The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

So fuck you. .....
My oh my!
Look at our unwell and out of balance Trilly Troll Raspberry.

A poorly educated Racist whom , like all gullibles , believes just about anything that he is told , if it links in within already held pre-conceptions .

A sad specimen in need of considerable help .Exactly like the dog shite in the middle of the pavement that needs clearing up .
A brilliant reply to a sick dog's ravage. :eusa_clap:
You post so very many irrelevant words without seeming to be able to understand the basic concepts.

The border between Sudan and South Sudan was based on the previous administrative borders. These borders can be adjusted through mutual agreement/treaty. Those are the concepts which apply universally, and therefore must also be applied to Israel.

(Don't come at me with the border disputes between Sudan and South Sudan. I am aware. It is irrelevant to the current conversation. The disputes are based on a number of factors, such as vague and imprecise provincial boundaries; religious and tribal affiliation; seasonal migration.)
It's obvious to everyone that you haven't got the faintest idea, as to how the creation and recognition of a sovereign state works within the framework of the UN and International law.

Anyhow - if it is supposedly (according to you) so simple and only decided by the respective belligerent State or States - then what is keeping Israel from
a) recognizing a sovereign Palestine - based on the international acknowledged Israel border of 4th of June 1967 - the day before Israel kicked off the 6 day war and thus occupied the West-bank and Gaza?

As I had stated many times - in regards to international recognized territory definition and borders, there is absolutely nothing to negotiate about. Unless Israel wants to additionally return previous occupied Palestinian lands - which were not part of Jewish territory on behalf of the UN partition-Plan 1947.

Only the timeline for all these illegal Israeli settlements - created illegally since 10th June 1967 -, to be demolished or handed over to the Palestinians and their State needs to be negotiated upon. So simple.
You post so very many irrelevant words without seeming to be able to understand the basic concepts.
It's obvious to everyone that you haven't got the faintest idea, as to how the creation and recognition of a sovereign state works within the framework of the UN and International law.
I see that.
..... if it is supposedly (according to you) so simple and only decided by the respective belligerent State or States - then what is keeping Israel from
a) recognizing a sovereign Palestine - based on the international acknowledged Israel border of 4th of June 1967
- the day before Israel kicked off the 6 day war and thus occupied the West-bank and Gaza?
Good question.
..... in regards to international recognized territory definition and borders, there is absolutely nothing to negotiate about.
Unless Israel wants to additionally return previous occupied Palestinian lands - which were not part of Jewish territory on behalf of the UN partition-Plan 1947.

Only the timeline for all these illegal Israeli settlements - created illegally since 10th June 1967 -, to be demolished or handed over to the Palestinians and their State needs to be negotiated upon. So simple.
Simple, in fact, but not in the Nazi-like, Zionist morphosis.
What's amusing is that the only forum outcasts are her and her alter ego, Ancient Lion.
It’s hard to imagine how stupid, ignorant and filled with hate you have to be to deny the barbarism committed by Palestinian animals on Oct 7. Truth is you will find scum like Luiza and co all over the Muslim world and especially among Palestinians.
It’s hard to imagine how stupid, ignorant and filled with hate you have to be to deny the barbarism committed by Palestinian animals on Oct 7. Truth is you will find scum like Luiza and co all over the Muslim world and especially among Palestinians.
That's why I can't get too excited when they whine and cry about pali deaths. The fewer of them in the world, the better.
That's why I can't get too excited when they whine and cry about pali deaths. The fewer of them in the world, the better.
You have to be very gullible to think that these medieval morons actually care about “Palestinians”. It’s all a show.
You have to be very gullible to think that these medieval morons actually care about “Palestinians”. It’s all a show.
What they pick on is whatever they think will stir your sympathies. Hence the continual references to women and children. They don't care about either. You're supposed to care.
What they pick on is whatever they think will stir your sympathies. Hence the continual references to women and children. They don't care about either. You're supposed to care.
They should make the 45 minute clip proudly made by Palestinian animals themselves available to the public, then the world will wonder why Gaza has not been nuked yet.
See if you are able to answer these questions on Post #305 one by one - without diverting the questions and topic.
So far you are not.

Hector12 said:
The Israelis are people like me.

Absolutely not - the Israelis have nothing in common with folks like you - only the radical Zionists.
I do not have to answer your rhetorical questions. I love Israel. I feel no concern for the Palestinians, and I see no reason why I should.

You have to ask the Zionists in Israel - since they reject to recognize a Palestinian State - which 138 nations out of 193 have.

View attachment 884065
If Arabs care about the Palestinians they should invite them to move to their countries. Egypt and Jorden have made it clear that they do not welcome the Palestinians.

Honor Killing Among The Palestinians​

By James Emery / July 12, 2021 July 12, 2021

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair. A woman is expected to protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If she survives a violent rape, she is condemned for her “mistake” and may be killed by her family...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male “guardian”–father, brother, uncle, or cousin–may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child. Last year, seventeen-year-old Afaf Younes was killed by her father, who had allegedly been sexually molesting her. Afaf had tried to escape his sexual abuse by running away, but she was caught and returned to her father. He then shot her in the name of honor.

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. “She made a mistake,” said one of her male cousins. “She had to pay for it.”

James Emery is an anthropologist and journalist. Information for this article was obtained through interviews and research conducted in North America, West Asia, and the Middle East. The names of some of the Palestinians interviewed were changed to protect their identities.


Everything the left hates about Christian Conservatives is far more true of most Palestinians.
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That's why I can't get too excited when they whine and cry about pali deaths. The fewer of them in the world, the better.
Yes, I can understand that. I have the same lack of sympathy over the death of yehudis. The fewer of them in the world, the better. :cool:
You have to be very gullible to think that these medieval morons actually care about “Palestinians”. It’s all a show.
Well said. You'd have to be very gullible indeed to believe in that whole "Holocaust" nonsense. It's all fantasy dreamt up to make Christians and Muslims look bad. It's a joke that only extremely naïve people believe. :badgrin:

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