The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Can a nation exist without borders?
I'd argue that the Montevideo Convention says no, but the requirements in that convention are not so cut and dry. I'd argue that customary law says no. If you can't tell where one State ends and another State begins, its impossible to fully act as a State.
Have you read his writings? He specifically wrote about stealing Syrian land.

Your fanaticism marks you as part of the Torah Taliban.
Land belonging to the State of Syria is, by definition, not Israel "your own land". I do not support the taking of other State's legal lands. My arguments are consistent on this.
But anyway, it hardly matters. Israel will keep oppressing Palestinians and confining them to ghettos and 'homelands' then wondering in tortured innocence how that policy produced results that made Israel a pariah in the developed world.

Same ol' same ol.
I think the Holocaust had something to with it too.
The Holocaust has absolutely NOTHING to do with International Law - nor the UN recognizing a State of Israel in 1949.
But solely the Jewish lobby in the USA pushing for the immediate recognition by the USA - knowing that the latter is a veto bugger.

Every confrontation could have been totally avoided via granting the Jews and those Holocaust survivors - THAT NOBODY WANTED, to allocate a nice and lofty place in e.g. Australia - Thus Zionist only being able to get themselves into confrontation with Australians and maybe Indonesians (depending on where that Jewish state would have been setup).
So, one border.

International law defines much of the area you showed in your map as contested, not as part of Israel.


United Nations-derived boundary map of Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories (2007, updated to 2018)
Yes. I am well aware of the popularity contest which is the UN. The UN does not have the capacity to create borders between States or to remove territory from an existing State. Therefore, any statement made by the UN is pointless unless you can back it up with a treaty, agreement, charter, or some element of customary international law. There is no legal argument or precedent which divides Israel (as I described it) through an international border between States. If you think you've got one - go for it.
The UN does not have the capacity to create borders between States or to remove territory from an existing State.
Good deflective hasbara.

But apparently it had the capacity to 'create' Israel.

Another mystery. I wonder where that capacity went.

Anyway, I've had enough of Shusha declaring the primacy of international law then running from it as irrelevant.
Where are your arguments insisting Israel return that land and pay compensation?
It is Israel, so there is nothing to return. However, if you read my posts, you will see I am an advocate for Palestinian self-determination and sovereignty in the territory.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:one of Shusha - sources and documents !! a self-drawn kiddo map - jut like that self-written Jewish kiddo book.
Still can't or won't address the actual arguments, sources, documents, treaties, charters, agreements that I have brought up time and again. Just childish taunts.
Good deflective hasbara.

But apparently it had the capacity to 'create' Israel.

Another mystery. I wonder where that capacity went.

Anyway, I've had enough of Shusha declaring the primacy of international law then running from it as irrelevant.
No surprise - according to Shusha - e.g. Southern Sudan doesn't exist - and it's borders to Sudan were solely designed by a South Sudanese pottery artist.
After insisting land stolen from Syria was not Israel.

I guess stealing that land from Syria made it Israel.

What the fuck are you talking about. There is a clear border between Israel and Syria. I don't dispute that border.

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