The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

By saying being homosexual is a sin they are hating on the very concept of homosexuality and therefore those that "practice" it (I put it in quotes because homosexuality is not a choice).

You don't get to prevent a group from achieving social equality because of your religious beliefs and then complain that you get labeled a hate group. Sorry that that disappoints you.


“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.

One needs to learn to, then, when entering the realm of political advocacy; indeed, it’s one’s responsibility as an American to understand and respect the Constitution and it’s case law – where that political advocacy constitutes seeking to disadvantage homosexuals through public policy or law, or to conjoin church and state through public policy or law.
Oh so persecuting homosexuality is okay but persecuting Christianity is not?

If you're persecuting me for opposing homosexuality, then you are no more better than you claim I am. But there was a time when everyone was free from the PC police....

Nice dodge.

Now, answer the actual question. If persecuting homosexuality is completely okay, is persecuting Christianity completely okay? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I personally don't believe an individual ought to force their beliefs and views in the political arena, people are going to live in the way they choose to live as Christianity has always been a "personal" choice (not a public coercion). Jesus never sought to try and convert Pilot, he willing placed Himself under the procurator's authority and the Roman government he represents. Christians are called to be "separate" from the secular world they reside but subjective to their government authority, just like Ambassadors .... representatives placed to live among the culture of a foreign nation. You don't have to agree with that country's culture or way of life, just as our nation can not force their chosen values and lifestyle on "religion" (for this discussion the Christian) to accept.

That being said, homosexuality and the equality of marriage is becoming more acceptable in this nation. Same sex couples are given more freedom and acceptance to express their lifestyle openly.... more than they ever were. Some public schools are including kids in its acceptance through bully awareness and information classes. At the same time there are students who are confronted with even expressing their faith openly through a T-shirt. Even a school play on Scrooge is meeting some resistance, because Tiny Tim just so happens to say "God bless us every one." Occasionally a parent will try and challenge the Pledge of Allegiance over the use of "God". Teens are told they can't choose to pray privately as a group on school grounds because of its "visual" presence, yet homosexuality is encouraged even more in public school in pushing its acceptance. So I do not understand this "persecution" you say of homosexuality in the society we live in. One is free to openly express their chosen lifestyle while the other is almost shunned, and told "we don't care to see or even care what you believe .... it's not accepted here.
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Do you repubs EVER stop whining? Whining about losing an election whining about health care whining about religion. Whine whine whine.

Why don't you all go out and do something successful. Then you won't have to whine so much.
(but it is easier to whine that accomplish things isn't it?)
By saying being homosexual is a sin they are hating on the very concept of homosexuality and therefore those that "practice" it (I put it in quotes because homosexuality is not a choice).

You don't get to prevent a group from achieving social equality because of your religious beliefs and then complain that you get labeled a hate group. Sorry that that disappoints you.


“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.

The reason why the American Family Association is a hate group

It can be summed up in one word, Bryan Fischer. This is not love the sinner...this guy is pure hate.

[ame=""]Four Minutes of Hate: The Naked Bigotry Of The AFA's Bryan Fischer[/ame]
Why do we have to have this fight every year?

Why can't people just chill out and enjoy Santa's Birthday?

Persecution of Christians has intensified in 20 nations

CWN - October 18, 2013

Over the past two years, the persecution of Christians has worsened in 20 nations, according to a new report published by Aid to the Church in Need.

“In the period under review, 2011–2013, violence and intimidation became more serious for Christians; in 20 of the 30 countries assessed, the situation worsened,” the report found.


“Christianity, the world’s most persecuted religion, now risks being wiped out in countries where until recently it has been well established,” the report continued. “Oppression and exodus now threaten Christianity’s status as a worldwide religion.”

Persecution of Christians has intensified in 20 nations : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

By the way there is only one religion that kills gays now---> ISLAM...:eusa_shifty:
Obama’s War on the ‘Extremist’ Christian Threat

October 25, 2013 By Joseph Klein


President Obama proclaimed to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

In keeping with this sentiment, his administration decided to scrub all federal law enforcement training materials in order to eliminate the use of such words or phrases as jihadists or Islamic terrorists, since the use of such terms could be viewed by Muslims as evidence of Islamophobia.

By contrast, the Obama administration, including the military over which President Obama presides as commander-in-chief, is engaging in a pattern of behavior targeting traditional Christian believers and their groups as extremists and mocking their beliefs.

For example, according to an October 23, 2013 report by Fox News, “Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”


Sadly, the Obama Administration is evidently waging a concerted campaign to cast traditional Christians as extremists, while ignoring the real extremist threat to our way of life posed by jihadists.

Obama?s War on the ?Extremist? Christian Threat | FrontPage Magazine
Obama’s War on the ‘Extremist’ Christian Threat

October 25, 2013 By Joseph Klein


President Obama proclaimed to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

In keeping with this sentiment, his administration decided to scrub all federal law enforcement training materials in order to eliminate the use of such words or phrases as jihadists or Islamic terrorists, since the use of such terms could be viewed by Muslims as evidence of Islamophobia.

By contrast, the Obama administration, including the military over which President Obama presides as commander-in-chief, is engaging in a pattern of behavior targeting traditional Christian believers and their groups as extremists and mocking their beliefs.

For example, according to an October 23, 2013 report by Fox News, “Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”


Sadly, the Obama Administration is evidently waging a concerted campaign to cast traditional Christians as extremists, while ignoring the real extremist threat to our way of life posed by jihadists.

Obama?s War on the ?Extremist? Christian Threat | FrontPage Magazine

Sorry, but quoting a blog rather than hard news doesn't constitute proof for your argument.
Obama’s War on the ‘Extremist’ Christian Threat

October 25, 2013 By Joseph Klein


President Obama proclaimed to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

In keeping with this sentiment, his administration decided to scrub all federal law enforcement training materials in order to eliminate the use of such words or phrases as jihadists or Islamic terrorists, since the use of such terms could be viewed by Muslims as evidence of Islamophobia.

By contrast, the Obama administration, including the military over which President Obama presides as commander-in-chief, is engaging in a pattern of behavior targeting traditional Christian believers and their groups as extremists and mocking their beliefs.

For example, according to an October 23, 2013 report by Fox News, “Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”


Sadly, the Obama Administration is evidently waging a concerted campaign to cast traditional Christians as extremists, while ignoring the real extremist threat to our way of life posed by jihadists.

Obama?s War on the ?Extremist? Christian Threat | FrontPage Magazine

Sorry, but quoting a blog rather than hard news doesn't constitute proof for your argument.

BikieBoiy, if you weren't so fucking stupid you'd google it...:cuckoo:

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What real evidence supports the OP and the derivative crazy OPs from it?


Merry Xmas, everyone.

“Hate the sin not the sinner” is ignorant idiocy.

It incorrectly presumes that homosexuals need only ‘stop sinning,’ or ‘stop being gay,’ to avoid being discriminated against, and that laws intended to make homosexuals different from everyone else are ‘valid’ accordingly.

What most conservative Christians fail to understand, however, is that the right to individual liberty, as protected by the 5th Amendment, allows all persons to engage in lawful forms of personal self expression, including being gay; and whether being homosexual is naturally occurring or ‘a choice’ is therefore legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Such Christians, of course, are at liberty to practice their ignorance and hate in their private venues, churches, and homes. But when efforts are made to codify that ignorance and hate, the courts appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the Constitution and its case law. And disallowing Christians to express their ignorance and hate in the public sector in no way manifests ‘discrimination’ against Christians.

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.

One needs to learn to, then, when entering the realm of political advocacy; indeed, it’s one’s responsibility as an American to understand and respect the Constitution and it’s case law – where that political advocacy constitutes seeking to disadvantage homosexuals through public policy or law, or to conjoin church and state through public policy or law.

One needs to understand that without the belief in a Creator, there can be no endowment of inalianable rights. But the belief in the Creator also entails respecting and seeking His regulations. While one can certainly argue that the government cannot set up a religion and expect people to follow it, the government also cannot design a set of regulations that are contrary to the historic beliefs that are the underlying fabric that holds the nation together or that nation will suffer dire consequences...
What real evidence supports the OP and the derivative crazy OPs from it?


Merry Xmas, everyone.

Snarkey, that's you're opinion, like I told the other jackass "google it".

Where the fuck is your links to prove or back up anything you say @USMB...:eusa_shifty:


I answered the question. Your OP is full of nothing.

The WHOLE thread is about the title as are all my threads, like United Nations, cair, islam religion of peace, etc, etc, etc. I have a lot of threads if your going to shoot them down you'd better get bizzy you might be done by 2016, now get to work...:lol:

No it doesn't.
Of course you can't just stop.
You have to have a personal relationship with God and he will guide you.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

Absolutely Not! The same Holy Bible that calls us to reject sin, calls us to love our neighbor. It is that love that motivates us to expose the misrepresentation of the radical homosexual agenda and stop its spread though our culture. AFA has sponsored several events reaching out to homosexuals and letting them know there is love and healing at the Cross of Christ.

Many young people now think that they are homosexuals, or bisexual.
Thinking that you are one and actually being one are two different things.

Does AFA Hate Homosexuals?

When you become a believer in God that is with you everywhere,
Private and Public as well as work and school.
You just can't hang up your religion like it's a hat.

One needs to learn to, then, when entering the realm of political advocacy; indeed, it’s one’s responsibility as an American to understand and respect the Constitution and it’s case law – where that political advocacy constitutes seeking to disadvantage homosexuals through public policy or law, or to conjoin church and state through public policy or law.

One needs to understand that without the belief in a Creator, there can be no endowment of inalianable rights. But the belief in the Creator also entails respecting and seeking His regulations. While one can certainly argue that the government cannot set up a religion and expect people to follow it, the government also cannot design a set of regulations that are contrary to the historic beliefs that are the underlying fabric that holds the nation together or that nation will suffer dire consequences...

Quick question..................where in the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the Ten Commandments is it written "thou shalt not be gay"?

Both say the same thing, both try to teach the same lessons. The one of the few places where it's said to be bad for a "man to lie with another man" is in Leviticus, where they are talking about the way the Priests of Israel were supposed to conduct themselves.

Sorry, but there are only 5 places in the whole Bible that talk about gays being punished. Most of the rest of the book is talking about other things.

And....................I challenge ANYONE to show me where Jesus (whose true name is Yeshua) said that gays were not allowed.

Incidentally........................did anyone notice that there are zero verses in the Bible against being a lesbian?
One needs to learn to, then, when entering the realm of political advocacy; indeed, it’s one’s responsibility as an American to understand and respect the Constitution and it’s case law – where that political advocacy constitutes seeking to disadvantage homosexuals through public policy or law, or to conjoin church and state through public policy or law.

One needs to understand that without the belief in a Creator, there can be no endowment of inalianable rights. But the belief in the Creator also entails respecting and seeking His regulations. While one can certainly argue that the government cannot set up a religion and expect people to follow it, the government also cannot design a set of regulations that are contrary to the historic beliefs that are the underlying fabric that holds the nation together or that nation will suffer dire consequences...

Quick question..................where in the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the Ten Commandments is it written "thou shalt not be gay"?

Both say the same thing, both try to teach the same lessons. The one of the few places where it's said to be bad for a "man to lie with another man" is in Leviticus, where they are talking about the way the Priests of Israel were supposed to conduct themselves.

Sorry, but there are only 5 places in the whole Bible that talk about gays being punished. Most of the rest of the book is talking about other things.

And....................I challenge ANYONE to show me where Jesus (whose true name is Yeshua) said that gays were not allowed.

Incidentally........................did anyone notice that there are zero verses in the Bible against being a lesbian?

You twist the Bible for your own perverted means.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV).

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (NIV)

Romans 1:26-27 - "For this reason [idolatry] God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error." (EMTV)
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One needs to understand that without the belief in a Creator, there can be no endowment of inalianable rights. But the belief in the Creator also entails respecting and seeking His regulations. While one can certainly argue that the government cannot set up a religion and expect people to follow it, the government also cannot design a set of regulations that are contrary to the historic beliefs that are the underlying fabric that holds the nation together or that nation will suffer dire consequences...

Quick question..................where in the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the Ten Commandments is it written "thou shalt not be gay"?

Both say the same thing, both try to teach the same lessons. The one of the few places where it's said to be bad for a "man to lie with another man" is in Leviticus, where they are talking about the way the Priests of Israel were supposed to conduct themselves.

Sorry, but there are only 5 places in the whole Bible that talk about gays being punished. Most of the rest of the book is talking about other things.

And....................I challenge ANYONE to show me where Jesus (whose true name is Yeshua) said that gays were not allowed.

Incidentally........................did anyone notice that there are zero verses in the Bible against being a lesbian?

You twist the Bible for your own perverted means.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV).

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (NIV)

Romans 1:26-27 - "For this reason [idolatry] God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error." (EMTV)

Like I said................there are only 5 places in the Bible where it talks about men lying with other men. me the Commandment that God gave to Noah (via the 7 Noahide Commandments) or where God told Moses (via the 10 Commandments) where it's a sin to be gay?

Don't cherry pick the Bible................not only does it make you look stupid, but it also shows where you've lost your ability to be humble, because you're trying to browbeat others into your way of thinking.

I thought we were supposed to love God above all else, and love one another as we love God (as Jesus said).

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