The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Still no map of Israel's borders from Shusha, only of a Palestine which the rest of the deplorables swear never existed.

It's a mystery.
International law is not the law. It is non binding.

How does international law become binding?

International human rights treaties provide an agreed set of human rights standards and establish ways to monitor compliance. In accordance with the process of ratification, by ratifying a treaty, a country voluntarily accepts legal obligations under international law.

And e.g. The much cited Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration and not a treaty.

And an "enforcement" of International law - rests solely with the UNSC (binding resolution's) - whereby those veto buggers only enforce International law, when it suits their respective agenda.
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  • Fact
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Sure. Quoting legal documents and concepts of customary international law is not legal reasoning. But apparently "wet dreams" is a valid argument.

Also, I am counting how many times I've made this argument with you, and how many times you've walked away from it, unable to formulate a response.
Again just bull - where have you provided any "legal documents" or provided a "source quote"? to support your wet dreams?

Or are you referring to "Pictures" like that moronic map of yours, with you stating that is Israel - whilst the picture says Mandatory Palestine.
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Interesting claim. International law is squicky. Worse, it's largely unenforceable between States. (Which is largely why the UN is impotent). But it is certainly binding in the sense that when legal entities (like States) enter into agreements with one another the expectation is that those agreements will be honored. And this is largely true.
The UN is a curse and we need to get out and tell them to shove their agenda.

How does international law become binding?

International human rights treaties provide an agreed set of human rights standards and establish ways to monitor compliance. In accordance with the process of ratification, by ratifying a treaty, a country voluntarily accepts legal obligations under international law.

And e.g. The much cited Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration and not a treaty.

And an "enforcement" of International law - rests solely with the UNSC (binding resolution's) - whereby those veto buggers only enforce International law, when it suits their respective agenda.
Like I said, it does not mean shit.
Still no map of Israel's borders from Shusha, only of a Palestine which the rest of the deplorables swear never existed.

It's a mystery.
Oh, for the love of all that is stupidity, is there no one on this board capable of having a reasonable conversation?

That map that I gave you, showing the Mandate for Palestine? You know the Mandate was TEMPORARY, yes? You know that the purpose of the Mandate for Palestine was to RE-CONSTITUTE a Jewish national home, yes? You know that the British ENDED the Mandate for Palestine, yes? You know that the Jewish people, in their national homeland, DECLARED and ACHIEVED independence, yes?

That map is Israel.

The border between Jordan and Israel was established according to the customary international law of uti possidetis juris and confirmed in a legally binding peace treaty with Jordan. (Blue on the map). The border between Egypt and Israel was established according to the customary international law of uti possidetis juris and confirmed in a legally binding peace treat with Egypt. (Red). The border between Lebanon and Israel was established according to the customary international law of uti possidetis juris. (Yellow). The border between Syria and Israel was established according to the customary international law of uti possidetis juris. (Green).

If you dispute the borders of Israel, you are disputing a concept in international customary law and are therefore disputing the borders of dozens and dozens of countries. Including, I might add, the borders concerning south Lebanon and the Golan Heights.

There is NOTHING in international law which changes any of these borders. Thus, they remain in place, pending an Agreement which changes them.

If you dispute the borders of Israel, you are disputing a concept in international customary law and are therefore disputing the borders of dozens and dozens of countries. Including, I might add, the borders concerning south Lebanon and the Golan Heights.
You mean Ben Gurion's thefts?
Like I said, it does not mean shit.
And shit means that Israel therefore doesn't exist - according to you.

There would be likely no Israel - and certainly not a suppressive Zionist Israel around or in existence, if not for the UN and International Law
you hopeless nitwit.
And shit means that Israel therefore doesn't exist - according to you.

There would be likely no Israel - and certainly not a suppressive Zionist Israel around or in existence, if not for the UN and International Law
you hopeless nitwit.
I think the Holocaust had something to with it too.

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