The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

The Zionists attacked, by tricking 5 Arab armies into invading?

Which was recognized by the UN in 1949, whilst being rejected by all Muslim countries.

Whiney losers gonna whine.
Remember. The ARABS who call themselves "Palestinians" collaborated with Hitler during WW2
Next they'll mount an air attack on a US Navy ship. You just can't trust them I tell you.
More repetitive blood libel shit you need to stick up your Mohammad. Next they’ll gang rape American girls attending a peace concert in Israel, like they did in Oct .7
" International Law" ended in 1967 when the UN " Peacekeepers" left knowing what was to come. I wonder if " International Law" would be a topic if Israel was defeated
Nonsense - International Law never ceased to exist and is in full application by every UN member State. Israel simply rejects International law when it is not in their favor - and are the first ones to call on it, if it suits their agenda. Just as the USA and many others.
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As did the Zionists.....

Bull. Hitler literally had a Palestinian cleric on his payroll who created a Muslim animal army that killed tens of thousands of Christians and Jews across Eastern Europe on behalf of the Nazis.
Remember. The ARABS who call themselves "Palestinians" collaborated with Hitler during WW2
There were around 30,000 Arabs allied and fighting for the Allied armies. How many Arabs fought for the Axis Powers? and where?
You are just another garbage spewing moron, who misuses USMB to propagate hatred towards Muslims.
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You don't quite get that 'meaning of words' thing, do you? Never mind, that lack will allow you to keep your narrative while not understanding why everyone laughs at you.
What’s the matter Achmed, did you just realize that Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian Muslim? Ha ha ha!
There were around 30,000 Arabs allied and fighting for the Allied armies. How many Arabs fought for the Axis Powers? and where?
You are just another garbage spewing moron.
No you’re the garbage spewing moron. Arab Muslims were official Allies of the Nazis. Factual history.
Before the Jews turned Palestine into Israel, Palestine was a third world back water. The Jews made of Israel the only civilized country in the Near East.
Oh. So, in effect, they invaded a third world back water.

Fair enough.
Nonsense - International Law never ceased to exist and is in full application by every UN member State. Israel simply rejects International law when it is not in their favor - and are the first ones to call on it, if it suits their agenda.
Israel is held to an entirely different "standard" of law. The rules of law are -literally- changed in order to demonize Israel. Borders magically appearing when there are no borders. Imagined violations. Language stretched to have new meanings. Occupations that can't end because the goal posts just keep moving to make sure Israel is an endless occupier. Peace treaties and Agreements that no longer have validity. Long-standing, universal precedents that somehow don't apply to Israel. UN Resolutions that are non-binding, except Israel. And yes, I can back all this up with facts.
No you’re the garbage spewing moron. Arab Muslims were official Allies of the Nazis. Factual history.
No one aside from your ilk, gives a shit about your garbage.

Forward a document that would -proof- that Arab Muslims were "official" allies of the Nazis - or STFU

Everyone knows he was a Palestinian Jew.
He wasn’t Palestinian moron there wasn’t a Palestine until 2 AD, according to what you yourself posted. Can you even comprehend what you post or do you just throw shit on the wall and wait and see what sticks like an ignorant monkey?

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