The Psychology of Campus PC

Sandy Hoax was a capstone DHS drill that was played out like it was a real time event and the Las Vegas shooting reeks of an Operation Gladio type operation and the official narrative is falling down around their heads. It's not my problem that you are as blind as a bat with tunnel vision.....I can't help you with that.

You're a crazy person. so you think that Las Vegas was fake too?

Okay, buddy, so what's more probable.

That THOUSANDS of people were involved in a DHS Drill and then pretended it was a real thing, and not a ONE of them said, 'Na, man, we were just faking!"

Or one crazy person with a gun just started shooting people.

Occam's razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

You need to take your medication like the nice doctor says. Then the Lizard People will disappear.

Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.
Sandy Hoax was a capstone DHS drill that was played out like it was a real time event and the Las Vegas shooting reeks of an Operation Gladio type operation and the official narrative is falling down around their heads. It's not my problem that you are as blind as a bat with tunnel vision.....I can't help you with that.

You're a crazy person. so you think that Las Vegas was fake too?

Okay, buddy, so what's more probable.

That THOUSANDS of people were involved in a DHS Drill and then pretended it was a real thing, and not a ONE of them said, 'Na, man, we were just faking!"

Or one crazy person with a gun just started shooting people.

Occam's razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

You need to take your medication like the nice doctor says. Then the Lizard People will disappear.

Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.

More than one shooter, dude, and the official narrative is a load of bullshit.
Sandy Hoax was a capstone DHS drill that was played out like it was a real time event and the Las Vegas shooting reeks of an Operation Gladio type operation and the official narrative is falling down around their heads. It's not my problem that you are as blind as a bat with tunnel vision.....I can't help you with that.

You're a crazy person. so you think that Las Vegas was fake too?

Okay, buddy, so what's more probable.

That THOUSANDS of people were involved in a DHS Drill and then pretended it was a real thing, and not a ONE of them said, 'Na, man, we were just faking!"

Or one crazy person with a gun just started shooting people.

Occam's razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

You need to take your medication like the nice doctor says. Then the Lizard People will disappear.

Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.

More than one shooter, dude, and the official narrative is a load of bullshit.
No, just people confused by echoes. And then you, confused by just about everything. That's how we got to this point, right here, right now.
Sandy Hoax was a capstone DHS drill that was played out like it was a real time event and the Las Vegas shooting reeks of an Operation Gladio type operation and the official narrative is falling down around their heads. It's not my problem that you are as blind as a bat with tunnel vision.....I can't help you with that.

You're a crazy person. so you think that Las Vegas was fake too?

Okay, buddy, so what's more probable.

That THOUSANDS of people were involved in a DHS Drill and then pretended it was a real thing, and not a ONE of them said, 'Na, man, we were just faking!"

Or one crazy person with a gun just started shooting people.

Occam's razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

You need to take your medication like the nice doctor says. Then the Lizard People will disappear.

Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.

More than one shooter, dude, and the official narrative is a load of bullshit.
No, just people confused by echoes. And then you, confused by just about everything. That's how we got to this point, right here, right now.

So the people that saw other shooters were lying or confused? The police that answered the call that reported multiple shooters were either lying or confused? The people that reported windows shot out at the Bellagio Hotel are lying? That the discovery that heavy ammunition hit the huge fuel tanks is a big lie? The cab driver that used her cellphone to record altered her phone to make it sound like the shots fired from a distance from her and then loud shots recorded in close proximity of her that wasn't even on the side of the hotel where Paddock was? The official narrative is falling apart thanks to citizen journalists that are not afraid to ask the tough questions.

BTW, Paddock had a big #13 tattooed on his neck but the face and neck pics we were shown of his alleged corpse doesn't have that tat. So blow it out your ass about "confusion" are one of the sheeple.

Just waiting for Vegas now lol.
Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

oh, that only sounds SLIGHTLY less crazy.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

I think we need protections FROM the 2nd Amendment, as it allows 33,000 deaths a year so you can compensate for a tiny pecker.

So essentially, the government put a hit team in this hotel to frighten people,a nd then put up a patsy? Then why not get a patsy who had a clear objective? Why not hang this on a guy named Abdul or a White Supremecist group.

I guess it's "rogue" elements from a 'shadow' government because then you'd have to admit that Trump's stealing of the election didn't change anything for you guys.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......

Well, they have to be. Every last one of them would have to know that Sandy Hook hadn't been open in years, but are keeping quiet about it. That's 28,000 people in New Town. Then you'd have all the reporters, first responders, guys who delivered the porta-potties you seem obsessed about, who would all know this was a fake.

Or just one crazy guy with a gun shot up a school. OH, no, that's too horrible to contemplate because then we might start doing mental health screenings for people to own guns!

Yeah, I can see why THAT would terrify you.
You're a crazy person. so you think that Las Vegas was fake too?

Okay, buddy, so what's more probable.

That THOUSANDS of people were involved in a DHS Drill and then pretended it was a real thing, and not a ONE of them said, 'Na, man, we were just faking!"

Or one crazy person with a gun just started shooting people.

Occam's razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

You need to take your medication like the nice doctor says. Then the Lizard People will disappear.

Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.

More than one shooter, dude, and the official narrative is a load of bullshit.
No, just people confused by echoes. And then you, confused by just about everything. That's how we got to this point, right here, right now.

So the people that saw other shooters were lying or confused? The police that answered the call that reported multiple shooters were either lying or confused? The people that reported windows shot out at the Bellagio Hotel are lying? That the discovery that heavy ammunition hit the huge fuel tanks is a big lie? The cab driver that used her cellphone to record altered her phone to make it sound like the shots fired from a distance from her and then loud shots recorded in close proximity of her that wasn't even on the side of the hotel where Paddock was? The official narrative is falling apart thanks to citizen journalists that are not afraid to ask the tough questions.

BTW, Paddock had a big #13 tattooed on his neck but the face and neck pics we were shown of his alleged corpse doesn't have that tat. So blow it out your ass about "confusion" are one of the sheeple.
"So the people that saw other shooters were lying or confused? "

Educated liberals overuse the term 'racist'

(CNN)No one can fail to be amazed by the courage of the people who protested segregation and bigotry in the 1950s and 1960s. Those who endured physical injury justifiably stick in our minds the most.

Today's educated liberals lack the courage they admire in their forebears, at a time when it is needed more than ever. Namely, too many liberals in power lack the guts to sanction those dedicated to shouting down speakers from the right. Instead, they let pass a state of dialogue as choked as the one that Berkeley's Free Speech movement resisted.

Free speech doesn't come in zones

To hurl the N-word at someone is an attempt to shut down discussion. Today, the word "racist" serves the same function. Or, today's fashionable new version is the now grievously overused "white supremacist." Such that, for example, liberal man of letters and Columbia professor Mark Lilla is accused of making white supremacy "respectable" -- for suggesting that Democrats emphasize identity politics less with the goal of winning the White House from Donald Trump.
Of course, of late, a certain crowd is not only using single words, but completely silencing that which they don't want to hear and have decided no one else should either. The way actual white supremacist Richard Spencer was treated at the University of Florida Thursday was an example, now sadly typical, of how self-appointed social justice warriors refuse to allow unpopular speakers to even open their mouths during their events.

What Sessions doesn't know about free speech on campus

It has become clear over the past few years that the shouting students and their civilian accomplices (the latter of whom have sometimes outnumbered the former, as at Middlebury when Charles Murray was accosted) are a charismatic minority who do not represent general opinion, even among enlightened people on the left. The verdict is in: even those of us deeply committed to battling discrimination and inequality find this shutting down of speakers barbaric: unintellectual, uncivil, crude, counterproductive.

Educated liberals overuse the term 'racist' (opinion) - CNN
Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......
And I am saying that this same shit gets said every time a guy shoots a gun in public near buildings, because of echoes. Duh.

More than one shooter, dude, and the official narrative is a load of bullshit.
No, just people confused by echoes. And then you, confused by just about everything. That's how we got to this point, right here, right now.

So the people that saw other shooters were lying or confused? The police that answered the call that reported multiple shooters were either lying or confused? The people that reported windows shot out at the Bellagio Hotel are lying? That the discovery that heavy ammunition hit the huge fuel tanks is a big lie? The cab driver that used her cellphone to record altered her phone to make it sound like the shots fired from a distance from her and then loud shots recorded in close proximity of her that wasn't even on the side of the hotel where Paddock was? The official narrative is falling apart thanks to citizen journalists that are not afraid to ask the tough questions.

BTW, Paddock had a big #13 tattooed on his neck but the face and neck pics we were shown of his alleged corpse doesn't have that tat. So blow it out your ass about "confusion" are one of the sheeple.
"So the people that saw other shooters were lying or confused? "


So, the LEOs that were NOT there are the ones that we should all believe, correct???? HOLY fuck, are you ever fucking stupid and blind.....does your seeing eye dog help guide you to your braille keyboard? I bet if "da gubermint" and NASA reported to you that the moon was made of bleu cheese? You would sit back and think about how you would like a thinly cut slice and how it would taste on a Ritz strike me as just being THAT fucking stupid........God help us.
Nope, I am saying that there was more than one shooter and "da gubermint" is lying their asses off.......THAT is what I am saying.

oh, that only sounds SLIGHTLY less crazy.

Occam's razor can apply to this as well. Rogue elements within the shadow government is using Operation Gladio type attacks to frighten the sheeple into accepting more draconian survellience legislation while slowly eroding the protections provided by the second amendment.

I think we need protections FROM the 2nd Amendment, as it allows 33,000 deaths a year so you can compensate for a tiny pecker.

So essentially, the government put a hit team in this hotel to frighten people,a nd then put up a patsy? Then why not get a patsy who had a clear objective? Why not hang this on a guy named Abdul or a White Supremecist group.

I guess it's "rogue" elements from a 'shadow' government because then you'd have to admit that Trump's stealing of the election didn't change anything for you guys.

Thousands of people were not involved with Sandy Hoax, btw.......

Well, they have to be. Every last one of them would have to know that Sandy Hook hadn't been open in years, but are keeping quiet about it. That's 28,000 people in New Town. Then you'd have all the reporters, first responders, guys who delivered the porta-potties you seem obsessed about, who would all know this was a fake.

Or just one crazy guy with a gun shot up a school. OH, no, that's too horrible to contemplate because then we might start doing mental health screenings for people to own guns!

Yeah, I can see why THAT would terrify you.

"I think we need protections FROM the 2nd Amendment, as it allows 33,000 deaths a year so you can compensate for a tiny pecker"

64,000 died from illegal drug use and that is illegal..... and 2/3rds of all deaths via the use of a gun is suicide...more than likely due to big pharma psychotropic drug use. I have a Ruger P98 for the protection of my loved ones...what do you have? I suspect that if the virtue of one of your loved ones was in danger? You would toss them a pillow so that they would be more comfortable during the assault and somehow I bet that even under assault that they would be filled better than your tiny "johnson". I can't see someone like you taking any risk to your own personal safety to protect those that depend on you.....that is, if you have anyone that could stand living under the same roof as you.

Sandy Hoax was a false flag event........bottom line.... and just because you can't wrap your neanderthal sloped skull around it doesn't change reality. Take your little commie "2nd amendment" rants and shove them up your ass. If should "da gubermint" ever want to disarm me? They get the ammo and spent shells first and MILLIONS feel exactly the way that I do.......are ya gettin' the message that I am sending? Am I too subtle? Help me to help you so that we have communicated properly, "comrade".
Sandy Hoax was a false flag event........bottom line.... and just because you can't wrap your neanderthal sloped skull around it doesn't change reality. Take your little commie "2nd amendment" rants and shove them up your ass. If should "da gubermint" ever want to disarm me? They get the ammo and spent shells first and MILLIONS feel exactly the way that I do.......are ya gettin' the message that I am sending? Am I too subtle? Help me to help you so that we have communicated properly, "comrade".

Yeah, Ask David Koresh how well that works out!

Oh, wait, you probably think Waco was a Hoax, too.
64,000 died from illegal drug use and that is illegal..... and 2/3rds of all deaths via the use of a gun is suicide...more than likely due to big pharma psychotropic drug use.

Guy, I know you are upset the doctors keep telling you to take your medications, but you really need to take your medications, Cocksucker Dale.

Meds for what, Cocksucker Joe???? What meds do YOU take that causes you to act like such a sanctimonious prick? Maybe you should think about getting off of them.

Sandy Hoax was a false flag event........bottom line.... and just because you can't wrap your neanderthal sloped skull around it doesn't change reality. Take your little commie "2nd amendment" rants and shove them up your ass. If should "da gubermint" ever want to disarm me? They get the ammo and spent shells first and MILLIONS feel exactly the way that I do.......are ya gettin' the message that I am sending? Am I too subtle? Help me to help you so that we have communicated properly, "comrade".

Yeah, Ask David Koresh how well that works out!

Oh, wait, you probably think Waco was a Hoax, too.

No, innocent women and children were burned alive by your beloved "gubermint". If Koresh had broken any of this corporate entity's acts, statutes, codes or ordinances? They could have arrested him numerous times as he jogged outside of the compound. Instead, the ATF with their Rambo wannabes armed to the hilt invited the news cameras to record them illegally invading the compound full of women and children as a show of force.......didn't work out all that well for the "commandos" or the people there that were minding their own business, eh???
Here's another honest and horrified (real) liberal who is trying to describe what has happened to real liberalism, as he tries to bring it BACK.

I'm listening to an interview with him right now (with Sam Harris, another actual liberal)....

...and he's disappointed at how liberalism is being infested with people (Regressives, of course) who have taught nearly three generations of kids to think of politics through group identity, rather than what is best for the country. He says:

"What happened is that people who were wrapped up in the politics of these (identity) movements became very self-referential. And for them, an identity was not something that bound people together and to the country, but rather became a way of reflecting on DIFFERENCE, and a lot of groups broke apart on the basis of identity resentment. So the united front of the Left broke down over these identity issues.

"Then there was a retreat to the universities. So people on the Left really abandoned electoral politics in these groups, and instead developed this idea that all social change happens through social movements that are tied to identity.

"And you end up with Gender Theory, you end up with Race theory, you end up with Feminist Theory, and you end up now with maybe three generations of young people, liberal elites, who've been brought up in the universities to think about politics in terms of the group and their own individual identities, rather than the common good and a message that might bind us together as a nation."



From an LA Times review:

But the real problem, Lilla argues, is what American universities neglect to teach: a notion of citizenship, the common aims we share as a society, the ideals to which we should all subscribe and strive. Our universities failed “to teach young people that they share a destiny with all their fellow citizens and have duties toward them. Instead, they trained students to be spelunkers of their personal identities and left them incurious about the world outside their heads.Who you were — a black woman, a gay Jewish man — became all you were. And someone who didn’t share your material reality couldn’t possibly share your politics. You might be allies for a quick minute, but not longer."
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