The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

In 1994 The Jordan-Israel agreement acknowledged the very same border.
The border between Israel and Jordan is the MANDATE BORDER, NOT the 1949 Armistice Demarcation Line. The Israel-Jordan agreement specifically states that no status is claimed for the territories "under Israeli military government control". Therefore, the Israel-Jordan agreement can't be used as an argument for the status of those territories and borders.

Article 3:

1. The international boundary between Israel and Jordan is delimited with reference to the boundary definition under the Mandate as is shown in Annex I (a), on the mapping materials attached thereto and coordinates specified therein. 2. The boundary, as set out in Annex I (a), is the permanent, secure and recognised international boundary between Israel and Jordan, without prejudice to the status of any territories that came under Israeli military government control in 1967.

Annex I(a)
7. The orthophoto maps and image maps showing the line separating Jordan from the territory that came under Israeli Military government control in 1967 shall have that line indicated in a different presentation and the legend shall carry on it the following disclaimer: "This line is the administrative boundary between Jordan and the territory which came under Israeli Military government control in 1967. Any treatment of this line shall be without prejudice to the status of that territory."

(emphasis mine)
Same goes for the Egypt-Israel agreement.
Yep. Same goes for the Israel-Egypt agreement. The border is the MANDATE BORDER, not the 1949 Armistice Demarcation Line.

Article 2

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, 1 without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.

(emphasis mine)

The respective borders between Israel and The Palestinian West-bank and Gaza - are therefore unchanged.

And every single illegal Jewish settlement in Gaza till 2005 and in the West-bank till today is also recorded by the UN, incl. the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem, violating the former Green Line.

There is absolutely NOTHING to discuss about - aside from the Zionists haggling for additional territory - that is in violation of the Green Line, and the UN recognized status of Jerusalem.
There are no borders between Israel and a future State of Palestine. The 1949 ADL was specifically excluded from becoming a border. The borders must be negotiated as part of a settlement and peace treaty. The idea that the borders have already been established through some sort of magical "but everybody says so" and "but there are maps" is a significant obstacle to the peace process.
The Children of Israel have every right to live in the Land of Israel. If the Palestinians accepted that right 74 years ago they would be much better off.

That seems to apply for a London bus driver or New York cab driver who just happen to say they are jewish, many never been outside the US or UK, yet they say they are entitled to homes and land where Arabs have lived for centuries, are you bloody insane? my ancestors were from Scandinavia going back centuries and Ireland, maybe i should take a farm near Oslo, if i tried i would be arrested and probably banged up in a mental home.
That seems to apply for a London bus driver or New York cab driver who just happen to say they are jewish, many never been outside the US or UK, yet they say they are entitled to homes and land where Arabs have lived for centuries

They aren't entitled to Ottoman land? Why are the Arabs entitled?
That seems to apply for a London bus driver or New York cab driver who just happen to say they are jewish, many never been outside the US or UK, yet they say they are entitled to homes and land where Arabs have lived for centuries, are you bloody insane? my ancestors were from Scandinavia going back centuries and Ireland, maybe i should take a farm near Oslo, if i tried i would be arrested and probably banged up in a mental home.
Conflating citizenship with Statehood. (You can absolutely buy a farm in Oslo, btw. Or in Ireland. Neither means you are entitled to citizenship in that State. None of this is especially relevant to the conversation about Israel and wanna-be Palestine).

Every State has the right to determine who is eligible for citizenship in that State. No other State can enforce its own policies on another State. Several States, including Ireland, Israel, and Palestine, base citizenship on ancestry.

So, yes, a London bus driver, or a New York cab driver who has Jewish ancestry can apply for citizenship in Israel. Just like a London bus driver, or a New York cab driver who has Palestinian ancestry can apply for citizenship in Palestine.
Because those Arabs have lived there for centuries, unlike some Brooklyn Cab driver.

Because those Arabs have lived there for centuries

Those are some old fucking Arabs. Does their irrational hate make them live longer?

You can rent a house for a long time, that doesn't make it yours.
Because those Arabs have lived there for centuries, unlike some Brooklyn Cab driver.
The ottomans declared Jerusalem ancient Jewish holy land and according to the Koran. In fact they invited Jews from Spain and elsewhere during the crusades and inquisitions to come settle back in their homeland. So the Ottomans Muslims themselves rightly recognized Israel as ancient Jewish homeland.

Not a mention about Arabs or Palestinians.
I can easily demonstrate using information I can find on the internet that American Negroes have a murder rate ...
Why should I care?

I have a better question: why should I care about the Palestinians?
This is an Israel and Palestine discussion forum. For some reason, you think it's the place to talk about American Negroes. You are wrong. Now ..... go somewhere else if you want to discuss off-topic subjects. :slap:
Conflating citizenship with Statehood. (You can absolutely buy a farm in Oslo, btw. Or in Ireland. Neither means you are entitled to citizenship in that State. None of this is especially relevant to the conversation about Israel and wanna-be Palestine).

Every State has the right to determine who is eligible for citizenship in that State. No other State can enforce its own policies on another State. Several States, including Ireland, Israel, and Palestine, base citizenship on ancestry.

So, yes, a London bus driver, or a New York cab driver who has Jewish ancestry can apply for citizenship in Israel. Just like a London bus driver, or a New York cab driver who has Palestinian ancestry can apply for citizenship in Palestine.
Bullshit! many palestinians can never return to the land and homes they were forced out of, and they are still being forced out by Bonkers settlers, in fact the Israeli Regime is a settler Regime.
The ottomans declared Jerusalem ancient Jewish holy land and according to the Koran. In fact they invited Jews from Spain and elsewhere during the crusades and inquisitions to come settle back in their homeland. So the Ottomans Muslims themselves rightly recognized Israel as ancient Jewish homeland.

Not a mention about Arabs or Palestinians.

The ottomans declared Jerusalem ancient Jewish holy land and according to the Koran. In fact they invited Jews from Spain and elsewhere during the crusades and inquisitions to come settle back in their homeland. So the Ottomans Muslims themselves rightly recognized Israel as ancient Jewish homeland.

Not a mention about Arabs or Palestinians.
Spin the colonialism anyway you like, it won't wash.
Bullshit! many palestinians can never return to the land and homes they were forced out of, and they are still being forced out by Bonkers settlers, in fact the Israeli Regime is a settler Regime.

War is hell. And the Arabs fucked up. Over and over and over.
So, I guess it is logical that Palestinians hunt down Jews wherever they are hiding. :)
Try it, Nazi boy. Israelis are doing a great job of hunting down your terrorist brethren that puts babies in ovens
Bullshit! many palestinians can never return to the land and homes they were forced out of, and they are still being forced out by Bonkers settlers, in fact the Israeli Regime is a settler Regime.
Still conflating. Yes, both Jews and Arabs were displaced during the conflict. Both Jews and Arabs are displaced currently, because of Hamas butchery on October 7. It tends to happen in conflicts.
Bullshit! many palestinians can never return to the land and homes they were forced out of, and they are still being forced out by Bonkers settlers, in fact the Israeli Regime is a settler Regime.

Spin the colonialism anyway you like, it won't wash.
Yeah spin the Arab invasions and colonialism any way you like. The ottomans themselves gave the land to the Jews. So the Arabs had jack shit rights.

700 million Arabs occupying 99% of the land in the Middle East vs 7 million Jews in their ancient homeland at 1% of the land, and greedy savage Muslims want it all.

Fuck them.
This is an Israel and Palestine discussion forum. For some reason, you think it's the place to talk about American Negroes. You are wrong. Now ..... go somewhere else if you want to discuss off-topic subjects. :slap:
OK, here is question for you: was Palestine a more civilized country than Israel?
That seems to apply for a London bus driver or New York cab driver who just happen to say they are jewish, many never been outside the US or UK, yet they say they are entitled to homes and land where Arabs have lived for centuries, are you bloody insane? my ancestors were from Scandinavia going back centuries and Ireland, maybe i should take a farm near Oslo, if i tried i would be arrested and probably banged up in a mental home.
Your ancestors choose to live in the United States. Several million Jews choose to live in Israel.
This is an Israel and Palestine discussion forum. For some reason, you think it's the place to talk about American Negroes. You are wrong. Now ..... go somewhere else if you want to discuss off-topic subjects. :slap:
OK, here is question for you: was Palestine a more civilized country than Israel?
So, you won't admit you were wrong and now you want to cover it up by making friends with me? :cuckoo:
So, you won't admit you were wrong and now you want to cover it up by making friends with me? :cuckoo:
I was not wrong. I do not care if you become a friend or not. If we do not become friends, it will be your loss.

By asking you if Palestine had been a more civilized country than Israel, I implied that it was not, and that the re creation of Israel has been a victory for the process of civilization. and even the progress of human evolution.
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