The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

Um...Cradle of Christianity?
Palestinian Christians. Palestinian Christians are often called the 'living stones' of Christianity as they can trace their history to the birth of the Church in this land 2,000 years ago. Ancestors of some families have been in the Holy Land you are ever since, while others migrated there in later centuries.
Hah?! Jesus was a Jew born in Judeah of ancient Israel, you are out of your fucking mind. No such thing as a Palestine during Jesus’ time.
Ha ha ha. Palestine never was and never will be, khara face.
You put a lot of effort into convincing yourself.

Province of the Roman Empire (132–390 CE)
Syria Palaestina, or Roman Palestine, was a Roman province in the Palestine region between the early 2nd and late 4th centuries AD. The provincial capital was Caesarea Maritima. Wikipedia
You put a lot of effort into convincing yourself.

Province of the Roman Empire (132–390 CE)
Syria Palaestina, or Roman Palestine, was a Roman province in the Palestine region between the early 2nd and late 4th centuries AD. The provincial capital was Caesarea Maritima. Wikipedia
Jesus was not born in 2nd or 4th century AD. Fool. After the Roman invasion they renamed Israel Palestine. It was a province of Rome not a nation. So still no Palestine, Mohammed.
What accomplishments?! Can somebody list any Palestinian contributions to humanity?
1. Child suicidal bombers

In the fourth century AD Eusebius wort the first history of Chrostianity after the Book, of Acts. Since then the world of the mind has heard nothing from the Palestinians but dead silence.

No - YOU are too blindsided in your Zionist genocidal anti-Islam and hatred towards Muslims - so you refuse to see the "original" facts.

The Palestinians were not the ones to illegally immigrate into British Palestine, attack and rob others lands - and continuously denying a sovereign State towards those refugees, whom they created and displaced forcefully 75 years ago.

Since Jews created violence and injustice in 1948, and their new State of Israel, supports ongoing violence and injustice towards Palestinians - then don't fu... complain if they get to taste their own medicine. It is Israel that constantly defies UN resolutions - and NOT the Palestinians.

What you are exerting/expressing is called Hypocrisy at it's best.
Israel didn't just decide that there would be an Israel. On Nov. 29, 1947, the UN, with the blessing of many countries of the world partitioned the state of Israel.
Israel didn't just decide that there would be an Israel. On Nov. 29, 1947, the UN, with the blessing of many countries of the world partitioned the state of Israel.
Before the Jews turned Palestine into Israel, Palestine was a third world back water. The Jews made of Israel the only civilized country in the Near East.
Yep - that is why e.g. International law - was introduced along with UN resolutions (the ones Israel has rejected 69 times, whilst claiming their own actions are supposedly based onto International Law). ;)
" International Law" ended in 1967 when the UN " Peacekeepers" left knowing what was to come. I wonder if " International Law" would be a topic if Israel was defeated
Yep - that is why e.g. International law - was introduced along with UN resolutions (the ones Israel has rejected 69 times, whilst claiming their own actions are supposedly based onto International Law). ;)
The United Nations is full of third world nonentities who, like all Jew haters, are resentful of Israeli success.
Like kill over 30 Americans on Oct 7, or like take American kids and women hostage and hide in tunnels underneath hospitals. So yes fuck your Palestine.
Next they'll mount an air attack on a US Navy ship. You just can't trust them I tell you.
Ha ha ha. Palestine never was and never will be, khara face.
You don't quite get that 'meaning of words' thing, do you? Never mind, that lack will allow you to keep your narrative while not understanding why everyone laughs at you.
Jesus was not born in 2nd or 4th century AD. Fool. After the Roman invasion they renamed Israel Palestine. It was a province of Rome not a nation. So still no Palestine, Mohammed.
It had oil to tempt Australian cupidity. Gaza's fossil fuels have already been stolen.
I am factually referring to Indonesia's violent action in regards to attacking and occupying a former sovereign territory.
Oil and fishery resources off-course were a major factor - aside from simply extending their national borders.

Taking the multitude of Indonesia's ethnic and religious group, and the massive corruption into account - it is rather surprising that the entire archipelago isn't in constant upheaval.
Israel didn't just decide that there would be an Israel. On Nov. 29, 1947, the UN, with the blessing of many countries of the world partitioned the state of Israel.
Wrong - it's called the 1947 UN Partition-Plan - and was never invoked nor materialized, since the Zionist attacked in 1948, whilst self-declaring an own State. Which was recognized by the UN in 1949, whilst being rejected by all Muslim countries.
Wrong - it's called the 1947 UN Partition-Plan - and was never invoked nor materialized, since the Zionist attacked in 1948, whilst self-declaring an own State. Which was recognized by the UN in 1949, whilst being rejected by all Muslim countries.

The Zionists attacked, by tricking 5 Arab armies into invading?

Which was recognized by the UN in 1949, whilst being rejected by all Muslim countries.

Whiney losers gonna whine.
Watch the first few minutes .

All about eyes being gouged out , multiple rape , unborn babies ripped out of their mother's stomach , beheaded children and kids oven baked alive .

All deliberate lies and propagated here by the Forum Outcasts and Trolls .
The simple and Gullible idiots who troll disgusting garbage .

I told you weeks ago what kicks off the video and the organisations who scammed mutil millions out of Gullibles -- particularly Jewish people --- who believed the filth .

So Raspberry and Sayiamanarse .
Going to deny your stupidity and wickedness ?

Or just more of your low IQ deflection and denial garbage ?
Disgusting individuals , though other brands available

No such thing as "Palestine." Never was. Never will be. The GAZANS are filthy ARABS.

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