The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Only in your Zionist wet dreams.
This is not an argument. This is not building a case. This is not providing an alternate legal position.

I have provided legal reasoning. If you disagree with my legal reasoning, provide a valid counter argument. Sheesh.
Hamas are not freedom fighters you fucking moron.
Another quote from your go-to source of knowledge:

Dick and Jane.jpg
This is not an argument. This is not building a case. This is not providing an alternate legal position.

I have provided legal reasoning. If you disagree with my legal reasoning, provide a valid counter argument. Sheesh.
Another quote from your go-to source of knowledge:

View attachment 883520
Ha ha ha. Up your Mohammad. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by the US govt. But, if you wish, you can suck Hamas cork all that you want, Achmed.

October 8, 1997HAMAS
October 8, 1997Hizballah
Oh. So, in effect, they invaded a third world back water.

Fair enough.
Throughout history and pre history superior demographics supplanted lesser demographics. The process advanced civilization and the progress of human evolution.
Watch the first few minutes .

All about eyes being gouged out , multiple rape , unborn babies ripped out of their mother's stomach , beheaded children and kids oven baked alive .

All deliberate lies and propagated here by the Forum Outcasts and Trolls .
The simple and Gullible idiots who troll disgusting garbage .

I told you weeks ago what kicks off the video and the organisations who scammed mutil millions out of Gullibles -- particularly Jewish people --- who believed the filth .

So Raspberry and Sayiamanarse .
Going to deny your stupidity and wickedness ?

Or just more of your low IQ deflection and denial garbage ?
Disgusting individuals , though other brands available

How do outcasts participate?
... Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by the US govt.
Isn't that the same government that swore they had absolute proof that Saddam Hussein had thousands upon thousands of WMDs? Wow, a great supplement source of info to your Dick & Jane Easy Reader collection.
.... you can suck Hamas cork all that you want, Achmed.

You'd have to wipe off your poo before anyone would even want to do that, Beelzebub.
Obviously “ International Law” was not in existence prior to June 67; was it? Please tell us why the UN “peacekeepers “ left . I can see how much Russia is complying with “ International Law” and how the International Community is yelling “ OCCUPATION!!!” Do you REALLY believe that “ International Law” would have been enforced if Israel had lost?? Anyone with one brain cell would acknowledge that Israel would have been wiped off the map
So please, take your BS someplace else.
The problem you and your ilk all share - is you got no idea as to what you talk about.

The withdrawal of UN Peacekeepers in Gaza and along the Egypt-Sinai-Israel border was in FULL compliance with International Law.
The UN requires a "permission" form the respective country were UN peacekeepers are stationed - see e.g. present Mali - that "rightfully" demanded the UN Mission Force to leave THEIR country.

Sinai belonged to Egypt and Gaza was controlled and administrated by Egypt - as such Egypt has a clear say as to allowing or not allowing UN peacekeepers (UNEF) or any other e.g. UN related organization on their territory. The UN mandated mission was initially approved/sanctioned by Egypt - due to Israel having attacked Egypt in 1956, and therefore to prevent a future Israeli attack onto Egypt - you nitwit.

Had Israel agreed onto a UN mandate themselves - those UN forces could have been stationed on Israeli territory - you moron.
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser asked the UN to move its UNEF, then inside Egyptian territory, to the Israeli border.

Removing the UNEF forces factually allowed Israel to attack. And it was Israel in 1967, who indeed attacked first.

Excerpt from an Israeli soldier !!

During the 1967 Six-Day War, I was a soldier serving in Battalion 202 of the Paratroopers Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). We entered the Gaza Strip from south of Gaza City and on the first day of fighting, in the early afternoon, we were told not to open fire on a group that was due to arrive in an orderly fashion along the railway line. After about an hour a group of Indian soldiers with large Sikh turbans on their heads approached. They marched between the railway lines in neat groups of four, rifles slung across their shoulders with the barrels pointing downward, a clear sign that they did not intend to use them. This was UNEF, the United Nations Emergency Force, which had retreated from the area just before hostilities broke out.
So much for UNEF having been pulled out - prior to Israels attack.

Stop gathering your info - solely from Zionist medias, and thus keep making a fool out off yourself.
Where does this map state ISRAEL?
Your usual Zionist propaganda bull - It states - MANDATORY PALESTINE - and came into existence upon the British declaring an independent British Protectorate of Trans-Jordan in 1922/3

And neither the West-bank nor Gaza were occupied nor controlled by the Zionists in 1948 to 1967

Again you fail across the board.

And neither the West-bank nor Gaza were controlled by the Palestinians in 1948 to 1967.
Your wet dreams paired with Zionist bull - certainly do not constitute a "legal reasoning", in the matter.
Sure. Quoting legal documents and concepts of customary international law is not legal reasoning. But apparently "wet dreams" is a valid argument.

Also, I am counting how many times I've made this argument with you, and how many times you've walked away from it, unable to formulate a response.
The problem you and your ilk all share - is you got no idea as to what you talk about.

The withdrawal of UN Peacekeepers in Gaza and along the Egypt-Sinai-Israel border was in FULL compliance with International Law.
The UN requires a "permission" form the respective country were UN peacekeepers are stationed - see e.g. present Mali - that "rightfully" demanded the UN Mission Force to leave THEIR country.

Sinai belonged to Egypt and Gaza was controlled and administrated by Egypt - as such Egypt has a clear say as to allowing or not allowing UN peacekeepers (UNEF) or any other e.g. UN related organization on their territory. The UN mandated mission was initially approved/sanctioned by Egypt - due to Israel having attacked Egypt in 1956, and therefore to prevent a future Israeli attack onto Egypt - you nitwit.

Had Israel agreed onto a UN mandate themselves - those UN forces could have been stationed on Israeli territory - you moron.
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser asked the UN to move its UNEF, then inside Egyptian territory, to the Israeli border.

Removing the UNEF forces factually allowed Israel to attack. And it was Israel in 1967, who indeed attacked first.

Excerpt from an Israeli soldier !!

During the 1967 Six-Day War, I was a soldier serving in Battalion 202 of the Paratroopers Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). We entered the Gaza Strip from south of Gaza City and on the first day of fighting, in the early afternoon, we were told not to open fire on a group that was due to arrive in an orderly fashion along the railway line. After about an hour a group of Indian soldiers with large Sikh turbans on their heads approached. They marched between the railway lines in neat groups of four, rifles slung across their shoulders with the barrels pointing downward, a clear sign that they did not intend to use them. This was UNEF, the United Nations Emergency Force, which had retreated from the area just before hostilities broke out.
So much for UNEF having been pulled out - prior to Israels attack.

Stop gathering your info - solely from Zionist medias, and thus keep making a fool out off yourself.
International law is not the law. It is non binding.
International law is not the law. It is non binding.
Interesting claim. International law is squicky. Worse, it's largely unenforceable between States. (Which is largely why the UN is impotent). But it is certainly binding in the sense that when legal entities (like States) enter into agreements with one another the expectation is that those agreements will be honored. And this is largely true.
Throughout history and pre history superior demographics supplanted lesser demographics. The process advanced civilization and the progress of human evolution.
I see, so those Mongol hordes of the 12th to 14th century, according to you possessed superior demographics and an advanced civilization - compared with e.g. those of Persia, the Damask and Byzantine Empires and e.g. the Kiev Russ Federation.

You are getting more an more lame in your postings.

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