The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

So fuck you. They aren’t heroes, they are subhuman animals That cut open a pregnant Israeli woman’s stomach, ripped the baby out and stabbed it to death. Those are your heroes.

Look at our unwell and out of balance Trilly Troll Raspberry.

A poorly educated Racist whom , like all gullibles , believes just about anything that he is told , if it links in within already held pre-conceptions .
A sad specimen in need of considerable help .Exactly like the dog shite in the middle of the pavement that needs clearing up
I have difficulty understanding why any American who is not a Muslim would support the Palestinians against Israel. The Palestinians supported our enemies during World War II, the Cold War, and the War in the Gulf. When the Twin Towers were destroyed Palestinians celebrated.
But America as a country has no friends .
You are universally hated as savages and Terrorists .
This does not seem to have percolated .

And as the rest of the world sees how your might has declined so much , you increasingly assume a cartoon identity and have become a nation to ridicule .
Sad, because there are obviously so many good and decent individuals .

But en masse you are perceived as a disease .
No Palestine in 1966.
No Palestine in 1967.
No Palestine in 1968.

It took until 2012? Hilarious!

And it still isn't a state.
The UN has recognized a Palestinian State in 2012 (see my previous post)

UNITED NATIONS The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a long-sought victory for the Palestinians but an embarrassing diplomatic defeat for the United States. And was approved by a more than two-thirds majority of the 193-member world body -- a vote of 138, -9, with 41 abstentions.

And YOU post: And still isn't a State :auiqs.jpg:

Living in constant denial of facts - doesn't bother you at all? - please do go and see a psychiatrist
... That’s the US govt, that designated Hamas as fucking terrorist animals. .....
Yep, the same US government that swore & lied that Saddam had thousands upon thousands of WMDs. But golly, that's the same US government that illegally invaded and occupied Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iran, Irak, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Grenada, Cuba, etc. ..... all of them on false claims. Ouch! You're screwed!

I have difficulty understanding why any American who is not a Muslim would support the Palestinians against Israel. The Palestinians supported our enemies during World War II, the Cold War, and the War in the Gulf. When the Twin Towers were destroyed Palestinians celebrated.
And I pity and laugh about those - who constantly post prejudiced personal opinions - without a shred off evidence, nor being able to quote viable sources.

a) sources that document Palestinian support for the Nazis, e.g. via contributing Palestinian troops, attacking allied installations and troops under Wehrmacht orders, and e.g. contributing money, and foremost an official document that would proof a Nazi-Palestinian cooperation and alliance declaration.

The Mufti never represented the Palestinians in any recognized function towards the Nazis - just himself, as an individual person. Nor did the Nazis ever recognize a Palestine nor Palestinians. There isn't a single document that could/would proof any official cooperation between a Muslim country and Nazi-Germany.

Nazi Germany however was supporting with troops and aircraft, an uprising/insurgency against an Arab government in Iraq - that failed miserably.
The fellow on the photo was from my Uncles Luftwaffe unit KG 4. III, and was there.

KG 4 Irak.jpg

So much for these moronic and unsubstantiated claims - about Nazi-Germany, supposedly ever having had an interest for Arab-Sates or Arabic Independence movements.
However if necessary I can document/forwards sources, which confirm that around 30,000 Arabs enlisted, and fought for the Allies.
So how many Palestinians, and in which units - served or fought for the Wehrmacht ?? and e.g. in the Allgemeine SS or the Waffen SS ??

b) how did Palestinians support US enemies in the Cold War? source, document please

c) how did Palestinians support US enemies during the "War in the Gulf"? source, documents please

d) only Palestinians celebrated when the Twin Towers were destroyed?
There was ample documentation and videos of e.g. Jews having a party of joy in NY itself, at the very same time
Any earthquake in Manchuria and South-East-Asia, at the time must have been related to a hundred million and more, ecstatic Vietnamese and N-Koreans
Every radical lefty was having his mental orgasm across the Globe

Billions of people were commenting in all imaginable sarcastic ways about the USA - from serves them right, to only 3000 dead, strange.

e) tell me all about Israels contribution towards the Gulf-wars, right down to Afghanistan and Israels respective troop contributions.

See if you are able to answer these questions one by one - without diverting the questions and topic.
See if you are able to answer these questions one by one - without diverting the questions and topic.
I do not have to answer your rhetorical questions. The Israelis are people like me. Unlike the Palestinians they do not rape their sisters and kill them when they get pregnant.
Yep, the same US government that swore & lied that Saddam had thousands upon thousands of WMDs. But golly, that's the same US government that illegally invaded and occupied Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iran, Irak, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Grenada, Cuba, etc. ..... all of them on false claims. Ouch! You're screwed!

View attachment 883676
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Oh sorry, Hamas stole it all and dragged it into the tunnels under the hospitals. Inconvenient facts seem to have bothered you. Most of the civilized world has designated Hamas as terrorist, Abdullah. Aw boo boo.

You have a lot of shit to say about the U.S., but nothing about your beloved Hamas. One after another of the Middle eastern Muslim countries are cesspools are corruption, hate, fascism and medieval behavior, and the worst of them is the Palestinians. If you hate it here so much, leave. Your filthy terrorist worshipping ass shouldn’t have been let inside the US in the first place.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
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The UN has recognized a Palestinian State in 2012 (see my previous post)

UNITED NATIONS The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a long-sought victory for the Palestinians but an embarrassing diplomatic defeat for the United States. And was approved by a more than two-thirds majority of the 193-member world body -- a vote of 138, -9, with 41 abstentions.

And YOU post: And still isn't a State :auiqs.jpg:

Living in constant denial of facts - doesn't bother you at all? - please do go and see a psychiatrist

The Palestinians were given their Palestinian state with Gaza. Rather than turning Gaza into a well run country with a furnishings economy, the Palestinians in Gaza preferred to sponsor terrorism, and to shoot missiles at Israel.


I have difficulty understanding why any American who is not a Muslim would support the Palestinians against Israel. The Palestinians supported our enemies during World War II, the Cold War, and the War in the Gulf. When the Twin Towers were destroyed Palestinians celebrated.

Plenty of left-wing American idiots.
The UN has recognized a Palestinian State in 2012 (see my previous post)

UNITED NATIONS The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a long-sought victory for the Palestinians but an embarrassing diplomatic defeat for the United States. And was approved by a more than two-thirds majority of the 193-member world body -- a vote of 138, -9, with 41 abstentions.

And YOU post: And still isn't a State :auiqs.jpg:

Living in constant denial of facts - doesn't bother you at all? - please do go and see a psychiatrist

That's awesome!
What are their borders?
Their currency?
What's the exchange rate with the US dollar?
Via the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, mediated by the (IGAD). Mandated and supervised by the UN via the UNAMIS mission since 2004. - followed up by the UN UNMIS mission in 2005, tasked with implementing the CPA.

The Secretary-General then appointed Jan Pronk as his Special Representative for the Sudan and head of UNAMIS, who led UN peacemaking support to the IGAD-mediated talks on the North-South conflict, as well as to the African Union-mediated talks on the conflict in Darfur, a region in the western part of the Sudan.

After years of planning, preparation, and anticipation, southern Sudanese citizens began voting in the week-long referendum on southern independence on January 9, 2011. Preliminary results, released at the end of January, indicated that almost 99 percent of voters opted in favor of seceding from the north. That was confirmed with the announcement of the final results in February. Southern independence was scheduled for July 9, 2011.

Therefore, being safeguarded by the UN UNMISS mission initiated in 2011 - you dolt.

And until today both sides are still in disagreement about the exact border definition.
Under Resolution 2677 (2023), the Security Council determined that the situation in South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region.

The Council extended the UNMISS mandate until 15 March 2024. It also emphasized that the Mission should continue advancing its three-year strategic vision defined in resolution 2567 (2021) to prevent a return to civil war, build durable peace and support inclusive, accountable governance as well as free, fair and peaceful elections in accordance with the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

Under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, UNMISS is therefore authorized to use all necessary means to implement its mandate.
You post so very many irrelevant words without seeming to be able to understand the basic concepts.

The border between Sudan and South Sudan was based on the previous administrative borders. These borders can be adjusted through mutual agreement/treaty. Those are the concepts which apply universally, and therefore must also be applied to Israel.

(Don't come at me with the border disputes between Sudan and South Sudan. I am aware. It is irrelevant to the current conversation. The disputes are based on a number of factors, such as vague and imprecise provincial boundaries; religious and tribal affiliation; seasonal migration.)
I must admit I would throw out Raspberry from Hasbara .
He is surely never going to be even low pay standard for the Israeli propaganda organisation .
You can never catch up on very poor schooling and a vocabulary which is of such poor low quality .

I hate to say it, but he is better suited for the kids on Fakebook .
So off you go, Forum Outcast , Raspberry .
Byeeey . Ta Ta , Fucken ze offen .
I must admit I would throw out Raspberry from Hasbara .
He is surely never going to be even low pay standard for the Israeli propaganda organisation .
He's on-the-job training as a volunteer. He won't get paid unless he makes a worthwhile splash.
You can never catch up on very poor schooling and a vocabulary which is of such poor low quality .
You can say that again.
Most of the civilized world has designated the United Snakes the biggest threat to world peace, Beelzebub. And what country is their ally? "Is-it-real".
Ha ha ha. Once again you can’t handle the truth so you lash out like an animal, enemy within Islamist scum. Can you provide the countries that consider the U.S. the biggest threat to world peace? Let me guess, all of them barbaric Islamic states or banana republic dictatorships Like N Korea.
Most of the civilized world has designated the United Snakes the biggest threat to world peace, Beelzebub. And what country is their ally? "Is-it-real".
Ha ha ha. Once again you can’t handle the truth so you lash out like an animal, enemy within Islamist scum. Can you provide the countries that consider the U.S. the biggest threat to world peace? Let me guess, all of them barbaric Islamic states or banana republic dictatorships Like N Korea.
Another irrelevant tantrum from you, silly boy :springbed:
The Palestinians were given their Palestinian state with Gaza. Rather than turning Gaza into a well run country with a furnishings economy, the Palestinians in Gaza preferred to sponsor terrorism, and to shoot missiles at Israel.

View attachment 883733

View attachment 883736
See if you are able to answer these questions on Post #305 one by one - without diverting the questions and topic.
So far you are not.

Hector12 said:
The Israelis are people like me.

Absolutely not - the Israelis have nothing in common with folks like you - only the radical Zionists.
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