The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Yes, I can understand that. I have the same lack of sympathy over the death of yehudis. The fewer of them in the world, the better. :cool:
The Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the world. They earn their wealth and power.
Well said. You'd have to be very gullible indeed to believe in that whole "Holocaust" nonsense. It's all fantasy dreamt up to make Christians and Muslims look bad. It's a joke that only extremely naïve people believe. :badgrin:

If the Holocaust did not happen it needs to be the case that everyone who survived a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a Nazi concentration camp conspired to lie about what was happening in the camps.

Christian soldiers liberated those camps. I doubt any Muslims did.
Nice outcome; sent to hell where they belongs. Still; the IDF missed a chance to wipe out more of the scum!!!

Good grouping!!


What's amusing is that the only forum outcasts are her and her alter ego, Ancient Lion.

Time always spits out the truth if you can live long enough .

Of course you are a member of the shamed Forum Outcasts but just a timid " bit part" player .

A real Wimp only plucking up courage from the sidelines .
Yes, I can understand that. I have the same lack of sympathy over the death of yehudis. The fewer of them in the world, the better. :cool:

Well said. You'd have to be very gullible indeed to believe in that whole "Holocaust" nonsense. It's all fantasy dreamt up to make Christians and Muslims look bad. It's a joke that only extremely naïve people believe. :badgrin:
Stalin is still your hero, trash!!!

Time always spits out the truth if you can live long enough .

Of course you are a member of the shamed Forum Outcasts but just a timid " bit part" player .

A real Wimp only plucking up courage from the sidelines .
Do you still get your rocks off watching the Hamas rape videos?

But America as a country has no friends .
You are universally hated as savages and Terrorists .
This does not seem to have percolated .

If we are hated, why do so many people risk their lives to move to our country? How many people want to move to Arab countries?
The Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the world ....
... criminals & shysters.
They earn their wealth and power ...
... by theft, corruption, and degradation. The most pedophiles in the world are yehudis such as Harvey Whinestein, Mordechai Yomtov, Gershon Selinger, Roman Polanski, Oren Hananaiev, Jimmy Karow, Yotam Okon, Avraham Barkai, Woody Allen, Uriah Assis, with many, many more ..... and Israel legalizes pedophilia!: Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia - Avi Maoz
If the Holocaust did not happen it needs to be the case that everyone who survived a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a Nazi concentration camp conspired to lie about what was happening in the camps.
Concentration camps like the Camps for Japanese Americans in California were not "death camps" like you Zionist Nazis call them. There was no holocaust so stop acting like a child.
... criminals & shysters.

... by theft, corruption, and degradation. The most pedophiles in the world are yehudis such as Harvey Whinestein, Mordechai Yomtov, Gershon Selinger, Roman Polanski, Oren Hananaiev, Jimmy Karow, Yotam Okon, Avraham Barkai, Woody Allen, Uriah Assis, with many, many more ..... and Israel legalizes pedophilia!: Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia - Avi Maoz

Those who hate the Jews resent their success and their prosperity. The Jews earn their wealth and power by being productive in honorable professions.

Jew haters are trash.
... criminals & shysters.

... by theft, corruption, and degradation. The most pedophiles in the world are yehudis such as Harvey Whinestein, Mordechai Yomtov, Gershon Selinger, Roman Polanski, Oren Hananaiev, Jimmy Karow, Yotam Okon, Avraham Barkai, Woody Allen, Uriah Assis, with many, many more ..... and Israel legalizes pedophilia!: Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia - Avi Maoz

The Personal Status Law of Muslims, 1991, allows the marriage of a girl from puberty. Ten years-olds can be married with judicial authorization. The Marriage of Non-Muslims Act of 1926 sets the age of marriage at 13 for non-Muslim girls, and 15 for non-Muslim boys.​

Percent of Women Ages 20 to 24 Married Before Age 18​


Source: UNICEF, Child Info: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women (, accessed Feb 18, 2010).

The Personal Status Law of Muslims, 1991, allows the marriage of a girl from puberty. Ten years-olds can be married with judicial authorization. The Marriage of Non-Muslims Act of 1926 sets the age of marriage at 13 for non-Muslim girls, and 15 for non-Muslim boys.


Your flatusplatter rebounds, shitferbrains!!!

The most pedophiles in the world are yehudis such as Harvey Whinestein, Mordechai Yomtov, Gershon Selinger, Roman Polanski, Oren Hananaiev, Jimmy Karow, Yotam Okon, Avraham Barkai, Woody Allen, Uriah Assis, with many, many more ..... and Israel legalizes pedophilia!: Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia - Avi Maoz

The Personal Status Law of Muslims, 1991, allows the marriage of a girl from puberty.​

It's called "marriage". Do you know what that is?

Your flatusplatter rebounds, shitferbrains!!!​

The "rebound" is the fact that yehudis are legal pedophile rapists. Whereas your link deals with legal marriage in Islam. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, schmucky boy. :badgrin:
It's called "marriage". Do you know what that is?

The "rebound" is the fact that yehudis are legal pedophile rapists. Whereas your link deals with legal marriage in Islam. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, schmucky boy. :badgrin:
So you're one of the "old enough to bleed; old enough to breed" perverts. Noted, just don't try it in America!!! Or Holland! Screwing a 13yo isn't legal in the US last I looked. At least the US jails its pedos.


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