The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Both processes require the exact same political foundations and institutions - the implementation of those political foundations and it's institutions, is the sole task of a UN Mandate, or as in view of British Palestine, the UN forerunner, the League of Nations. In order to proceed onto "The Peoples right towards self-determination".

Since you obviously have no idea nor knowledge onto what that "political foundation" beholds - its a waste of my time to further discuss this issue with you.

If East-Timor is too difficult for you to understand - then try to read up onto e.g. Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

You might also consider Singapore - to understand how a sovereign State is formed and decided upon by THE PEOPLE. And not just (as you ignorantly propagate) by a single ethnicity or it's respective political party - but by ALL people via ALL political parties.

You keep throwing out new words (now, we are using "political foundation", are we?) but are still failing to provide a rational argument, or any documentation for the concept that self-determination is based on residency in a specific territory at a specific time period and that no new State can arise within that territory or divide that territory. It is just a layers upon layers of excuses for why the Jewish people are ineligible for self-determination because ... Jews.
Are you suffering from tunnel vision?

The rest of your reply I'll deal with after you come to terms with your problem with reading comprehension. :oops:
I want Jews to live safely wherever they want to live. Many obviously want to live in Israel.
Wow , Hector certainly deserves his Nazi badge .
And of course the claim of being the chosen ones is laughable and offensive .

They likely got hitched to the local Space Alien / Elohim/ Anunnaki , and may or may not have suffered from DNA alteration .
Literally . Though at this point that sort of view mostly promotes laughter . Lovely Luiza is mad .
So be it .

I hope to hear much more about this matter this year .
The Jewish " Chosen by God" idea will suddenly be seen as crass stupidity and possibly Deniers will have to find a convenient desert to hide in .For a long, long time .
Later on this year the Israelis will be seen to have won another well deserved victory over their enemies.
That's a lie. They want to live in Palestine. :45:
Palestine does not exist any more. The area is under new and better management. :yes_text12:

The Palestinians are a vanquished people who never accomplished nearly as much as the Jews.
Nazis, Fascists, Tyrants, Dictators, and Zionists call heroes savage, subhuman, and lunatic. Admirers of Democracy call them Freedom Fighters.

... but now after Oct. 7 an increasing percentage of Americans admire them and understand the righteousness of their peace-loving quest. 🇵🇸

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Hamas are not freedom fighters you fucking moron.
Wrong again, Beelzebub. Hitler and the Nazis were allies of Mussolini and the Italian Fascist movement.

Your Zionist Nazis are the offspring of Hitler-Mussolini Nazism. The proof is in the pudding of today's extermination of the Palestinian people. Everyone can see it so it's really hilarious you trying to deny it. :auiqs.jpg:
Everything you just said best applies to Palestinians.
I want foxes to live safely too but not amongst the hens.

That's a lie. They want to live in Palestine. :45:
Ha ha ha. Palestine never was and never will be, khara face.
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Gaza is already free. It's not a ghetto in an open air prison, subject to blockade and sanctions.
Yes Israel is deeeing Gaza from control by islamonazi animals.
Have you not read of the terrorists that had to be put down in their ghetto? I'm surprised.

On August 5, 1944, Governor-General Hans Frank messaged the Reich Chancellery an update regarding the Warsaw Uprising. In it, he stated, "For the most part, Warsaw is in flames. Burning down the houses is the most reliable means of liquidating the insurgents' hideouts.".

See? They were insurgents that had to be liquidated. You sympathise with the problem these ghetto dwelling terrorists posed, I can tell.
no I don’t see where insurgents shoved babies in ovens or gang raped women, then dragged their dead bodies into Gaza so celebrating Palestinian animals can spit on them. Palestinians subhumanoids seem to be the only people in history to do this shit.
Palestine does not exist any more. The area is under new and better management. :yes_text12:

The Palestinians are a vanquished people who never accomplished nearly as much as the Jews.
What accomplishments?! Can somebody list any Palestinian contributions to humanity?
1. Child suicidal bombers
Palestinians subhumanoids seem to be the only people in history to do this shit.
Well, you know, if one keeps people in ghettos in open air prisons that sort of thing is going to happen. They become insurgents.

Well, you know, if one keeps people in ghettos in open air prisons that sort of thing is going to happen. They become insurgents.

No that sort of thing is only what Palestinian and Muslim animals do. And the Nazis, over 80 years ago. Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.
Can somebody list any Palestinian contributions to humanity?
Um...Cradle of Christianity?
Palestinian Christians. Palestinian Christians are often called the 'living stones' of Christianity as they can trace their history to the birth of the Church in this land 2,000 years ago. Ancestors of some families have been in the Holy Land ever since, while others migrated there in later centuries.

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