The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Persecuting private associations is not right, and persecuting folks who want their constitutional rights is illegal.
The article is fallacious and a spin.

It said that by labeling the AFA is a hate group, it somehow means that all Christians are labeled as part of hate groups (which, spoiler alert, isn't true, and is a hasty generalization).

The AFA is a group that is based on hating homosexuals and promoting what they call "traditional marraige", so um...yes, they are a hate group. Certainly not to the level of the Westboro Baptist Church, but they are still a hate group.

Not hating homosexuals, hating the sin.
It's hate the sin not the sinner.
You will not find one word where AFA say they hate homosexuals.

By saying being homosexual is a sin they are hating on the very concept of homosexuality and therefore those that "practice" it (I put it in quotes because homosexuality is not a choice).

You don't get to prevent a group from achieving social equality because of your religious beliefs and then complain that you get labeled a hate group. Sorry that that disappoints you.


“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.
Not hating homosexuals, hating the sin.
It's hate the sin not the sinner.
You will not find one word where AFA say they hate homosexuals.

By saying being homosexual is a sin they are hating on the very concept of homosexuality and therefore those that "practice" it (I put it in quotes because homosexuality is not a choice).

You don't get to prevent a group from achieving social equality because of your religious beliefs and then complain that you get labeled a hate group. Sorry that that disappoints you.


“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.
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CrazyGrl/KosherGrl hates homosexuality, which is her right.

But she does have the constitutional right to deny constitutional rights to others whose ways she hates.

When CrazyGrl/KosherGrl approaches you, eyes spinning in her head (#824 above), smile nicely at her, give a bag of bread crumbs for her pigeons, tip your hat, step around her, and keep walking.

And never ever think heresies preached by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists and Pentecostals will control our government. Those days are over.
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What a bunch of meaningless, and untruthful, blather.

"Hate the sin not the sinner" has nothing to do with the rate of discrimination, you nitwit.

And we don't have a *right* to *individual liberty* to the extent that others must silently endure any offensive behavior we choose to indulge in publicly. If you don't have the sense to behave with a modicom of decency in public, your *rights* aren't being violated if you're told to take it home. That is not discrimination, it's just polite behavior.

Leftist whackos seem to think that they are being *persecuted* every time they're obliged to zip up their zippers and keep their tongues and piercings to themselves. As long as you keep your sexual escapades in the bedroom, nobody's going to complain. But you just aren't capable of doing that. Sorry, we aren't obliged to encourage/cheer or even accomodate public sexual posturings. Keep it in your clubs and in your bedrooms.
By saying being homosexual is a sin they are hating on the very concept of homosexuality and therefore those that "practice" it (I put it in quotes because homosexuality is not a choice).

You don't get to prevent a group from achieving social equality because of your religious beliefs and then complain that you get labeled a hate group. Sorry that that disappoints you.


“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.

by saying homosexuals/bisexuals need healing you are already persecuting them

the "events" that they have sponsored are boycotts of stores that decide to fund organizations for gay rights and supporting those that support "traditional marriage"

it's a weird workaround to not outright saying "we hate homosexuals"

You are correct that adolescents tend to get confused about their sexual identity with all their conflicting feelings and hormones, but that shit eventually gets sorted out, and its not your job to decide what their sexuality is, it's theirs.

I also agree that you can't really "hang up your religion like a hat" (and I most certainly don't expect you to), but it's the same thing with homosexuality. You can't hang that up like it's a hat either.

What makes it different?
CrazyGrl/AllieBaba hates homosexuality, which is her right.

But she does have the constitutional right to deny constitutional rights to others whose ways she hates.

When CrazyGrl/AllieBaba approaches you, eyes spinning in her head (#824 above), smile nicely at her, give a bag of bread crumbs for her pigeons, tip your hat, step around her, and keep walking.

And never ever think heresies preached by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists and Pentecostals will control our government. Those days are over.

yep. Thankfully non-believers #'s are growing. At 20% in the US right now, last I heard.
In perfect accordance with the bible.

We are moving towards the end, Hallelujah.

Fox News jumps into fray over removal of Bar Harbor Christmas tree memorial

By Bill Trotter

BAR HARBOR, Maine — A local cultural war over the town council’s decision to have a Christmas tree veterans’ memorial removed from a waterfront park may be going national.

The O’Reilly Factor, a popular program on Fox News hosted by Bill O’Reilly, sent a correspondent to Bar Harbor to question members of the town council about their decision to not allow Wreaths Across America to keep its display in Agamont Park, overlooking the local harbor. The memorial consisted of a live, planted fir tree wrapped with Christmas lights and a plaque dedicating the display to “those men and women who in service to our country, were separated from loved ones during the holiday season.”

The plaque also noted that “regardless of religious beliefs or creed their sacrifice must always be remembered.”


Fox News jumps into fray over removal of Bar Harbor Christmas tree memorial ? Hancock ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine
Fake, are you going to answer the question?

Lol..that's a rhetorical question. Everybody knows you won't.
I'm wracking my brain trying to remember a time when our government was run by evagelicals.


Oh, wait, fake said it. So we know it didn't happen. Never mind.
Murdered Christian Children: The Price of Obama’s Pro-Brotherhood Jihad

October 23, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim


Who is more deserving of punishment by the United States? Millions of Egyptians, for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood? Or the Muslim Brotherhood, for habitually terrorizing and murdering Christians, among many other crimes?

According to the unmistakably clear actions of the Obama administration, it is the millions of anti-Brotherhood Egyptians who deserve punishment.

Last Sunday, the Church of the Virgin Mary in Waraq near Cairo was attacked during a wedding ceremony, leaving four dead and many wounded. According to Dr. Hisham Abdul Hamid of forensics, two of those who were murdered were Christian children—two girls; two Marys: 12-year-old Mary Nabil Fahmy, who took five shots in the chest, and 8-year-old Mary Ashraf Masih (meaning “Christ”), who took a bullet in the back which burst from the front.


Murdered Christian Children: The Price of Obama?s Pro-Brotherhood Jihad | FrontPage Magazine
Yanno......................I sometimes like the threads posted by American Jackass, especially those that were started a year ago.

It shows us how his crazy has evolved.
if you actually read the article and the source it got the info from (which is actually Fox News), you'd realize we're actually still providing Egypt anti-terrorism money

but of course you only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see

Oh so persecuting homosexuality is okay but persecuting Christianity is not?

If you're persecuting me for opposing homosexuality, then you are no more better than you claim I am. But there was a time when everyone was free from the PC police....

Nice dodge.

Now, answer the actual question. If persecuting homosexuality is completely okay, is persecuting Christianity completely okay? A simple yes or no will suffice.

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