The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

You stepped in it again. It is a historical fact that Hitler and the Nazis were allies of the Arab Muslims ..
Wrong again, Beelzebub. Hitler and the Nazis were allies of Mussolini and the Italian Fascist movement.
Your Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.
Your Zionist Nazis are the offspring of Hitler-Mussolini Nazism. The proof is in the pudding of today's extermination of the Palestinian people. Everyone can see it so it's really hilarious you trying to deny it. :auiqs.jpg:
Ghetto uprisings involved .....
.... Jews killing white babies and eating them and this is the reason the Nazis won so much support in Germany and Austria. It is a known fact that Jews murdered Christian babies and used their blood to make matzah during Pesach. So, stop pretending the Jews are innocent victims. :mad:
Your Zionist Nazis are the offspring of Hitler-Mussolini Nazism. The proof is in the pudding of today's extermination of the Palestinian people. Everyone can see it so it's really hilarious you trying to deny it. :auiqs.jpg:
This is what the Palestinians want to do with Israel:

Dead right. They showed that by trying to get to Israel...


Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, like I have, knows that for the Jews the possession of the Land of Israel has the same significance for the Jews as personal salvation has for the Jews.

There is plenty of room in the Arabian Desert for the Palestinians to prove that they can make the desert bloom the way the Jews did in what used to be Palestine.

I do not really hate the Palestinians, but I do not feel any concern for them. The Israelis are people like me. The Palestinians are not.

I am not Jewish by the way. I would not praise Jews if I was. The Jews are humble about their many accomplishments.
Ghetto uprisings involved putting babies in ovens, raping women and dragging their bodies into Gaza to be shot in by the rest of Palestinian animals? Hmmmm…interesting version of history you ignorant morons have.
Have you not read of the terrorists that had to be put down in their ghetto? I'm surprised.

On August 5, 1944, Governor-General Hans Frank messaged the Reich Chancellery an update regarding the Warsaw Uprising. In it, he stated, "For the most part, Warsaw is in flames. Burning down the houses is the most reliable means of liquidating the insurgents' hideouts.".

See? They were insurgents that had to be liquidated. You sympathise with the problem these ghetto dwelling terrorists posed, I can tell.
First one has to dehumanise...
Do you mean like this?


There cannot be a two state solution with people who think like this. When two nations want the same land and when they they are willing to fight for it there can e no compromise. One side will win. The other side will lose. I want the Jews to win.
And Zionist Nazis are forwarding a Nuclear solution towards Gaza - so?
That you can see yourself siding only with radical extremists, and reflecting solely onto radical extremist views - isn't surprising
It will not be necessary to use nuclear bombs on the Palestinians in Gaza. Conventional methods will get them out, so that Gaza can be settled with Jews.

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire, However, I believe this should only be achieved in response to Palestinian terrorism and Arab aggression.


The acquisition of new land for the settling of superfluous population has no end of advantages.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"
You are confusing secession within existing States and sovereign self-determination in the creation of new States. And getting both wrong.
Both processes require the exact same political foundations and institutions - the implementation of those political foundations and it's institutions, is the sole task of a UN Mandate, or as in view of British Palestine, the UN forerunner, the League of Nations. In order to proceed onto "The Peoples right towards self-determination".

Since you obviously have no idea nor knowledge onto what that "political foundation" beholds - its a waste of my time to further discuss this issue with you.

If East-Timor is too difficult for you to understand - then try to read up onto e.g. Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

You might also consider Singapore - to understand how a sovereign State is formed and decided upon by THE PEOPLE. And not just (as you ignorantly propagate) by a single ethnicity or it's respective political party - but by ALL people via ALL political parties.
It will not be necessary to use nuclear bombs on the Palestinians in Gaza. Conventional methods will get them out, so that Gaza can be settled with Jews.

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire, However, I believe this should only be achieved in response to Palestinian terrorism and Arab aggression.

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The acquisition of new land for the settling of superfluous population has no end of advantages.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"
Since you are so devoted towards Adolf - it should be obvious to you, that Nazism and Zionism are the exact same.
The only difference it that the term Jew was replaced with Aryan.

Which in turn lends ample support towards the thesis - that your Hitler was of Jewish ancestry.
And you think the Zionists don't deserve it?
I certainly do not think the Israelis deserve it. The Jews deserve a land of their own in the Land of Israel.

I think the Palestinians deserve to be deported. They have had plenty of time to become a docile source of cheap labor for their Jewish masters. Instead, they persist in a conflict they are bound to lose.
The same forces are behind the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza.
Only the Kagan-Nuland family is missing from the center of the picture.
Blinken is the adopted son of Samuel Pisar, who was the confidant of father of Maxwell, Epstein's pimp.
Since you are so devoted towards Adolf - it should be obvious to you, that Nazism and Zionism are the exact same.
The only difference it that the term Jew was replaced with Aryan.

Which in turn lends ample support towards the thesis - that your Hitler was of Jewish ancestry.

The difference between Nazism and Zionism is that the Jews really are the Herrenvolk. What is more, they are the Chosen People of God.

There is reason to believe that one of Hitler's grandfathers was Jewish. This would explain the Chancellor's superior intelligence.


Also the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is seen as 'clever,' and in a certain sense he has been so at all time.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race"
The difference between Nazism and Zionism is that the Jews really are the Herrenvolk. What is more, they are the Chosen People of God.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race"

Wow , Hector certainly deserves his Nazi badge .
And of course the claim of being the chosen ones is laughable and offensive .

They likely got hitched to the local Space Alien / Elohim/ Anunnaki , and may or may not have suffered from DNA alteration .
Literally . Though at this point that sort of view mostly promotes laughter . Lovely Luiza is mad .
So be it .

I hope to hear much more about this matter this year .
The Jewish " Chosen by God" idea will suddenly be seen as crass stupidity and possibly Deniers will have to find a convenient desert to hide in .For a long, long time .

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