The Progressive War on Women

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
What liberals say about conservatives is usually true. But it is true about liberals, not conservatives. So when liberals talk about the GOP "war on women" they are projecting their own anti woman views. Note that libs cheer anti-women like Hillary Clinton and Rachel Maddow but can't bear real women like Sarah Palin.
More evidence of this comes with a new disgusting ad from the filth at ProgressNow Colorado for Obamacare.
Raunchy ObamaCare ad called 'degrading' to women | Fox News

Refresh my memory here.

Which Political Party is passing laws forcing Women under go invasive and Medically unneeded Transvaginal Probes in order to receive an abortion.

It would be the same Political Party that says it does not want "The Government to decide Health Care"....the Republican Party.

Which Political Party is passing laws forcing Married Women to show I.D. in order to vote because those same Married Woman have changed their last name or put their familial (Last Name) as their middle name on their Driver's Licence or State Issued I.D., even after having voted under that same name for years.....It would be the same Political Party that claims to be the "Big Tent" Party......the Repubican Party.

The Republican Party continues to work to deny Women their Contitutionally Protected Right to an Abortion, while at the same time claming the Government has no business being involved in Health Care.

The Republican Party even goes as far to attack the Girl Scouts. I mean really the Girl Scouts.

Get fracking real.

I know you are desperate, you are after all a Conservative and are by nature desperate as your own actions continue to cause you voter base to shrink.

But please, do us all a favor and give your brain the rest it so richly deserves.
Ya know, fuck you. Those talking points are already worn. People need to show ID to vote. It's the law. If the ID doesnt show someone's name, then it isn't ID. Right? Even a pea brain like you can understand that.

The Progs view women as mere objects who vote with their female parts. That is the real war on women.

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