Civil rights fight in the 60s just like you did, and saw the first freedom bus burn in my home town of Anniston, Alabama, on May 14, 1961; I hated Dr. King for his non-violent philosophy. That did not change until I became a Christian later in life. Then I understood God’s biblical truth of love your enemy and do good to those who hate and persecute you. I think I have the right to tell you this sir; I think the likes of you and Jesse Jackson have done more damage to the black race than any white man will ever accomplish. You see as long as you can produce an ethnicity with a victim mentality to keep them in poverty, as the two of you get richer – you know like poverty pimps – and convince them that it is the white man’s fault because he has his boot on their necks, and as long as you teach our beautiful black women that there is a government out there to be their baby’s daddy, the two of you win. You are the self-proclaimed, appointed leaders of the black people. How we as black people have swallowed the lie that we have to have certain black leaders to get on the government teat escapes me.

I have to tell you Al, I have seen your work, it has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting.

Most every black person in the world knows that "good ol' Al is a race baiter.

Yooz a funny black man. Your ancestors gave away your right to freedom when they didn't fight to the death when your own kind stole your predeccesors and sold them to the white man to be transported to the new world.

No one need GIVE you freedom you dope. You assert it and enforce it on your own or die doing so.

Freedom is a relatively new concept in the history of humanity. Before there was an America people were the property of whatever king or emperor that existed at the time. It has been that way for thousands of years.

You are still a slave if you fall for the biggest scam of all time ..religion. You will never be completely free untill you assume all responsibility for your own existance and future.

The past cannot be changed but exchanging one form of slavery for another is foolish.

Do me a great big favor and kiss my black ass, won't you?
Quick question American Jackass....................where do you get your "facts"?

Is it FAUX Nooze, or do you keep screening the 'net to find the bullshit you spew?

I'm guessing that its from your favorite RW sites that spew the view you hold true, ain't it?

I love it when you lefties get all wee weed up and you do that fourth grade/salunsky name calling, it just makes my day...:eusa_angel:

Interesting...................I asked a question as to where you get your facts, and you decided to go and call names instead of providing links to prove your point.

Good to know. Also good to know that Kaiser Twit, aka Always A Babbling Bitch (Kosher Girl aka Allie Babba) is following along in your corner. Do you attend the same KKK meetings, or do you text each other?
I'm a black man, as is Dr Hutcherson and here is his commentary, directed at Al Sharpton. It's wordy, but well worth the read:

I was born in Anniston, Alabama, in the 50s and had to fight for my equality most of my life. You see, there were many who thought I should be treated like a second class citizen, drink from a different water fountain, sit in the back of the bus, be counted as three-quarters of a person, go to a different school, eat and sit in the black section of restaurants, use a different bathroom; you know, be separate but equal. Then came Dr. Martin Luther King and all that started to change and praise God! I became a Christian in 1969. Today, I find myself again being put in that same category as a second class citizen, and I am not going to have that same fight.

I did not become a Christian to live the 50s and 60s all over a second time. Muslims have more rights and freedom of religion than I do as a Christian. Tell a Muslim he can’t pray at school or at the airport or downtown when prayer time is called for, and see what happens. Tell a Muslim cleric serving as a chaplain in our brilliant military that he has to marry a same-sex couple, and see what happens. Some of you are saying “what is that about?” Well hold on to your hat, there is more to come.

But as a Christian, let me say Merry Christmas on a national holiday called Christmas and you’d think Satan incarnate himself just showed up. I’m sorry that is a bad example because if Satan did show up, he would get more respect than Christians, Jews, Tea Partiers, patriots and conservatives. Thus all the forenamed groups, and any like them, must stand and fight for their equal rights that are disappearing faster than San Antonio fans after game seven of the NBA championship in Miami. This brings me to the point of Al Sharpton’s recent comments about our movement of taking back our civil rights as conservatives.

You mocked Glenn Beck, thus all of us, with your insult on the tea party fighting for their equal rights. Do you think we are going to go find a hole and hide somewhere? Mr. Sharpton that is not going to happen anymore. We refuse to sit by and let you or anyone else mock, attack, demean or laugh at our beliefs, and think it is okay to push us to the back of the Capitol in DC assuming we will just shut up.

Let me see if I can explain something to you, Al, that it seems you have forgotten. When you and Dr. King fought for our civil rights, was it because no one else had their equal rights? Black people were the first to get their equal rights, right? I presume you think that is correct the way you are talking. We both know that the reason why Dr. King and thousands of others fought during the Civil rights movement was because someone else had their rights and liberties, and blacks didn’t. My question to you Mr. Sharpton is who had those rights when we as a black people didn’t? It is true then that equal rights existed first for us to want them. Seems to me it was the white race that enjoyed that freedom. We saw it, said we wanted some of that, and fought and died until we got it. So why is it that you think Judeo-Christian believers, the religious right, tea partiers, patriots and white people in general who are starting to feel like second class citizens and separate but equal; are being scrutinized by the IRS and spied on by the NSA. Why should they not stand up and demand equal treatment under the law and the Constitution of these United States of America? The greatest nation ever founded under the banner of freedom, one nation under God, gives its citizens certain inalienable rights and the promise that they have the right to pursue their happiness. I believe we are endowed with those rights Mr. Sharpton, and deep down you know we are too.

As a black man Al, who went through the Civil rights fight in the 60s just like you did, and saw the first freedom bus burn in my home town of Anniston, Alabama, on May 14, 1961; I hated Dr. King for his non-violent philosophy. That did not change until I became a Christian later in life. Then I understood God’s biblical truth of love your enemy and do good to those who hate and persecute you. I think I have the right to tell you this sir; I think the likes of you and Jesse Jackson have done more damage to the black race than any white man will ever accomplish. You see as long as you can produce an ethnicity with a victim mentality to keep them in poverty, as the two of you get richer – you know like poverty pimps – and convince them that it is the white man’s fault because he has his boot on their necks, and as long as you teach our beautiful black women that there is a government out there to be their baby’s daddy, the two of you win. You are the self-proclaimed, appointed leaders of the black people. How we as black people have swallowed the lie that we have to have certain black leaders to get on the government teat escapes me.

I have to tell you Al, I have seen your work, it has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting.

Most every black person in the world knows that "good ol' Al is a race baiter.

Yooz a funny black man. Your ancestors gave away your right to freedom when they didn't fight to the death when your own kind stole your predeccesors and sold them to the white man to be transported to the new world.

No one need GIVE you freedom you dope. You assert it and enforce it on your own or die doing so.

Freedom is a relatively new concept in the history of humanity. Before there was an America people were the property of whatever king or emperor that existed at the time. It has been that way for thousands of years.

You are still a slave if you fall for the biggest scam of all time ..religion. You will never be completely free untill you assume all responsibility for your own existance and future.

The past cannot be changed but exchanging one form of slavery for another is foolish.

Do me a great big favor and kiss my black ass, won't you?

Don't get all "upity" on me Aunt Jemima. There wouldn't even be a Bible or Christianity if some goofy white man Roman emperor hadn't won an important battle and made a bet that changed the course of religious history. If the military campaign had gone badly it is likely that the same Roman moron would have blamed Jeebus and taken his vengence out on his followers.

If there is any group of Americans that should reject the christians it is the sons and daughters of slavery.

Turn the other cheek if you will but I wouldn't be so forgiving.

You should know by now that white people are fools by in large and everything they do is weighted with the premise that they are more deserving than any other group with no evidense to support that claim.

But if it suits you by all means remain a slave to whitey.
Yooz a funny black man. Your ancestors gave away your right to freedom when they didn't fight to the death when your own kind stole your predeccesors and sold them to the white man to be transported to the new world.

No one need GIVE you freedom you dope. You assert it and enforce it on your own or die doing so.

Freedom is a relatively new concept in the history of humanity. Before there was an America people were the property of whatever king or emperor that existed at the time. It has been that way for thousands of years.

You are still a slave if you fall for the biggest scam of all time ..religion. You will never be completely free untill you assume all responsibility for your own existance and future.

The past cannot be changed but exchanging one form of slavery for another is foolish.

Do me a great big favor and kiss my black ass, won't you?

Don't get all "upity" on me Aunt Jemima. There wouldn't even be a Bible or Christianity if some goofy white man Roman emperor hadn't won an important battle and made a bet that changed the course of religious history. If the military campaign had gone badly it is likely that the same Roman moron would have blamed Jeebus and taken his vengence out on his followers.

If there is any group of Americans that should reject the christians it is the sons and daughters of slavery.

Turn the other cheek if you will but I wouldn't be so forgiving.

You should know by now that white people are fools by in large and everything they do is weighted with the premise that they are more deserving than any other group with no evidense to support that claim.

But if it suits you by all means remain a slave to whitey.

You poor racist fool. I have nothing but pity for you.
Do me a great big favor and kiss my black ass, won't you?

Don't get all "upity" on me Aunt Jemima. There wouldn't even be a Bible or Christianity if some goofy white man Roman emperor hadn't won an important battle and made a bet that changed the course of religious history. If the military campaign had gone badly it is likely that the same Roman moron would have blamed Jeebus and taken his vengence out on his followers.

If there is any group of Americans that should reject the christians it is the sons and daughters of slavery.

Turn the other cheek if you will but I wouldn't be so forgiving.

You should know by now that white people are fools by in large and everything they do is weighted with the premise that they are more deserving than any other group with no evidense to support that claim.

But if it suits you by all means remain a slave to whitey.

You poor racist fool. I have nothing but pity for you.

Nigga puuulleeeezz!!! What makes you think I'm rascist? Cuz I poke fun at your dumb ass with little racially flavored barbs? I'm on your side but you are too stupid to see it. I probably have more black friends than you do. :lol:
Don't get all "upity" on me Aunt Jemima. There wouldn't even be a Bible or Christianity if some goofy white man Roman emperor hadn't won an important battle and made a bet that changed the course of religious history. If the military campaign had gone badly it is likely that the same Roman moron would have blamed Jeebus and taken his vengence out on his followers.

If there is any group of Americans that should reject the christians it is the sons and daughters of slavery.

Turn the other cheek if you will but I wouldn't be so forgiving.

You should know by now that white people are fools by in large and everything they do is weighted with the premise that they are more deserving than any other group with no evidense to support that claim.

But if it suits you by all means remain a slave to whitey.

You poor racist fool. I have nothing but pity for you.

Nigga puuulleeeezz!!! What makes you think I'm rascist? Cuz I poke fun at your dumb ass with little racially flavored barbs? I'm on your side but you are too stupid to see it. I probably have more black friends than you do. :lol:

Please...get off "my side". Take your hate elsewhere. It's not wanted here.
You poor racist fool. I have nothing but pity for you.

Nigga puuulleeeezz!!! What makes you think I'm rascist? Cuz I poke fun at your dumb ass with little racially flavored barbs? I'm on your side but you are too stupid to see it. I probably have more black friends than you do. :lol:

Please...get off "my side". Take your hate elsewhere. It's not wanted here.

If you don't want a dialogue with me then don't respond to my posts. It's really that simple.
Yanno...................considering that God took the Jews out of slavery and had Moses to help Him spread the word.....................why would anyone think that having slaves is a good idea?

I mean.....................the firstborn of Egypt were killed because they were the sons of slave owners.

Joseph was freed.......................

I really don't think that God likes slaves, it kinda goes against the idea of free will.
Quick question American Jackass....................where do you get your "facts"?

Is it FAUX Nooze, or do you keep screening the 'net to find the bullshit you spew?

I'm guessing that its from your favorite RW sites that spew the view you hold true, ain't it?

I love it when you lefties get all wee weed up and you do that fourth grade/salunsky name calling, it just makes my day...:eusa_angel:

Interesting...................I asked a question as to where you get your facts, and you decided to go and call names instead of providing links to prove your point.

Good to know. Also good to know that Kaiser Twit, aka Always A Babbling Bitch (Kosher Girl aka Allie Babba) is following along in your corner. Do you attend the same KKK meetings, or do you text each other?

Typical daily krap from a lame left, your the name caller I just return it and you don't like it, tuff shit. That's life U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

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