The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Nazi trash denying the holocaust and calling ME gullible??
That's right.
Is your suicide vest still your best ticket to virgins?
I've had my quota of yehudi virgins without resorting to rape, bingo balls, and they all say that you guys lack charm and stamina. It must be humiliating knowing that their own women call them Dana International. In fact, I often meet yehudi women behind their husbands' backs, (particularly sabras) so if their tootsie spends a lot of time at the "gym" and comes back home tired out with a smile on her face ....... :up:
Those who hate the Jews resent their success and their prosperity.
You guys are such sourgrapes dreamers. Your mitzvah ain't mine. I'm living to the fullest while you don't have enough energy to tie your shoelaces.
The Jews earn their wealth and power by being productive in honorable professions.
Jew haters are trash.
You're the one who's consumed with "hate". I don't have any time to spare for such nonsense. :razz:
based on the international acknowledged Israel border of 4th of June 1967
There is no such thing as an "international acknowledged Israel border of 4th of June 1967". Borders are created in specific ways in customary international law and in treaty law between States. When you say "67 borders" what you REALLY mean is the 1949 Armistice Demarcation Line between Israel and the invading/occupying State of Jordan. The 1949 ADL was rendered obsolete either when Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 or with the peace treaty between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1994 (I'm willing to argue either position). There is no validity to the ADL anymore. And NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with a nascent potential State of Palestine.

IF you want to argue that there is some sort of border between Israel and some fictional State of Palestine -- you need to make an argument for the origins and legal documentation for that border beyond "everybody says so". Be specific.
Unless Israel wants to additionally return previous occupied Palestinian lands - which were not part of Jewish territory on behalf of the UN partition-Plan 1947.
You are arguing against yourself. In order to understand the conflict, one must understand what territory is "Israel" and what territory is "Palestine". Borders. Is it the 1949 ADL? Is it the UN Partition Plan? Is it something else? I have very clearly state my claim. I have very clearly given my reasoning for my claim. I am prepared to defend it.

State your claim. And defend it.
There is no such thing as an "international acknowledged Israel border of 4th of June 1967". Borders are created in specific ways in customary international law and in treaty law between States. When you say "67 borders" what you REALLY mean is the 1949 Armistice Demarcation Line between Israel and the invading/occupying State of Jordan. The 1949 ADL was rendered obsolete either when Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 or with the peace treaty between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1994 (I'm willing to argue either position). There is no validity to the ADL anymore. And NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with a nascent potential State of Palestine.

IF you want to argue that there is some sort of border between Israel and some fictional State of Palestine -- you need to make an argument for the origins and legal documentation for that border beyond "everybody says so". Be specific.

You are arguing against yourself. In order to understand the conflict, one must understand what territory is "Israel" and what territory is "Palestine". Borders. Is it the 1949 ADL? Is it the UN Partition Plan? Is it something else? I have very clearly state my claim. I have very clearly given my reasoning for my claim. I am prepared to defend it.

State your claim. And defend it.
No one who is informed about the topic cares for your garbage and Zionist denial tactics.

The International acknowledged borderline (mediated and recorded by the UN) is the so called "Green Line" - shown in every atlas and geopolitical map from 1949 to 4th June 1967. In 1994 The Jordan-Israel agreement acknowledged the very same border. Same goes for the Egypt-Israel agreement.

The respective borders between Israel and The Palestinian West-bank and Gaza - are therefore unchanged. And every single illegal Jewish settlement in Gaza till 2005 and in the West-bank till today is also recorded by the UN, incl. the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem, violating the former Green Line.

Armistice Line aka Green Line


International recognized border of present-day Israel - Political map
Excluding - Gaza, the West-bank, encroachment of Jerusalem, Southern Lebanon, and the Golan-heights


Illegal Jewish settlements and the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem - and a clear defining GREEN LINE in regards to Israel, the West-bank and Gaza.


There is absolutely NOTHING to discuss about - aside from the Zionists haggling for additional territory - that is in violation of the Green Line, and the UN recognized status of Jerusalem.
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No one who is informed about the topic cares for your garbage and Zionist denial tactics.

The International acknowledged borderline (mediated and recorded by the UN) is the so called "Green Line" - shown in every atlas and geopolitical map from 1949 to 4th June 1967. In 1994 The Jordan-Israel agreement acknowledged the very same border. Same goes for the Egypt-Israel agreement.

The respective borders between Israel and The Palestinian West-bank and Gaza - are therefore unchanged. And every single illegal Jewish settlement in Gaza till 2005 and in the West-bank till today is also recorded by the UN, incl. the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem, violating the former Green Line.

Armistice Line aka Green Line

View attachment 884169

International recognized border of present-day Israel - Political map
Excluding - Gaza, the West-bank, encroachment of Jerusalem, Southern Lebanon, and the Golan-heights

View attachment 884172

Illegal Jewish settlements and the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem - and a clear defining GREEN LINE in regards to Israel, the West-bank and Gaza.

View attachment 884175

There is absolutely NOTHING to discuss about - aside from the Zionists haggling for additional territory - that is in violation of the Green Line, and the UN recognized status of Jerusalem.

The respective borders between Israel and The Palestinian West-bank and Gaza - are therefore unchanged.

You're lying.

And every single illegal Jewish settlement in Gaza till 2005 and in the West-bank till today is also recorded by the UN, incl. the illegal encroachment by Israel towards Jerusalem, violating the former Green Line.

You're lying again.
Yes, I can understand that. I have the same lack of sympathy over the death of yehudis. The fewer of them in the world, the better. :cool:

Well said. You'd have to be very gullible indeed to believe in that whole "Holocaust" nonsense. It's all fantasy dreamt up to make Christians and Muslims look bad. It's a joke that only extremely naïve people believe. :badgrin:
Geez, a Jew hating terrorist lover who happens to also be a Holocaust denier. What a surprise.

... criminals & shysters.

... by theft, corruption, and degradation. The most pedophiles in the world are yehudis such as Harvey Whinestein, Mordechai Yomtov, Gershon Selinger, Roman Polanski, Oren Hananaiev, Jimmy Karow, Yotam Okon, Avraham Barkai, Woody Allen, Uriah Assis, with many, many more ..... and Israel legalizes pedophilia!: Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia - Avi Maoz

You can point to this or that Jew who is or was a criminal, or who at least violated conventional standards of morality, while staying within legal constraints. What about averages?

I can easily demonstrate using information I can find on the internet that American Negroes have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is about two and a half times the white rate.

I have been looking for credible statistics comparing the crime rates of Jews with white Gentiles. (I am a white Gentile myself.)

I have not found any. nevertheless, I am confident that Jewish rates of crime and illegitimacy do not exceed those of white Gentiles. I suspect that Jewish rates of crime and illegitimacy are lower than those of white Gentiles.

If you can find the data I am looking for, I will appreciate it.

I have found data that Jews tend to be quite a bit more intelligent than white Gentiles.

Race, Intelligence, and the Brain: The Errors and Omissions of the Revised Edition of S. J. Gould's The Mismeasure of Man (1996)

Consequently, I cannot accept your condemnation of the Jews. Collectively speaking, there is much to admire about them, and nothing to condemn.

Those who condemn this very valuable demographic reveal nothing that is wrong about the Children of Israel, while exposing much that is depraved about themselves.
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Geez, a Jew hating terrorist lover who happens to also be a Holocaust denier. What a surprise.
How are you Trilly Troll Raspberry after the last few disastrous days for you ?
Keep us posted about any rehabilitation successes .

Sorry you are having such a poor time up in the north of Ethnic Cleansing Land .

The Israelis needed older , better trained and experienced conscripts .
How long before Nutty Yahoo is booted out and then arrested ?
Perhaps you should change sides and sleep easier .
How are you Trilly Troll Raspberry after the last few disastrous days for you ?
Keep us posted about any rehabilitation successes .

Sorry you are having such a poor time up in the north of Ethnic Cleansing Land .

The Israelis needed older , better trained and experienced conscripts .
How long before Nutty Yahoo is booted out and then arrested ?
Perhaps you should change sides and sleep easier .
This is very entertaining. Arabs always claim victory while their soldiers are surrendering on their knees, and their leaders are being taken out, as iis happening now with Hamas animals. Please keep it up.
This is very entertaining. Arabs always claim victory while their soldiers are surrendering on their knees, and their leaders are being taken out, as iis happening now with Hamas animals. Please keep it up.
Seems to me a very large number of the "walking dead", as Bibi called them, are no longer walking.

This is very entertaining. Arabs always claim victory while their soldiers are surrendering on their knees, and their leaders are being taken out, as iis happening now with Hamas animals. Please keep it up.
Once Golda Meir said, "The Arabs are funny people. They lose wars and expect to gain by it."
Why should I care?
I have a better question: why should I care about the Palestinians? I assure you, I do not care about them at all. Their happiness and well being is inconsistent with those of the Jews. I do care about the Jews.

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