The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

He wasn’t Palestinian moron there wasn’t a Palestine until 2 AD, according to what you yourself posted. Can you even comprehend what you post or do you just throw shit on the wall and wait and see what sticks like an ignorant monkey?
It's unimpressive but on the other hand it's loud.

Oh well.
I'm still curious as to whether Shusha will give their version of Israel's borders.

My money is on a retreat in silence.

Everyone knows he was a Palestinian Jew.
He was a Jew. He belonged to the Jewish people. Any claim to the contrary is ridiculous.

And look, I'm arguing this to SAVE the claim to Arab Palestinian self-determination. If the Palestinian people is defined as "anyone who lives there - except Jews" then there can be no claim to a distinct Palestinian culture and people, and there can be no claim to a national identity.
No one aside from your ilk, gives a shit about your garbage.

Forward a document that would -proof- that Arab Muslims were "official" allies of the Nazis - or STFU
I’ve done it before. You terrorist worshipping
Maggots then just change the subject like crybabies. Your ilk is always denying the irrefutable, like Palestinian animals did Oct 7 , or that Arabs were official allies of the Nazis. The US state dept even designated the Mufti of Jerusalem as a Nazi. So yes, fuck your Palestine.
Palestinian Muslim animals are the ones saying Hitler didn’t finish the job but Muslims will. After all isn’t that what your beloved Hamas animals say, kill every Jew from the river to the sea. So yes, fuck Palestine.
And look, I'm arguing this to SAVE the claim to Arab Palestinian self-determination. If the Palestinian people is defined as "anyone who lives there - except Jews" then there can be no claim to a distinct Palestinian culture and people, and there can be no claim to a national identity.
So, a straw man but no Israeli borders. I was wrong, a retreat whilst yammering.

Lol. 'The Naming of Palestine' dropped like a hot falafel.
No the Ariana invaded and looted Israel and Jerusalem. Renamed it to Palestina which was the name of a Greek European people that had been defeated by the Jews.
He was a Jew. He belonged to the Jewish people. Any claim to the contrary is ridiculous.

And look, I'm arguing this to SAVE the claim to Arab Palestinian self-determination. If the Palestinian people is defined as "anyone who lives there - except Jews" then there can be no claim to a distinct Palestinian culture and people, and there can be no claim to a national identity.
There is no basis for a claim.
Care to show us your version of Israel's borders? Or does it have none?
Of course I can. The principle of uti possidetis juris (in customary international law which is applied in ALL cases globally) is that the borders of a successor State follow the highest administrative unit of the preceding Administration (in this case the Mandate for Palestine). This is confirmed, without question, in the peace treaties between Israel/Jordan and Israel/Egypt.

I can also confirm a number of NOT borders. UN Partition Plan, not binding, didn't come into effect. NOT borders. 1949 Armistice Agreement specifically states NOT borders in a legally binding document. Interim Agreement between the State of Israel and the Representatives of the People of Palestine is a legally binding agreement that stipulates that borders between Israel and a future Palestine must be negotiated and confirmed.
I like the way you do it by making categorical statements you are forced to walk back on.

Very intimidating.
In your dreams Achmed, just like your fictional Palestine made up of terrorists and Arab squatters.
Watch the first few minutes .

All about eyes being gouged out , multiple rape , unborn babies ripped out of their mother's stomach , beheaded children and kids oven baked alive .

All deliberate lies and propagated here by the Forum Outcasts and Trolls .
The simple and Gullible idiots who troll disgusting garbage .

I told you weeks ago what kicks off the video and the organisations who scammed mutil millions out of Gullibles -- particularly Jewish people --- who believed the filth .

So Raspberry and Sayiamanarse .
Going to deny your stupidity and wickedness ?

Or just more of your low IQ deflection and denial garbage ?
Disgusting individuals , though other brands available

You need to stay in your house.

End times are near…

Stupid fuckup
Nonsense - International Law never ceased to exist and is in full application by every UN member State. Israel simply rejects International law when it is not in their favor - and are the first ones to call on it, if it suits their agenda. Just as the USA and many others.
Obviously “ International Law” was not in existence prior to June 67; was it? Please tell us why the UN “peacekeepers “ left . I can see how much Russia is complying with “ International Law” and how the International Community is yelling “ OCCUPATION!!!” Do you REALLY believe that “ International Law” would have been enforced if Israel had lost?? Anyone with one brain cell would acknowledge that Israel would have been wiped off the map
So please, take your BS someplace else.
There is no basis for a claim.
Right?! The Palestinians and their supporters keep taking away the one legitimizing claim they have! So annoying when you are trying to help them out. I keep trying to show them their cake, and they keep denying that there is cake.
So it did exist.

Boy, that took a while.
Not when Jesus lived, which was your false claim. And it was never a nation or a people. The name Palestine is not mentioned in any of the three holy books. All three say Israel and that it belongs to the Jews. So yes, fuck your Palestine.

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