The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

I love it when you lefties get all wee weed up and you do that fourth grade/salunsky name calling, it just makes my day...:eusa_angel:

Interesting...................I asked a question as to where you get your facts, and you decided to go and call names instead of providing links to prove your point.

Good to know. Also good to know that Kaiser Twit, aka Always A Babbling Bitch (Kosher Girl aka Allie Babba) is following along in your corner. Do you attend the same KKK meetings, or do you text each other?

Typical daily krap from a lame left, your the name caller I just return it and you don't like it, tuff shit. That's life U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

I noticed you didn't answer the question as to where you get your "facts".
Obama has legalized the consumption of the derivative remains of aborted fetuses, I would say that we've lost this war --- for now.

Really? Can you provide a link that says that Obama has legalized the consumption of the remains of aborted fetuses?


Can you provide a link that shows where those fetuses are being consumed?
Obama has legalized the consumption of the derivative remains of aborted fetuses, I would say that we've lost this war --- for now.

Really? Can you provide a link that says that Obama has legalized the consumption of the remains of aborted fetuses?


Can you provide a link that shows where those fetuses are being consumed?

Sure Satan worshiper:

Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ?ordinary business? |

Even Lakhota and g5000 has to admit the truth of the article:
Obama has legalized the consumption of the derivative remains of aborted fetuses, I would say that we've lost this war --- for now.

Really? Can you provide a link that says that Obama has legalized the consumption of the remains of aborted fetuses?


Can you provide a link that shows where those fetuses are being consumed?

Sure Satan worshiper:

Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ?ordinary business? |

Even Lakhota and g5000 has to admit the truth of the article:

Really? Pepsi is using the cells of aborted fetuses to enhance the flavor of their drinks?

I suppose that you believe the Jews used the blood of newborns to enhance their matzoh?

How about that soylent green is made out of people?

Keep might find a legitimate news source eventually, and not some scare site from the far right wing.

Really? Pepsi is using the cells of aborted fetuses to enhance the flavor of their drinks?

I suppose that you believe the Jews used the blood of newborns to enhance their matzoh?

How about that soylent green is made out of people?

Keep might find a legitimate news source eventually, and not some scare site from the far right wing.

You are using an Antisemitism charge against a Jew? LOLOLOL is that the best you got Libtard Satan Worshipper? The source is real as is the story, Pepsi even admitted to it. The race card is all you Libbies got when you run into a wall.

Vinnedge told LifeNews the PepsiCo decision means an immediate end to the boycott that began in May 2011– welcome news to both PepsiCo and their customers who have abstained from their favorite beverages in protest.

“We are absolutely thrilled with PepsiCo’s decision. They have listened to their customers and have made both a wise and profound statement of corporate integrity that deserves the utmost respect, admiration and support of the public.”

“Senomyx receives royalties for products sold using their ingredients. If they do not use aborted fetal cell lines, they offend no one; if they do, they most certainly offend at least half of US consumers who are pro-life. But Children of God for Life also heard from a number of women who stated they were pro choice yet this use of aborted fetal cell lines, crossed the line and angered them as well,” she added.

“If for no other reason, it only makes financial sense for both Senomyx and their collaborators to avoid a substantial loss of potential market,” Vinnedge said. “Senomyx needs to stop using the aborted fetal cell lines entirely and we will continue to pressure them to do so.”

Vinnedge noted that the company had conducted internal discussions, recognizing it was a highly sensitive and controversial subject that was not in the best interests of PepsiCo.

Brad Mattes, Executive Director of Life Issues Institute, one of thirty-five pro-life organizations that joined Children of God for Life in the boycott, also weighed in on the decision.

Would you like to see the proceedings in federal court?

In a decision delivered February 28, the Security and Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”

I want to witness you Libtard utopia suffer a mental nuclear meltdown within your entrapped mind ... I'm waiting.
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Sorry................I can't believe it.

Do you really think that the FDA is going to allow fetal cells to be flavoring for a soft drink?

Sorry..............sell your fear and loathing elsewhere.

Are you denying that the Federal Proceedings even took place?

Welcome to Progressive Paradise.

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."
--- Adolph Hitler
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Sorry.................but your obviously biased sites kinda make me wonder if you're telling the truth, or grasping at straws from whatever "source" you can find.

Remember............there are websites that claim cigarettes are good for you.
Sorry.................but your obviously biased sites kinda make me wonder if you're telling the truth, or grasping at straws from whatever "source" you can find.

Remember............there are websites that claim cigarettes are good for you.


Is this the new Liberal strategy, to deny the existence of Federal proceedings if it is contrary to their argument?

I'm going to assume that you honestly did not click the link or observe that it was indeed a government webpage, because no sane person would claim that the federal government forges entire proceedings.
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Sorry.................but your obviously biased sites kinda make me wonder if you're telling the truth, or grasping at straws from whatever "source" you can find.

Remember............there are websites that claim cigarettes are good for you.


Is this the new Liberal strategy, to deny the existence of Federal proceedings if it is contrary to their argument?

I'm going to assume that you honestly did not click the link or observe that it was indeed a government webpage, because no sane person would claim that the federal government forges entire proceedings.

No, never said anything like that.

However...................I WILL say that your twisted view of those documents, which is focused through the lens of some far right wing fear sites may have damaged your view.
Sorry.................but your obviously biased sites kinda make me wonder if you're telling the truth, or grasping at straws from whatever "source" you can find.

Remember............there are websites that claim cigarettes are good for you.


Is this the new Liberal strategy, to deny the existence of Federal proceedings if it is contrary to their argument?

I'm going to assume that you honestly did not click the link or observe that it was indeed a government webpage, because no sane person would claim that the federal government forges entire proceedings.

No, never said anything like that.

However...................I WILL say that your twisted view of those documents, which is focused through the lens of some far right wing fear sites may have damaged your view.

We'll have to agree to disagree, as I have provided each person with the original sources and documents, and each person is entitled to draw their own opinion from those sources.
Then don't drink Pepsi or stop trying to throw this issue into every damn thread, you have your own you made and it was disproved yet like an alcoholic, you just can't stop.
Life feeds off death, you'll find out when the worms are digesting you after burial.
Hah!! Harmful bacteria, created by the artificial "foods" of American Monopoly Capitalism, are already digesting your guts !!

If you were sensible, you would worry more about sugar and fats and artificial additives, rather than [yawn!] fetal cells !!!

Interesting...................I asked a question as to where you get your facts, and you decided to go and call names instead of providing links to prove your point.

Good to know. Also good to know that Kaiser Twit, aka Always A Babbling Bitch (Kosher Girl aka Allie Babba) is following along in your corner. Do you attend the same KKK meetings, or do you text each other?

Typical daily krap from a lame left, your the name caller I just return it and you don't like it, tuff shit. That's life U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

I noticed you didn't answer the question as to where you get your "facts".

Let me say it slow so you'll understand it BikieBoiy., U SSOB...:eusa_angel:
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Typical daily krap from a lame left, your the name caller I just return it and you don't like it, tuff shit. That's life U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

I noticed you didn't answer the question as to where you get your "facts".

Let me say it slow so you'll understand it BikieBoiy., U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

Really? The ones in your signature lines that refer people either to a far right wing loony site, or back to USMB where you spew your rancid bullshit?
I noticed you didn't answer the question as to where you get your "facts".

Let me say it slow so you'll understand it BikieBoiy., U SSOB...:eusa_angel:

Really? The ones in your signature lines that refer people either to a far right wing loony site, or back to USMB where you spew your rancid bullshit?

Again, Let me say it slow so you'll understand it BikieBoiy., U SSOB...:eek: I said........................all your URL's are bullshit...................because they link in to bullshit sites.

Yeah..................I understood.........................did you?
Life feeds off death, you'll find out when the worms are digesting you after burial.
Hah!! Harmful bacteria, created by the artificial "foods" of American Monopoly Capitalism, are already digesting your guts !!

If you were sensible, you would worry more about sugar and fats and artificial additives, rather than [yawn!] fetal cells !!!
Just don't drink Pepsi -- or any other "soft" drinks, for the reason above.

. I said........................all your URL's are bullshit...................because they link in to bullshit sites.

Yeah..................I understood.........................did you?

Bikieboiy, I can't do that slow talk for you any more, Ya gotta keep up. I do appreciate you bumping the thread. Tuff shit on the url's you'll take what I give you and like it...:eusa_angel:

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