The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Keep following your violent pedo prophet

King David’s Marriage To 12 Year Old Abishag​

“1 Now when King David was old, and stricken in years, they covered him with clothes, but no heat came unto him.
2 Wherefore his servants said unto him, Let there be sought for my lord the king a YOUNG (NA’ARAH) virgin, and let her stand before the king, and cherish him: and let her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the King may get heat.
3 So they sought for a fair YOUNG (NA’ARAH) maid throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found one Abishag a Shunammite, and BROUGHT HER TO THE KING.” – 1 Kings 1-3 (1599 Geneva Bible (GNV))
“12. Mishnaic law, ‘adult daughter’ (bogeret) means one who has reached the age of twelve-and-a-half years and a day. Between the AGES OF TWELVE AND TWELVE-AND-A-HALF she is a ‘maiden’ (NA’ARAH), liable to keep precepts of Torah but not yet emancipated. Unless married off by her father during this six-month period (as normally happens),

As I stated numerous times - you're simply are a fucking idiot - who doesn't know anything.
The Israelis will never forget. They’re still hunting Nazis hiding in S America.
So, I guess it is logical that Palestinians hunt down Jews wherever they are hiding. :)

It's what they've been doing, asshole!!
That's what I just said, Ding-wat.
maybe they need to change attitude and become civilised?
Only a few Jews have tried to introduce a civilized attitude but the enormous weight of Zionist Nazis have made any headway impossible. :(
Also, UNSC 242 was adopted under Chapter VI and not Chapter VII, because it didn't meet the criteria for Chapter VII.
That's what I just said, Ding-wat.

Only a few Jews have tried to introduce a civilized attitude but the enormous weight of Zionist Nazis have made any headway impossible. :(
Jews laid the foundation of Western civilization, ethics and morality. But who's counting. All that you Muslims have done is brought invasions, looting, mayhem, hate, violence and barbarism to the world.
Oh. Apparently legally binding texts of peace treaties between States are "fake news". Has the entire world gone mad?
the present international recognized border between Jordan, Egypt and Israel, is nothing else but the 1949 internationally recognized Armistice Demarcation line
Oh look! You correctly named some of the States "in the area".

Are you arguing that the border between Israel and Jordan, and Israel and Egypt, are the 1949 ADLs? 'Cause that is WAY out there.

Also, you know that borders aren't created by popularity contests, right? They aren't things that can be created or changed by "international recognition".
The Olympics where you animals murdered Israeli athletes there to compete at a peaceful international event?
Ah, the good old days! Unfortunately, my visa wasn't ready for the charter flight to NYC for the big jamboree cook-out at the WTC.
It doesn't suprise me that you are proud of that like you are proud of Oct. 7.
9/11, Oct. 7, 7/11, 24/7, 52 at Tehran, 18 at Mogadishu, 241 at Beirut ..... I have so much to be proud of that tears of joy are welling up in my eyes as I speak! :hyper:
Ah, the good old days! Unfortunately, my visa wasn't ready for the charter flight to NYC for the big jamboree cook-out at the WTC.

9/11, Oct. 7, 7/11, 24/7, 52 at Tehran, 18 at Mogadishu, 241 at Beirut ..... I have so much to be proud of that tears of joy are welling up in my eyes as I speak! :hyper:
You don't have to insist on exposing yourself as a subhumanoid Palestinian animal that enjoys the death of innocent people. We already knew that. Now go ahead and pull the cord on the suicide vest and go meet your virgins Abdullah.
And ... if you really want to talk about 242, let's talk about why 242 specifically called for "secure and recognized boundaries" and NOT the 1949 ADL. Might it be that the 1949 ADL was not an international border between the States in the area? Might it be that the resolution called for "respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of every State in the area"? (That means Israel, too, you know. No one ever wants to talk about that.)
Also, you know that borders aren't created by popularity contests, right? They aren't things that can be created or changed by "international recognition".
No State can create, international recognized border, without UN consent/recognition - you moron
That is why Israels self-drawn borders are not recognized by the UN - e.g. Golan-heights etc.

The Egypt/Jordan and Israels border agreements were however recognized by the UN - you moron.
And the UN does not recognize the illegal Jewish settlements nor Israels infringements onto the Green Line in regards to the West-bank - you moron.

You are even to dumb and ignorant to read and understand a map


Does the Map state: Green Line ? Yes/No

Its also the reason as to why the US pressured Israel to shut down it's illegal settlements in Gaza and to pull out the IDF in 2005 - you moron
Now guess, via which borders, e.g. the Gaza territory is defined?
Jews laid the foundation of Western civilization, ethics and morality. But who's counting.
Hitler was elected by Democratic process and the official name of North Korea is "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". But who's counting?
All that you Muslims have done is brought invasions, looting, mayhem, hate, violence and barbarism to the world.
Muslims have introduced justice against wrong-doing, rogue governments, & institutions .... and that's quite a Democratic attribute. Israel and the United Snakes have a long way to go to catch up but all they do is whine ..... :eusa_boohoo:
No State can create, international recognized border, without UN consent/recognition - you moron
That is why Israels self-drawn borders are not recognized by the UN - e.g. Golan-heights etc.

The Egypt/Jordan and Israels border agreements were however recognized by the UN - you moron.
And the UN does not recognize the illegal Jewish settlements nor Israels infringements onto the Green Line in regards to the West-bank - you moron.

You are even to dumb and ignorant to read and understand a map

View attachment 884621

Does the Map state: Green Line ? Yes/No

Its also the reason as to why the US pressured Israel to shut down it's illegal settlements in Gaza and to pull out the IDF in 2005 - you moron
Now guess, via which borders, e.g. the Gaza territory is defined?

Israel's borders have never been set. Funny thing. The Torah is very clear on the crime of moving border stones.
No State can create, international recognized border, without UN consent/recognition - you moron
That is why Israels self-drawn borders are not recognized by the UN - e.g. Golan-heights etc.

The Egypt/Jordan and Israels border agreements were however recognized by the UN - you moron.
And the UN does not recognize the illegal Jewish settlements nor Israels infringements onto the Green Line in regards to the West-bank - you moron.

You are even to dumb and ignorant to read and understand a map

View attachment 884621

Does the Map state: Green Line ? Yes/No

Its also the reason as to why the US pressured Israel to shut down it's illegal settlements in Gaza and to pull out the IDF in 2005 - you moron
Now guess, via which borders, e.g. the Gaza territory is defined?
The moron has her eyes closed and her fingers in her ears.

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