The Psychology of Campus PC

I should also point out, that not even Fox News has Coulter on as a guest anymore, and nearly every newspaper that used to carry her column doesn't.

Because the campus snowflake mentality is infecting every quarter of our society.
True. For instance, look at the pasty white little pretzels the Trumpkins twist themselves into the moment anybody dares criticize the Dear quoting him.
I should also point out, that not even Fox News has Coulter on as a guest anymore, and nearly every newspaper that used to carry her column doesn't.

Because the campus snowflake mentality is infecting every quarter of our society.
True. For instance, look at the pasty white little pretzels the Trumpkins twist themselves into the moment anybody dares criticize the Dear quoting him.

Because the campus snowflake mentality is infecting every quarter of our society.


the stuff she says is so indecent, so tacky, that even Fox News realizes she does more damage to their cause than helps it.

Do you know where her weekly column is now? It's on a website no one else wants their stuff printed on. Fox doesn't want her, most TV shows won't have her on.

Which in turn, has resulted in her saying even more obnoxious things to get attention.
Because the campus snowflake mentality is infecting every quarter of our society.


the stuff she says is so indecent, so tacky, that even Fox News realizes she does more damage to their cause than helps it.

Do you know where her weekly column is now? It's on a website no one else wants their stuff printed on. Fox doesn't want her, most TV shows won't have her on.

Which in turn, has resulted in her saying even more obnoxious things to get attention.

You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.
And the "kids" ( pampering their little asses before the discussion even starts, I see) who did want them there, which includes a lot of people who disagree with the speakers (not every college student needs the whole world as a safe space), are also paying tuition. So that argument is stupid, and you should have dropped it 5 pages ago.

Who gives a shit what "extras" you or they want? That tuition money buys them the honor of being at a university and of having access to its resources. It does not buy them the university itself, or control over the ideas exchanged within it.

Again,if you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure the place for Ms. Coulter because she is such a horrible creature, that really does impose on the students paying 42K to be there.

Anyone who wants to hear anything Ann Coulter has to say probably has no business being on a university.

That's exactly right, and the momentum is building. REAL liberals DEMAND freedom of expression, REAL liberals aren't afraid of opposing speech, and they're starting to speak up.

Thank goodness.

Naw, nobody cares about your fake issue.
It does not impose on them. What an embarrassingly stupid idea. No offense, but that is utterly moronic and ethically backwards. Talk about "fake issues"...that retarded idea is as fake as it gets.
That's just way he is. Denial in the face of the obvious, that's the Regressive way.

He's not a serious poster, in case you couldn't already tell.
And the "kids" ( pampering their little asses before the discussion even starts, I see) who did want them there, which includes a lot of people who disagree with the speakers (not every college student needs the whole world as a safe space), are also paying tuition. So that argument is stupid, and you should have dropped it 5 pages ago.

Who gives a shit what "extras" you or they want? That tuition money buys them the honor of being at a university and of having access to its resources. It does not buy them the university itself, or control over the ideas exchanged within it.

Again,if you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure the place for Ms. Coulter because she is such a horrible creature, that really does impose on the students paying 42K to be there.

Anyone who wants to hear anything Ann Coulter has to say probably has no business being on a university.

That's exactly right, and the momentum is building. REAL liberals DEMAND freedom of expression, REAL liberals aren't afraid of opposing speech, and they're starting to speak up.

Thank goodness.

Naw, nobody cares about your fake issue.
It does not impose on them. What an embarrassingly stupid idea. No offense, but that is utterly moronic and ethically backwards. Talk about "fake issues"...that retarded idea is as fake as it gets.
That's just way he is. Denial in the face of the obvious, that's the Regressive way.

He's not a serious poster, in case you couldn't already tell.
Maybe, but you can be sure that the bad ideas he is laying down in this thread are taken seriously by too many people.
You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.
You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.
"I would call it 'Having common decency". "

Of course you would, because that is what people do when they have to polish up a turd: They give it a pretty little name. Like, "The Patriot Act", or "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act". This is done in lieu of having strong arguments or evidence.
And the "kids" ( pampering their little asses before the discussion even starts, I see) who did want them there, which includes a lot of people who disagree with the speakers (not every college student needs the whole world as a safe space), are also paying tuition. So that argument is stupid, and you should have dropped it 5 pages ago.

Who gives a shit what "extras" you or they want? That tuition money buys them the honor of being at a university and of having access to its resources. It does not buy them the university itself, or control over the ideas exchanged within it.

Again,if you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure the place for Ms. Coulter because she is such a horrible creature, that really does impose on the students paying 42K to be there.

Anyone who wants to hear anything Ann Coulter has to say probably has no business being on a university.

That's exactly right, and the momentum is building. REAL liberals DEMAND freedom of expression, REAL liberals aren't afraid of opposing speech, and they're starting to speak up.

Thank goodness.

Naw, nobody cares about your fake issue.
It does not impose on them. What an embarrassingly stupid idea. No offense, but that is utterly moronic and ethically backwards. Talk about "fake issues"...that retarded idea is as fake as it gets.
That's just way he is. Denial in the face of the obvious, that's the Regressive way.

He's not a serious poster, in case you couldn't already tell.
Maybe, but you can be sure that the bad ideas he is laying down in this thread are taken seriously by too many people.
Well, it's not like he's changing any minds. Although maybe he thinks he is, who knows.

He's useful, though, as a case study on the behaviors of the Illiberal Authoritarian Left, the Regressives.
Of course you would, because that is what people do when they have to polish up a turd: They give it a pretty little name. Like, "The Patriot Act". This is done in lieu of having strong arguments or evidence.

Guy, if you are on a list where you are banned, like Coulter or Milo, you probably did something to deserve it?

Remember Milo? He was the darling of the right wing, until he came out and said how wonderful it was a priest molested him. They aren't answering his calls anymore.

IF Fox News isn't willing to pay these people put their filth on the air because it makes conservatives look stupid, there's no reason why College kids should have to put up with them.
And the "kids" ( pampering their little asses before the discussion even starts, I see) who did want them there, which includes a lot of people who disagree with the speakers (not every college student needs the whole world as a safe space), are also paying tuition. So that argument is stupid, and you should have dropped it 5 pages ago.

Who gives a shit what "extras" you or they want? That tuition money buys them the honor of being at a university and of having access to its resources. It does not buy them the university itself, or control over the ideas exchanged within it.

Again,if you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure the place for Ms. Coulter because she is such a horrible creature, that really does impose on the students paying 42K to be there.

Anyone who wants to hear anything Ann Coulter has to say probably has no business being on a university.

That's exactly right, and the momentum is building. REAL liberals DEMAND freedom of expression, REAL liberals aren't afraid of opposing speech, and they're starting to speak up.

Thank goodness.

Naw, nobody cares about your fake issue.
It does not impose on them. What an embarrassingly stupid idea. No offense, but that is utterly moronic and ethically backwards. Talk about "fake issues"...that retarded idea is as fake as it gets.
That's just way he is. Denial in the face of the obvious, that's the Regressive way.

He's not a serious poster, in case you couldn't already tell.
Maybe, but you can be sure that the bad ideas he is laying down in this thread are taken seriously by too many people.
Well, it's not like he's changing any minds. Although maybe he thinks he is, who knows.

He's useful, though, as a case study on the behaviors of the Illiberal Authoritarian Left, the Regressives.
At some point, someone wielding the same idea he is using did change a lot of people's minds. Berkeley was once a bastion of free speech and open exchange of radical ideas. Now it's a place where people's fear of having to do the hard work of confronting an argument with a better argument allows them to just close the stadium and declare victory without the game even being played.
You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.

Fucking lol. Common decency as defined by the left is... what? Literally nothing is taboo anymore thanks to you people. It's your fault that everybody has become so nihilistic and depraved. Oh, but we must ban Ann Coulter from having a platform to tell her edgy jokes.
Of course you would, because that is what people do when they have to polish up a turd: They give it a pretty little name. Like, "The Patriot Act". This is done in lieu of having strong arguments or evidence.

Guy, if you are on a list where you are banned, like Coulter or Milo, you probably did something to deserve it?

Remember Milo? He was the darling of the right wing, until he came out and said how wonderful it was a priest molested him. They aren't answering his calls anymore.

IF Fox News isn't willing to pay these people put their filth on the air because it makes conservatives look stupid, there's no reason why College kids should have to put up with them.
"Guy, if you are on a list where you are banned, like Coulter or Milo, you probably did something to deserve it? "

Like, the prospect CNN being banned from White house press conferences? Damn this is a terrible argument. Neither of those two people ever "did" a damn thing, besides voice ideas that upset you. So, every list of "banned ideas" or people is justified, just by its own existence? Circular and absurd. get that weak shit out of here,.
Again,if you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure the place for Ms. Coulter because she is such a horrible creature, that really does impose on the students paying 42K to be there.

Anyone who wants to hear anything Ann Coulter has to say probably has no business being on a university.

Naw, nobody cares about your fake issue.
It does not impose on them. What an embarrassingly stupid idea. No offense, but that is utterly moronic and ethically backwards. Talk about "fake issues"...that retarded idea is as fake as it gets.
That's just way he is. Denial in the face of the obvious, that's the Regressive way.

He's not a serious poster, in case you couldn't already tell.
Maybe, but you can be sure that the bad ideas he is laying down in this thread are taken seriously by too many people.
Well, it's not like he's changing any minds. Although maybe he thinks he is, who knows.

He's useful, though, as a case study on the behaviors of the Illiberal Authoritarian Left, the Regressives.
At some point, someone wielding the same idea he is using did change a lot of people's minds. Berkeley was once a bastion of free speech and open exchange of radical ideas. Now it's a place where people's fear of having to do the hard work of confronting an argument with a better argument allows them to just close the stadium and declare victory without the game even being played.
Yeah, this took place over a period of a couple of generations, and really took hold after the 2008 elections.

The Regressives figured they had the future in the bag because of America's changing demographics. They screwed up, they jumped too soon, and the Great Pushback of 2016 happened.

I remain confident that the honest liberals will win out ultimately. Look at what these have said:

You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.

Fucking lol. Common decency as defined by the left is... what? Literally nothing is taboo anymore thanks to you people. It's your fault that everybody has become so nihilistic and depraved. Oh, but we must ban Ann Coulter from having a platform to tell her edgy jokes.
See? There you go, that's what I am talking about. I would not run like a little sissy from the idiotic things you are saying. I would shine a spotlight right on you and attempt to crush your idiotic ideas with better ideas, with everyone watching. These students , if they have an ounce of intellectual sand, should be begging for these losers to come speak in public, so they can be given their medicine.
You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.

Fucking lol. Common decency as defined by the left is... what? Literally nothing is taboo anymore thanks to you people. It's your fault that everybody has become so nihilistic and depraved. Oh, but we must ban Ann Coulter from having a platform to tell her edgy jokes.
See? There you go, that's what I am talking about. I would not run like a little sissy from the idiotic things you are saying. I would shine a spotlight right on you and attempt to crush your idiotic ideas with better ideas, with everyone watching. These students , if they have an ounce of intellectual sand, should be begging for these losers to come speak in public, so they can be given their medicine.
And look at what this madness is doing to our kids: Teaching them that, when confronted with an opposing view, they should (a) shut it down, (b) shout if down, or (c) run to a safe space where they don't have to hear it.

It's indefensible, what's being done to our kids, but these people do it anyway.
See? There you go, that's what I am talking about. I would not run like a little sissy from the idiotic things you are saying. I would shine a spotlight right on you and attempt to crush your idiotic ideas with better ideas, with everyone watching. These students , if they have an ounce of intellectual sand, should be begging for these losers to come speak in public, so they can be given their medicine.

The entire reason the left wants to deprive the right wing of a platform to speak is because they can't refute our logic. They know we're right and it terrifies them that we're winning hearts and minds so they are compelled to shut us down lest the "infection" spread. Too late, snowflakes!
You're only proving my point. Even the left's most hated news organization, the "far right extremists" over at Fox have let themselves be turned into sniveling cowards afraid of controversial opinions.

I would call it 'Having common decency".

If the purpose of discussion is to sway opinions and make points, how does it help the conservative point of view to have Ann Coulter say things like "the 9/11 Widows are enjoying their husband's deaths"?

Now I know why Coulter does these things. Because it sells books for her. Except she has to say increasingly obnoxious things to get attention because people are more and more likely to ignore her.

Fucking lol. Common decency as defined by the left is... what? Literally nothing is taboo anymore thanks to you people. It's your fault that everybody has become so nihilistic and depraved. Oh, but we must ban Ann Coulter from having a platform to tell her edgy jokes.
See? There you go, that's what I am talking about. I would not run like a little sissy from the idiotic things you are saying. I would shine a spotlight right on you and attempt to crush your idiotic ideas with better ideas, with everyone watching. These students , if they have an ounce of intellectual sand, should be begging for these losers to come speak in public, so they can be given their medicine.
And look at what this madness is doing to our kids: Teaching them that, when confronted with an opposing view, they should (a) shut it down, (b) shout if down, or (c) run to a safe space where they don't have to hear it.

It's indefensible, what's being done to our kids, but these people do it anyway.
I agree 100%. And it's creating an entire generation of ostensibly "educated" people who lack the most fundamental of intellectual tools. This will not only undermine our ability to whittle away bad ideas down to better ideas, but it will also undermine the basis of our democratic process.
At some point, someone wielding the same idea he is using did change a lot of people's minds. Berkeley was once a bastion of free speech and open exchange of radical ideas. Now it's a place where people's fear of having to do the hard work of confronting an argument with a better argument allows them to just close the stadium and declare victory without the game even being played.

Again, the thing is, talking with Coulter or Milo is like wrestling a pig.

You both get covered in shit, but the pig enjoys it!
See? There you go, that's what I am talking about. I would not run like a little sissy from the idiotic things you are saying. I would shine a spotlight right on you and attempt to crush your idiotic ideas with better ideas, with everyone watching. These students , if they have an ounce of intellectual sand, should be begging for these losers to come speak in public, so they can be given their medicine.

The entire reason the left wants to deprive the right wing of a platform to speak is because they can't refute our logic. They know we're right and it terrifies them that we're winning hearts and minds so they are compelled to shut us down lest the "infection" spread. Too late, snowflakes!
That's not why, stop jerking yourself off.

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