The Psyche of Barack Obama: Roots of Racism?


May 23, 2014

The Choice 2012 FRONTLINE PBS
With the recent media storm over NAACP leader and college prof Rachel Dolezal being exposed as a mentally disturbed individual, one cannot help help but draw comparisons between her political and cultural beliefs, and those of Barack Obama's mother. How does this effect an individuals psyche during the formative years of their life (see PBS Frontline "2012: The Choice")? I think the policies of President Obama have been affected by his upbringing that helped to create a biased and dare I say, racist view of the culture in the United States. Here are the facts and I will let you decide:
#1.) Obama was raised in a Marxist household by his mother and her college prof "friends."
#2.) His mother viewed U.S. history as a nation founded on hate and racism.
#3.) Obama quote: "My grandparents were typical White people."
#4.) Obama went to college listing himself as a foreign student and lived in the foreign student dorm helping to shape his socio-political outlook on life in the United States (again see Frontline episode).
#5.) As President over 70 White people were victims of the "knockout game" when Blacks youth punched White men and women from behind with no intervention by federal Justice Department. But, when a White youth punched a Black man in Katy, Texas the Holder Justice Department had the civil rights division immediately launch a hate crime investigation.
#6.) Justice Department twisting of Ferguson, Missouri case was disgraceful playing of the race card from the bottom of the deck.
#7.) Obama foreign policy: negotiate with Iran and China (non-white) yet put economic and military pressure on Putin and Russia (evil White male syndrome?).

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