The Progressives perfect storm


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2013
The barstool down yonder
With the ACA starting to kick in for a generation of our youth being kicked off of Ma & Pa's health insurance


You're facing a stagnant economy with few prospects


This generation facing so much college debt a near record can't afford to move out of there parents home

This generation that figured out how to use mass protest and political influence to get a raise......

This generation is about to get a financial boost they never expected.....

The United State Supreme Court is about to codify Same Sex Marriage.

What? How is that a financial boost

Understand, same sex marriage is exactly what it says it is, a union of any two people that get the legal and financial benefits of marriage.

Imagine your young, high college debt, low starting wages AND you have to pay that damn Obamacare.

Simply find a same sex buddy, do the numbers, go to the county court house (maybe use your girlfriends as witnesses), sign the documents, and BAM.

You're paying less taxes, getting married rate health and car insurance and a FAMILY PASS TO THE ZOO!

Leave the court house, take the ladies out for a night on the town (which you can now afford) and say goodnight to your new (cough) hubby, take the girlfriend to your home, do what a straight couple do and life just got a whole helluva lot better.

Best part, a non contested divorce is cheap. Once you find an opposite sex partner you want to spend the rest of your life with........ A quicky divorce, re marry and alls good. The whole time you're making bank.

sounds like a progressive dream world!

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