The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.

The Palestinians have more PhDs than the Jews. You're the same.. Jews, Palestinians, Lebanese.

You all have been marrying your cousins for 2 thousand years.

Can't you feel good about yourselves without tearing the other guys down?
lies, all lies.
That is possible.

The answer is :nono:. Underachievers frantically look for people who they believe are inferior. It's the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves.
I am an underachiever and I feel good about myself when I praise the many achievements of the Jews.

Long before the controversial Balfour Declaration set in motion the colonisation of Palestine at the behest of the British Empire, one of the leading founders of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, appealed to the Ottoman state for a Jewish country.

Palestine and its people were a constituent part of the Ottoman lands linking the Sublime Port in Istanbul to the wider domains, encompassing Islam's three holiest sites of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
My dog had an earache once.
The Israelis need land in Gaza to settle in.

I know. Read Moishe Dayan. The Jews were never satisfied with the land they were given by the UN. They always wanted more and they always intended to get rid of the Palestinians. It's not something to be proud of.
Hitler was elected by Democratic process and the official name of North Korea is "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". But who's counting?

Muslims have introduced justice against wrong-doing, rogue governments, & institutions .... and that's quite a Democratic attribute. Israel and the United Snakes have a long way to go to catch up but all they do is whine ..... :eusa_boohoo:
One wonders what planet this braying donkey is living on! Muslim countries don't have a single governments & institutions that isn’t involved in wring doing and rogue behavior . They’re all corrupt, barbaric dictatorships or theocrcies that oppress, torture and kill their people. They promote terror and barbaric Shariah law all over the world, and are the furthest thing from democracies or freedom.

Countries like Israel and the United States altnough imperfect, are free and democratic nations, that’s why Muslim animals like you get to post your garbage in the internet and protest in the streets without getting killed or tortured.
One wonders what planet this braying donkey is living on! Muslim countries don't have a single governments & institutions that isn’t involved in wring doing and rogue behavior . They’re all corrupt, barbaric dictatorships or theocrcies that oppress, torture and kill their people. They promote terror and barbaric Shariah law all over the world, and are the furthest thing from democracies or freedom.

Countries like Israel and the United States altnough imperfect, are free and democratic nations, that’s why Muslim animals like you get to post your garbage in the internet and protest in the streets without getting killed or tortured.

What Arab countries have you visited?
I know. Read Moishe Dayan. The Jews were never satisfied with the land they were given by the UN. They always wanted more and they always intended to get rid of the Palestinians. It's not something to be proud of.
Surada the paid propagandist always vomits lies and bullshit. Quite the contrary, the Jews accepted, but Arabs didn’t and attacked Israel and got their asses kicked many times, over and over and over.
What Arab countries have you visited?
Non of your business, you piece of shit. I can speak Arabic better than you, Muslim Kalba. I’ve been around Muslims all my life. Your claim that one has to have been to a Muslim nation to have a valid opinion is just another desperate attempt to disguise what these countries are like.

Israel using orchestrated social media strategy that mirrors ...​

1704654016895.jpeg › mena › 2023/10/26

Oct 26, 2023 — Live updates: Follow the latest news on Israel-Gaza. Israel is the first country to use paid social media advertising to amplify its message ...

Israel Runs Social Media Ad Campaign to Rally Support for ...​

Rolling Stone › politics › politics-news

Oct 17, 2023 — Israel's government has launched a social media ad campaign aimed at garnering American support for their ongoing siege on Gaza.

Israel floods social media to shape opinion around the war​

1704654016955.png › article › israel-social-media-...

Oct 17, 2023 — The paid videos and photos that started appearing on October 12 were aimed at adults over 25 in Brussels, Paris, Munich and The Hague, according ...

Israel is paying social media influencers to whitewash ...​

Press TV › Detail › 2023/10/22 › expose...

Oct 22, 2023 — Israeli regime's cyber-army has been hiring social media influencers, both in the Arab and Western world, to join the anti-Palestine ...

Nope. The Ottomans threw Theodore Herzl out on his ass. They didn't give the Zionist Europeans anything.
The Ottomans invited the Jews to come resettle back in their holy land. More lies from the paid Islamist propagandist.

1517 - 1917)​

Following the Ottoman conquest in 1517, the Land was divided into four districts and attached administratively to the province of Damascus and ruled from Istanbul. At the outset of the Ottoman era, an estimated 1,000 Jewish families lived in the country, mainly in Jerusalem, Nablus (Shechem), Hebron, Gaza, Safed (Tzfat) and the villages of Galilee. The community was comprised of descendants of Jews who had never left the Land as well as immigrants from North Africa and Europe.

Orderly government, until the death (1566) of Sultan Suleyman the Magificent, brought improvements and stimulated Jewish immigration. Some newcomers settled in Jerusalem, but the majority went to Safed where, by mid-16th century, the Jewish population had risen to about 10,000, and the town had become a thriving textile center as well as the focus of intense intellectual activity. During this period, the study of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) flourished, and contemporary clarifications of Jewish law, as codified in the Shulhan Arukh, spread throughout the Diaspora from the study houses in Safad.
You don't know much about the Middle East, do you? False flags are Israel's specialty. Then they can claim victim status. There's some damned shameful episodes.
You mean like how Palestinian animals keep attacking Israelis and then hide behind their own people claiming victimhood when Israel retaliates?
You don't know much about the Middle East, do you? False flags are Israel's specialty. Then they can claim victim status. There's some damned shameful episodes.

I do know that the Palestinians have rejected every land for peace offer.
How large is their possible 2nd state now compared to 1948?
Nobody is claiming that Ottomans SOLD land to the Jews, dipshit, the claim is that the Ottomans invited the persecuted Jews to come back and resettle in what the ottomans considered Jewish holyland. Why else would they invite them, moron. They didn’t consider it Arab or Muslim holy land. But thanks for also reminding us that the Jews didn’t just suddenly come in the 1920’s, they maintained a presence for thousands of years, including in the beginnings of the Ottoman Empire in the 1500’s.

1517 - 1917)​

Following the Ottoman conquest in 1517, the Land was divided into four districts and attached administratively to the province of Damascus and ruled from Istanbul. At the outset of the Ottoman era, an estimated 1,000 Jewish families lived in the country, mainly in Jerusalem, Nablus (Shechem), Hebron, Gaza, Safed (Tzfat) and the villages of Galilee. The community was comprised of descendants of Jews who had never left the Land as well as immigrants from North Africa and Europe.

Orderly government, until the death (1566) of Sultan Suleyman the Magificent, brought improvements and stimulated Jewish immigration. Some newcomers settled in Jerusalem, but the majority went to Safed where, by mid-16th century, the Jewish population had risen to about 10,000, and the town had become a thriving textile center as well as the focus of intense intellectual activity. During this period, the study of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) flourished, and contemporary clarifications of Jewish law, as codified in the Shulhan Arukh, spread throughout the Diaspora from the study houses in Safad.

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